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Example sentences for "controuersie"

Lexicographically close words:
controlled; controller; controllers; controlling; controls; controuersies; controul; controule; controuled; controuling
  1. But now, let this be the end of our controuersie with the authours aforesayd, being otherwise men of excellent learning, and of great renoume, who notwithstanding so inconsiderately haue entermedled these things in their writings.

  2. Grammarians wrangle about this name, and as yet the controuersie is not decided.

  3. But when we came within twentie leagues of the Isle of Sablon, we fell to controuersie of our course.

  4. The controuersie betwixt the two archbishops about the bearing of their crosses, the king would not meddle withall, for (as he said) that perteined to the pope.

  5. The archbishop of Canturburie had alreadie staied foure or fiue yeares in the parties beyond the sées, about the matter in controuersie betwixt him and Thurstane archbishop of Yorke, who was likewise gone ouer to solicit his cause.

  6. In like maner, Rafe archbishop of Canturburie returned into England, after he had remained long in Normandie, bicause of the controuersie betwixt him and Thurstan archbishop of Yorke, as is aforesaid.

  7. The ambassadours in like maner declaring the effect of their message, opened vnto the pope the ground of the controuersie begun betweene the king and Anselme, & with good arguments went about to prooue the kings cause to be lawfull.

  8. And so this miracle with the other made an end of the controuersie betwéene the priests and moonks, all the English people following the mind of the archbishop Dunstane, who by meanes thereof had his will.

  9. The maner of Iustice by lots in Russia, written by Master Henrie Lane, and executed in a controuersie betweene him and one Sheray Costromitskey in Mosco.

  10. If any controuersie arise among them, they first make their Landlords Iudges in the matter, and if they cannot end it, then they preferre it to the Magistrate.

  11. The Allobrogians and the inhabitaunts about the riuer Rhene, be at controuersie for the limittes of their countrey, and haue prayed me to be their Arbitrator, which will stay me a little there.

  12. The condition wherof was, that euery combatant should runne twelue courses with twelue launces, and he whiche should first breake the same should without doubt or further controuersie obtayne the reward.

  13. A difference and controuersie betwene a maister and a scholler, so subtile that the iudges coulde not geue sentence.

  14. Or ciuill, otherwise called Iudiciall, whiche is a matter of controuersie in iudgement, to be dooen, or not dooen well or euill.

  15. If there happen any controuersie betweene those people, such as cannot be ended amongst themselues, or by the Emperours deputies in that countrey, they repaire to the Mosko as their highest Court, and there haue it ended.

  16. The Pope vsed them both with honorable respect, and especially Lanfrank, to whom he gaue two Palles, one of honour, and the other of loue: but their controuersie he referred to be determined in England.

  17. Between these two a controuersie did arise at the time of their consecration, for prioritie in place: but this contention was quieted by the King, and Thomas for the time subscribed obedience to the Archb.

  18. Sidenote: Controuersie about the crowne of Scotland.

  19. In this season also there depended a controuersie betwixt the archbishop of Canturburie with the bishop of London and his canons of Paules, so that the said bishop of London & the deane of Paules, and other of the canons were excommunicated.

  20. Which strange sight the common people imagined to be a signe or token of the controuersie then kindling betwixt the king and the archbishop.

  21. And Henrie bishop of Alba a cardinall that was sent from the pope to end this controuersie betwixt these two mightie princes, accursed Richard earle of Poictou, for that by his meanes the troubles rose and were continued betwixt them.

  22. King Henrie the father receiuing such a rebellious answer from his sonne, much lamented the matter, and so much the more, for that he saw there was no remedie, but to haue the controuersie decided by the sword.

  23. Anselme notwithstanding was obstinate in his opinion, so that in the end, the sentense touching this controuersie betwixt him and the king was respited till the octaues of Pentecost next ensuing.

  24. At length, when bishop Colman perceiued that his [Sidenote: Controuersie about shauing of crownes.

  25. My Liege, here is the strangest controuersie Come from the Country to be iudg'd by you That ere I heard: shall I produce the men?

  26. Wherefore all the controuersie dooth rest in the time of their first attempt to inhabit in this Iland.

  27. There is a controuersie moued among our historiographers, whether the church that Lucius builded at London stood at Westminster, or in Cornehill.

  28. Which maketh me to thinke that our physicians do take it for a distinct kind of wormewood, whereof controuersie ariseth among them.

  29. And so in time past the like controuersie was about bées, which the lawiers call "Feras," tit.

  30. It happened therefore in a rogation weeke that the cleargie going in solemne procession, a controuersie fell betwéene them about certeine walkes and limits, which the one side claimed and the other denied.

  31. The Danes and Londoners (which through continuall familiaritie with the Danes, were become like vnto them) elected Harold the base sonne [Sidenote: Controuersie for the crowne.

  32. And so in time past the like controuersie was about bees, which the lawiers call "Feras," tit.

  33. It happened therefore in a rogation weeke that the cleargie going in solemne procession, a controuersie fell betweene them about certeine walkes and limits, which the one side claimed and the other denied.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "controuersie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.