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Example sentences for "bather"

Lexicographically close words:
bateliers; batell; bath; bathe; bathed; bathers; bathes; bathhouse; bathing; bathings
  1. The soap is then washed off with water, when the bather having finished washing, and enveloped himself in dry towels, returns to the beytowwal and reclines.

  2. The bather sits on one of the marble seats, or lies on the leewan or near one of the tanks, and the operator then commences his work.

  3. The diminution of temperature is much more rapid when the water is in motion, or when the bather moves about; because, if the water is still, the layer of it in immediate contact with the body is warmed to a certain degree.

  4. The bather is made to lie down on one of the lower benches, and gradually to ascend to the higher and hotter ones.

  5. The bather having entered this apartment soon perspires profusely from the humid heat which is produced by the hot water of tanks and fountains, and by the steam of the boiler.

  6. The next operation is rubbing the bather's flesh with a small coarse woollen bag, after which the bather dips himself in one of the tanks.

  7. The bather is ushered into them, and finds himself in a room full of vapour, which is surrounded by a wooden platform rising in steps to near the roof of the room.

  8. When the bather has undressed, the attendant opens to him the door of the inner and principal apartment.

  9. He is next taken to one of the chambers in the corner, and the operator lathers the bather with fibres of the palm tree, soap and water.

  10. Before entering the bath rooms proper, the bather must divest himself of his clothing, and assume the bathing garment.

  11. It is an excellent plan to provide a slight screen in one corner of the washing room, behind which the entering bather may, if he chooses, have a warm spray from a large rose before proceeding to the hot rooms.

  12. Next to this must be considered the space allowed for each bather to dress in, and also the routes for bathers and attendants.

  13. All purposes will be served by a bath which will allow the bather to swim without touching the sides with his hands, and to dive along under water without danger of striking his head at the other end before he rises to the surface.

  14. The worst position for the closets is near the door by which the bather leaves the lavatorium.

  15. In the cooling room the bather will often stay longer than in any other apartment, and no pains should be spared to render it healthy, comfortable, and attractive.

  16. Perspiration having been induced, the bather submits to the kneading of the muscles of the trunk and limbs by the shampooer.

  17. From this frigidarium the bather can return to his dressing-box by way of a lobby.

  18. In the ordinary hot-air bath, the heated air is simply a medium; and, as I have endeavoured to explain in the body of this little work, the heat is best supplied to the body of the bather by direct radiation.

  19. As the best position for a bather to assume in the sudatorium is one approaching to the horizontal, a bath cannot be considered complete unless a liberal number of marble-slabbed benches be provided.

  20. Thus the ancient bather would not suffer the inconvenience that accrues to the bather in the modern hot-air bath, whose head, when he is standing upright, is in a considerably higher temperature than any other portion of his body.

  21. The bather stands in the centre of the apparatus, with the ribs encircling him.

  22. Only a small hole is left for entrance, and this is closed up after the bather enters.

  23. Let us now endeavour to explain the theory of the Turkish Bath, and the why and wherefore of the different operations the bather subjects himself to therein.

  24. But however cold the water douche may be, by which this operation is performed, to the bather it seems most pleasant and delicious.

  25. We have thus stated briefly, the various operations a bather goes through in the ordinary Turkish bath of our towns and cities.

  26. At the door of the Frigidarium or cool room, the would-be bather loosens the latchets of his shoes, and leaves them behind the lintel; the portal opens and he enters.

  27. Every particle of impurity may be said to have exuded from the blood, which is now pure as the constitution of the bather can permit it to be, and every particle of impurity has been washed by shampooing from the outer surface.

  28. But it is possible that the bather may prefer to recline while enjoying this calming and luxuriant bath.

  29. The bather might scrape (destringere) and oil (deungere) himself, or he might receive a regular massage at the hands of a trained slave.

  30. The bather was often treated twice, before the warm bath and after the cold bath; the first might be omitted, but the second never.

  31. The regular price at Rome for men seems to have been a quadrans, less than a cent, the bather furnishing his own towels, oil, etc.

  32. But the bath-room, after all, is nobody's single possession, and the motto that pleased one bather might seem a false note to another.

  33. Sooner or later, in either case, the bather must sit down--and where then is his personal dignity?

  34. Nevertheless it was a relief to him when the bather after a plunge and a few strokes came out.

  35. When the bather had finished dressing, he kneeled on the grass, doing something with his hands, and again stood up with his bundle under his arm.

  36. Prone in another ditch (he had changed his ditch as his man had changed his position), and holding apart so small a patch of the hedge that the sharpest eyes could not have detected him, Rogue Riderhood watched the bather dressing.

  37. One cannot imagine a hotter vapor bath than this system produces, and when the bather has satisfied himself inside, he darts from the sweat-lodge into the river, winter or summer.

  38. When the stones are ready, the bather crawls inside the sweat-lodge, and an assistant rolls the hot stones from the fire, and into the lodge.

  39. Illustration] [Here follow several other sketches of the bather in various attitudes].

  40. The bather should direct all his care to insure this effect.

  41. In the early use of this form of the sponge-bath, the bather should content himself with a single affusion from the sponge; the body should be quickly wiped with a soft towel, and friction applied with a crash towel or a brush.

  42. When the heat of the system is adequate, the bather may stand or sit in a shallow tub, while he receives the water from a sponge squeezed over the shoulders or against the body.

  43. The practice was indulged in by people of both sexes, and the time when applied depended much on the treatment the bather was taking.

  44. The Clipeus was heated by means of a separate heating apparatus, and its temperature could be raised to an enormous degree or could be regulated to suit the bather by raising or lowering the shield.

  45. If the bather happened to be ill, he was supposed to be washed clean of sickness.

  46. But in Virginia the bath went like this: the bather heated ten or twelve small or "pebble" stones in a fire.

  47. The bather then stripped, grabbed a blanket, and shut the door.

  48. Salt-water bathing is refreshing and invigorating for those who are healthy, but the bather should come out of the water the moment there is the slightest feeling of chilliness.

  49. The lack of this reaction may be due to the water being too cold, the bath too prolonged, or to the bather being in a low condition of health.

  50. If a town grew up, the inhabitants must not be annoyed with indecent spectacles; and therefore it became the duty of the bather to retire to remoter situations.

  51. The bather covered his body with the suds, and the contents of the jug was emptied on the floor of the lodge by the attendant.

  52. The bather undressed in the apodyterium, or perhaps in the tepidarium, where he was rubbed with unguents; then he took a sweat in the caldarium, following it with a warm bath.

  53. The bather could scarcely feel the narrowness of a room, the decoration of which was so suggestive of expanse and open air.

  54. Places were probably assigned in numerical order, each bather awaiting his turn.

  55. On the other hand, the whole of the little town, Kohol with all the Jewish authorities and the bather and the grave-digger, trembled before the lunatic, closed door and window at his approach.

  56. The doctor said: "I need not extol to you the benefits of dry swimming, which does not moisten the body except by perspiration, and consequently does not expose our imaginary bather to any danger of rheumatism.

  57. Every bather would gladly have seized a pickax to make another hole beside that of the vagabond.

  58. In cold weather the bather undresses in the former, which has two or three raised seats like those of the meslakh.

  59. It is remarkable, that while the bather is burning with heat, the flesh of this fiend, though exposed to the same temperature, is as cold and chilling as monumental marble.

  60. This room contained a labrum, or circular marble basin, containing cold water for pouring over the head before the bather left the caldarium.

  61. From the tepidarium the bather might enter the caldarium or sweating room, an apartment constructed with double walls and floor, between which hot air was made to pass.

  62. After a course of sweating the bather had the sweat removed from his body by the strigil, in much the same way as a horse is scraped with a bent piece of hoop-iron by a groom.

  63. Rubbing with towels followed the use of the strigil, and the bather finally lounged in the tepidarium for a varying period before entering the outer air.

  64. When the bather is properly clad in the bathing suit, the "machine" is picked up by two stalwart attendants, who run poles through the sides of the house and carry it down to the edge of the water, where my lady may step into the surf.

  65. Each is independent of the other and is about four feet square, with a narrow door and, inside, a seat made of board resting on cleats nailed to the side, and hooks fastened above it on which the bather hangs his or her garments.

  66. A tepid bath may be taken at almost any time, and a bather may remain longer in one, with safety, than in a cold bath.

  67. The icy temperature of the water seemed to bite into my flesh, my teeth chattered, and the bather who held me by both my hands was as blue as his dress.

  68. Our mutual isolation had the effect of establishing a friendship between the bather and myself.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bather" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.