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Example sentences for "caved"

Lexicographically close words:
cavatina; cave; cavea; caveat; caveats; caveman; cavemen; cavern; caverned; cavernes
  1. As a general thing, the facing of stone had fallen to the ground, and some of the smaller mounds had caved in; showing, perhaps, that they were used as burial mounds.

  2. Then I felt myself being pulled upward, back to the surface of the water; my chest caved in, and I fainted.

  3. The other day a hole caved in, burying up to the neck two unfortunates who were in it at the time.

  4. Many holes, which had been excavated and prepared for working at a great expense, caved in during the heavy rains of the fall and winter.

  5. The well was generally a ten foot shallow well dug down by the slough, poorly planked, and frequently it caved in; another well was dug much in the same manner as the old one, the new well soon meeting with the same ending as the former one.

  6. On pay day our citizens were greatly amused to see our streets crowded with Irishmen, all wearing bell crowned hats, and as 'fire water' was plenty, before night a great many of the hats were caved in.

  7. It ought to be in pretty good shape inside; the conical top wouldn't allow dust to accumulate, and from the outside nothing seems to be caved in or crushed.

  8. Two titan swaths of destruction stretched from the glen to the Frye farmyard, monstrous prints covered the bare patches of ground, and one side of the old red barn had completely caved in.

  9. It had caved in like an egg-shell, and amongst the ruins nothing living or dead could be discovered--only a stench and a tarry stickiness.

  10. Inside his convict's cotton shirt his chest was caved away almost to nothing, and from the collarless neckband his neck rose as bony as a plucked fowl's, with great, blue cords in it.

  11. Now he wore them until there were gaped places between the plaits where the fine, fragile linen had ripped lengthwise, and the collars were frayed down and broken across and caved in limply.

  12. Elsewhere, a high acclivity, with the beach between it and the river, the ridge broken and caved away, so that the earth looks fresh and yellow, and is penetrated by the nests of birds.

  13. Near the house are the remains of a covered way, by which the French once attempted to gain admittance into the fort; but the work caved in and buried a good many of them, and the rest gave up the siege.

  14. I published such an experience in the Enterprise, once, and from it I will take an extract: AN HOUR IN THE CAVED MINES.

  15. A large portion of the second, third and fourth galleries had caved in and gone to destruction--the two latter at seven o'clock on the previous evening.

  16. Here, also, was a range of timbers, for a distance of twenty feet, tilted six inches out of the perpendicular by the weight resting upon them from the caved galleries above.

  17. Before the Spanish caved in, some of their twelve-inch horizontal timbers were compressed in this way until they were only five inches thick!

  18. All of them are flooded now; the sun bomb caved them in when the primary shock wave hit the surface of the water.

  19. The children dug holes in the sand, made miniature cities and railroads, built tunnels which caved in, and finally started to make a cabin of driftwood.

  20. But just as it was completed the whole thing caved in.

  21. Many houses in town were cracked and otherwise damaged, and some caved in altogether.

  22. After that the store occupied by Meyer & Breslauer caved in, smashing show cases and shelves, and ruining a large amount of merchandise.

  23. Hundreds of Prussians must at that moment be entombed in those dug-outs, of which the entrances had caved in under the terrific power of the H.

  24. Too late they discovered that the dug-out had caved in under the impact of a huge shell, and only the entrance and a few steps were left.

  25. In about a week from the time our place caved in we were taken out to get wood again.

  26. The earth had caved in in the form of a slant, and, with a cry of joy, our friends began mounting this.

  27. The surface of the ground above had given way and caved in, making the opening above the village of stone huts more than four times its former size.

  28. They found no alcohol, for the only ruin where drugs or liquors had evidently been sold had caved in, a mass of shattered brickwork, smashing every bottle in the place.

  29. The whole roof had caved in, crushing down the upper stories, of which only a few sparse upstanding metal beams remained.

  30. The mouth of the dungeon had completely caved in!

  31. But the other three in the party had hardly entered that hole when the entrance caved in.

  32. After the capture of Fort Donelson, Foote demanded to be allowed at once to go with his gunboats to Nashville, to clear the Tennessee; but Halleck caved in, or rather comprehended not.

  33. But Lee and his generals understood how to make a bold show, and a bold, menacing front, with what was not yet disorganized, and our generals caved in, in the council.

  34. McClellan caved in before a brook, as the Chickahominy.

  35. McClellan had the most gigantic resources in men and material ever put in the hands of a commander, and caved in.

  36. Several other claims had been worked here; but the shafts of the other mines had caved in years and years before.

  37. Maybe he was the fellow who caved in the Crayton shaft.

  38. He told us that old shaft was caved in--" "No.

  39. You know it wouldn't have caved if you had done your work properly," said Mr. Fordham sharply.

  40. He was leading them up the path which went to the abandoned mine where the shaft had been caved in by some miscreant.

  41. You knew the shaft up there was caved in," Chet said to the Indian.

  42. You--you don't mean the mine's all caved in?

  43. Thirty foot of the bottom of the shaft's caved in.

  44. There was five of the boys 'sides your father in the tunnel, and when the shot went off the shoring at the bottom of the shaft shook right out and she caved in!

  45. Then he wouldn't have caved in this shaft," Dig said slowly.

  46. I want to see if they do get Tony Traddles," Chet said eagerly, and set off for the grove of trees directly above the mouth of the mine that had been caved in because of Tony Traddles' negligence.

  47. That shows what a narrow escape we have had; for if that outer rock had been a foot or so higher, the skin would have caved in, and our place would have been filled chock up with snow in a moment.

  48. Yes, the others are coming; only about twelve feet of the roof caved in, and the two Indians and Sam soon got in among the horses.

  49. I caved on the home stretch and dropped my load there.

  50. The old ice-house has caved in, just as they feared it would.

  51. The day before, when looking for Nicknack, Uncle Frank and Daddy Martin had tunneled to the bungalow door, but in the night this tunnel had caved in, so they had to do the work over again.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.