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Example sentences for "calf"

Lexicographically close words:
calendering; calenders; calendrical; calends; calenture; calfe; calfs; calfskin; caliber; calibered
  1. He rose, brushed his clothes sheepishly, and looked through the hedge at the calf which had turned and stood eyeing him now with an expression of injured innocence.

  2. Get some meal in that bucket for my cow, and see that her calf don't get to her--I'll do the rest.

  3. Norman grabbed the calf by the ear with one hand and by the tail with the other, and started toward the gate.

  4. But where's the calf I'm supposed to be watching?

  5. With a loud bellow the calf plunged into a wilder race around the lot, dragging his tormentor now with regular, graceful easy jumps.

  6. At the other end of the barn, a red and white calf came up to meet them.

  7. Clematis stuck one hand out timidly, and pulled it back again, when the calf tried to lick it with his rough tongue.

  8. The polished calf and imitation crushed morocco must go, and in its place a rougher, thicker leather must be employed.

  9. Since about 1830 hardly any really sound calf seems to have been used, as, whether thick or thin, it appears generally to have perished.

  10. The deterioration of calf bindings at the latter end of the 19th century may be attributed as much to the excessive thinness as to the poor quality of the material.

  11. During the latter part of the 18th century it became customary to pare down calf until it was as thin as paper.

  12. Old brown calf has lasted fairly well, but loses its flexibility, and becomes stiff and brittle when exposed to light and air.

  13. Modern vegetable-tanned calf has become a highly unsatisfactory material, and until some radical changes are made in the methods of manufacturing it, it should not be used for bookbinding.

  14. Porous leather, such as calf or sheep skin, will need to be washed over with paste-water, and then sized.

  15. Like box-calf is th' skin of th' calf of th' box-cow.

  16. And, albeit they now and then twin, yet herein they seem to come short of that commodity which is looked for in other countries, to wit, in that they bring forth most commonly but one calf at once.

  17. In my time a cow hath risen from four nobles to four marks by this means, which notwithstanding were no great price if they did yearly bring forth more than one calf a piece, as I hear they do in other countries.

  18. And I myself being superintendent-in-chief of the whole establishment of animals, there remained only little Franz to whose special care the calf could be committed.

  19. It is impossible, as readers know, to take to a tree when on a cycle, so there was nothing else to do but set a pace for a crazy calf and a drove of jealous buffalo, and for the next mile and a half we did so.

  20. I do not believe the buffalos had any premeditated intention of attacking us, but as we wheeled slowly through a drove, a calf became imbued with the idea that bicycles were dangerous.

  21. Only a flesh wound in the calf of his left leg, sire," replied Butzow.

  22. Only a flesh wound in the calf of the leg.

  23. Apart from the acute pain in my calf I knew that the dacoit's knife had bitten deeply, by reason of the fact that a warm liquid was trickling down into my boot.

  24. As my legs went through the opening, an acute pain in one calf told me that I was not to escape scatheless from the night's melee.

  25. The calf pranced and ran, and before it knew its whereabouts was in the broad-bottomed boat.

  26. Daisied and clovered fields the calf was dragged through; young corn and potato lots suffered alike by the pressure of hoof and foot.

  27. Soldiers from camp, light-horse and militia from New Jersey, had gathered on the island, and had been at work a day and a night when the news came to the Kull cottage that in a few minutes its cow and calf would be called for.

  28. Cow and calf, or rather calf and cow, never before were given such a race.

  29. In it Sleet drank deep, and soothed for a moment the bites that tormented her; the children kneeled on the grassy bank, and drank from their palms; the calf frolicked in it, till driven out.

  30. A calf sucked off the ring of Mrs Mountjoy of Brechin: she kept the calf for three years, and when it became veal, or rather beef, the ring was found in its inside.

  31. Calf love, you will say, is not a matter worth bothering one's brains about.

  32. I felt an inclination to eat some veal and walked on shore and killed a very fine buffaloe calf and a large woolf, much the whitest I had seen, it was quite as white as the wool of the common sheep.

  33. Capt Clark informed me that he saw a large drove of buffaloe pursued by wolves today, that they at length caught a calf which was unable to keep up with the herd.

  34. Side and killed a Cow & Calf the calf was verry fine their bases.

  35. N W I with 15 men turned out Indians joined us on horseback, shot with arrows rode along side of buffaloel and killed 8 buffalow & one Deer, one Cow and Calf was brought in, two Cows which I killed at 7 miles Dst.

  36. I walked on shore this evening and killed a buffaloe cow and calf, we found the calf most excellent veal.

  37. I met with a buffaloe calf which attatched itself to me and continued to follow close at my heels untill I embarked and left it.

  38. Why then, depart in peace, and let the child wake her with crying; for the ewe that will not hear her lamb when it baes, will never answer a calf when he bleats.

  39. Bear in mind that Russian calf is used for tooling and stamping, and ooze cow or calf for perforated designs.

  40. Two or three very large circular impressions in the mud indicated the presence of bulls, while the oval and small ones showed us signs of cow and calf elephants.

  41. Among the so-called Æsop’s Fables is also one where a calf laughs at a draught ox for bearing his drudgery so patiently.

  42. The wolf also shall [now] dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.

  43. The calf that was set up at Dan defiled that people until the captivity of the land (Judg 18:30).

  44. The calf is fat and the knife is sharp--but no report of the killing has come in.

  45. They had been working industriously for perhaps half an hour when old Peter glanced up from the calf upon which he was sitting and encountered Hope Hathaway's quiet eyes watching them interestedly.

  46. It had probably been used to shelter a calf when the place had been run by a farmer.

  47. He looked up at the old rancher as a calf might look for protection to a cow.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "calf" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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