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Example sentences for "cittie"

Lexicographically close words:
citronella; citrons; citrus; cits; cittern; citty; cittye; city; citye; citys
  1. So all things being in good order they departed, hauing in their companie the same captaine and souldiers, that vnto that time had beene their guard, vntil they came vnto the cittie of Aucheo whereas the vizroy was.

  2. The entrie of the Spaniards into the cittie of Aucheo, and how the vizroy did entertaine and receiue them.

  3. They that were determined to go vnto Luzon, doo departe for the cittie of Chincheo: in which voyage they see many riuers and townes: and other particular things.

  4. Of many other kingdomes that are in this new world, and of their names and properties, but in especiall of that famous cittie of Malaca.

  5. Seemingly the decision to hold this area after the massacre, "James Cittie with Paspehay," took the families back to the land.

  6. The Court of Aldermen in the meantime appointed a committee to consider what suits were "fitt to be made to the Kinges most excellent Maiestye for ye good of this Cittie and the enlarging of the libertyes and priviledge of the same.

  7. The companies of the cittie in their liveries stoode in their rayles of tymber, covered with blew cloth, all of them saluting her highnesse, as shee proceeded along to Paules Church.

  8. Right worshipfull my good countreymen & citezens of this most noble cittie of London.

  9. I received yours and understand by severall gentlemen of the millitia of London how much you are desired and importuned to accepte of the comand of the forces in and aboute the cittie of London.

  10. You forget ·eaa085· That we are those that chaste you from the field And slew your father, and with colours spred, Marcht through the Cittie to the pallas gates.

  11. O know you not the Cittie fauours them, And they haue troopes of soldiers at their becke?

  12. Generallie in all partes, they doo make him great feastes and banquets, with pastimes and presents, that day that hee dooth enter into the cittie of Taibin or Paquin, whereas the king is.

  13. Euery chiefe or petie captaine of these, hath his house vpon the cittie wal, and his name put on it, and there he dwelleth so long as the warres indureth.

  14. Euery one of them hath his name written vpon the post of his doore, and the place appointed whither he shal go when occasion shall serue (enemies being against that cittie or towne).

  15. The account book is thus prefaced: "The booke of the accomptes of the churchwardens of the parishe of St. Andrewes within the cittie of Worcester made and begonne this present year of or.

  16. The Cittie was yéelded to the spoyle, and the Spanyardes tooke the Golde, Plate and Feathers, the Indian friends had all the rest of cloth and other stuffe.

  17. In thys meane whyle came Grijalua to the Cittie of Sainte Iames de Cuba: but hys kinseman the gouernour woulde not loke vppon hym bycause he had lefte and forsaken so riche a lande.

  18. These men had in their eares and noses bored holes, with rings of golde hangyng thereat, for so was the vse of Zempoallan: they enformed Cortez that the Cittie was neare at hande.

  19. Ducates: The same he caused to be delyuered vnto the newe elected treasorers by account, requestyng the whole counsell of the Cittie that they shoulde make deuision thereof.

  20. Then came out of the Cittie a greate multitude of olde folkes, men, women and childrë to take boate.

  21. Cortes desirous to sée what remayned of the cittie to win, went vp into a high tower, and hauyng well vewed the Cittie, he iudged that of eight parts one remained yet to win.

  22. The first skirmishe vvithin the cittie of Mexico.

  23. And this inward motion I received in St. Andrews church in the cittie of Norwich, at a lecture or sermon then preached by a godly learned man.

  24. Yes Madame, and he hath appoyntd me To meete him on the east side of the Cittie To morrow morning.

  25. The general title runs "Epigramma in Musam, like Buckminster's Allmanacks servinge generallie for all England: but especiallie for the meridian of this famous Cittie of London.

  26. Addressed to) To our right trustie and welbeloved the Maio^{r} of our Cittie of Yorke and to the Aldermen his bretheren.

  27. As also the Portingales of Amacau have lycense to goe yearely to the greate cittie of Canton both to buy and sell such commodities as they have, and had boates provided by the King of China to carry them up and downe with their goods.

  28. Adames howse, he meeting us at the entry of the cittie with our men which went afore with the goods, who arived heare also this mornyng.

  29. Som report this cittie to be destroid with fire and brimston; but I enquired of the enhabetantes, and they say they never heard of any such matter but only that it was burned and ruenated by war.

  30. Yes Madame, and he hath appoynted me 15 To meete him on the east side of the Cittie To morrow morning.

  31. Then came from Cumberlande archers three, Best bowmen in the north countree, I will tell you their names what they be Well known to the cittie of London.

  32. God graunt that (once) her majestie Would come, her cittie of Yorke to see, For the comfort great of that countree, As well as she doth at London.

  33. And never an archer gave regarde To halfe a bowe and halfe a yarde, I never see matches goe more harde About the cittie of London.

  34. Yorke, Yorke for my monie: Of all the citties that ever I see, For mery pastime and companie, Except the cittie of London.

  35. Walmsley many a man dothe knowe, And Bolton how he draweth his bowe, And Ratcliffe's shooting long agoe, Well knowne to the cittie of London.

  36. God save the cittie of Yorke, therefore, That hath such noble friends in store, And such good aldermen send them more, And the like good luck at London.

  37. This Maltbie for the cittie sake, To shoot (himself) did undertake, At any good match the earls would make, As well as they do at London.

  38. In Yorke there dwells an alderman, which Delights in shooting very much, I never heard of any such In all the cittie of London.

  39. And agreede these matches all shall be For pastime and good company, At the cittie of Yorke full merily As if it had been at London.

  40. For he showed himself so diligent there, To make a marke and keepe it faire: It is worthie memorie to declare Through all the cittie of London.

  41. Farewell good cittie of Yorke to thee, Tell alderman Maltbie this from mee, In print shall this good shooting bee, As soone as I come at London.

  42. And many a song will I bestow, On all the musitians that I know, To sing the praises where they goe, Of the cittie of Yorke, in London.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cittie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.