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Example sentences for "burberry"

Lexicographically close words:
buoyant; buoyantly; buoyed; buoying; buoys; burble; burbling; burde; burden; burdened
  1. When it was calm, with full sunshine, the Burberry jacket was too warm; we could then go all day in our shirt-sleeves.

  2. The Burberry suits were drying and the ice was melting off our beards.

  3. Burberry suits of the rowers crackled as the men bent to the oars.

  4. The Burberry wind-proof outer garments were old and in poor order for the start of a season's sledging.

  5. I was unfortunate as regarded footgear, since I had given away my heavy Burberry boots on the floe, and had now a comparatively light pair in poor condition.

  6. Our Burberry wind-clothes were made in the form of anorak (blouse) and trousers, both very roomy.

  7. We had overalls of two different materials: Burberry "gabardine" and the ordinary green kind that is used in Norway in the winter.

  8. Our clothing in moderate temperatures consisted of thick woollen underclothing and Burberry windproof overalls.

  9. She loaded the revolver, and tucked it in the pocket of the Burberry coat which she slipped on in the hall.

  10. I heard Medlicott's box unloaded alongside of me, but just as this was being completed I felt some one tugging at the Burberry I was wearing, a corner of which was showing from under the rubbish.

  11. The method was for me to sit down in a convenient ditch or hollow, and for Buckley to put his Burberry over my head.

  12. We therefore wore Jaeger underclothing and burberry wind clothing as overalls.

  13. During the afternoon I cut up Mertz's burberry jacket and roughly sewed it to a large canvas clothes-bag, making a sail which could be readily set or furled, so as to save delay in starting out or in camping.

  14. These mitts or rather gauntlets were made longer in the arms than usual so as to overlap the burberry sleeves and keep the wrists warm.

  15. A thing which helped us unexpectedly was that, now with the wind behind, we found it unnecessary to wear the stiff, heavy, frozen, burberry trousers.

  16. The door of the tent was an oval funnel of burberry material just large enough to admit a man and secured by a draw-string.

  17. Outside all other garments the burberry gabardine was worn.

  18. The burberry helmet completely enclosed the head except for the face, which remained uncovered at the bottom of a funnel stiffened by several rings of copper-wire.

  19. Under ordinary circumstances it was very convenient to have a blouse and helmet detached, as one so often could wear the former with a well-padded woollen helmet and be reduced only as a last resource to wearing the burberry helmet.

  20. Mertz's burberry trousers had gone down with the sledge and the best substitute he could get was a pair of thick Jaeger woollen under-trousers from the spare clothing we possessed.

  21. The burberry helmet and blouse were either in one piece or separate.

  22. Burberry gabardine was found to possess all these properties, and two complete suits were made up for each man.

  23. At noon, the wind eased down and snow ceased falling, so we slipped into our burberry over-suits and climbed out to dig for the sledges.

  24. It would not run to more than a cart, but she had not been used to luxury, and was quite content in her Burberry and cap.

  25. A moment later as they bade each other goodnight, the light through the opened door fell full upon the face of the real Teresa in her Burberry and knitted cap, and looking at her, Peignton felt a sudden stab of disappointment.

  26. In the great hall she slid her arms into a Burberry coat, pulled a knitted cap over her head, and passing out of the porch sprang lightly to the front seat of a shabby dog-cart.

  27. I have a distinct recollection of taking off my Burberry and laying it over the girl, who was huddled in the back of the car, and of Brand saying, "Where can we take her?

  28. The night was rainy and sticky, and what with two suits, a heavy trench burberry lined, and with about ten pounds of food, I developed a most awful stitch in my side.

  29. I now walked on a hundred yards ahead alone, with a good Prussian swagger, wearing my burberry and cap.

  30. With my burberry on and field cap I passed as a German.

  31. I had a Burberry that I had dragged along with me on the trek, and I often changed it for one very similar, having made rents and marks similar on both.

  32. At the present moment I'm snugly settled inside my Burberry sleeping-bag.

  33. I have contrived to be comfortable by the help of my Burberry sleeping-bag and riding coat, combined with a travelling rug that is warm with distant and pleasant memories.

  34. While carrying my burberry on my arm and wearing a mufti jacket and fez, I passed for a local inhabitant.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burberry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.