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Example sentences for "cubic"

Lexicographically close words:
cubebs; cubed; cubes; cubhood; cubi; cubical; cubicle; cubicles; cubiculum; cubierta
  1. They were, therefore, of small size in comparison with those often found in England; for six large castings from a field near my house averaged 16 cubic centimeters.

  2. Therefore the above result, namely, that 24 cubic inches of earth (weighing 1.

  3. They varied in bulk from half a cubic centimeter to five cubic centimeters, and were on an average three cubic centimeters.

  4. The gain of 25 cubic inches, although, of course, highly important, seems slight when the size and shape of the diaphragm are considered.

  5. The latter, commonly called cubic nitre or Chile saltpetre, is the kind occurring in Chile.

  6. More than forty million cubic yards of earth and rock were excavated.

  7. It was square in form, and contained about twenty cubic feet, and had no other inscription than the date 1808.

  8. The granite was from the Rubislaw quarry, and was so compact, that it contained only about thirteen and a half cubic feet to the ton.

  9. According to the calculations we have fourteen cubic feet of material, and it is light wood, at that.

  10. In deep wells, pumped as thoroughly as is generally the case with factory wells, the germ content should be very low, ranging from a few score to a few hundred bacteria per cubic centimeter at most.

  11. The fact that the fore-milk contains per cubic centimeter so much more germ life than the remainder of the milk has led some to advocate its rejection when a sanitary milk supply is under consideration.

  12. According to Barthel, milks that reduce the methylene blue within fifteen minutes contain hundreds of thousands of bacteria per cubic centimeter.

  13. Milk produced under such conditions that its germ content is but a few thousand per cubic centimeter will keep much longer than that handled in the ordinary manner.

  14. The reduction test is made by adding to twenty cubic centimeters of milk, one-half cubic centimeter of a solution of methylene blue, a coal tar dye.

  15. This dilution may be carried on to any desired extent; in the examination of many dairy products, it is necessary to use very minute quantities of material, often only one one-millionth of a cubic centimeter.

  16. To have the desired effect sulphur should be burned at the rate of three pounds to each one thousand cubic feet of space, and the room kept sealed for at least twelve hours.

  17. They roll in inconceivable multitudes (five millions and more to the cubic millimetre, according to Vierordt) as blood-disks through our vessels.

  18. It is not of the slightest interest to the patient to know whether three or three and a quarter cubic inches of his lung are hepatized.

  19. His amount of brain is on an average 92 cubic inches, and his facial angle 90 degrees.

  20. In 1888, the Compagnie parisienne du gaz offered to lower the price to twenty-five centimes the cubic metre for lighting and to twenty for motive power, in return for certain considerations which involved no pecuniary cost to the city.

  21. Each of the three sections in which it is built will contain a hundred thousand cubic metres.

  22. In 1896, each hectare absorbed thirty-seven thousand and sixty-seven cubic metres.

  23. In 1897, on the total surface, a thousand hectares, under cultivation, there were spread seventy million cubic metres of sewage.

  24. At present, the Compagnie du Gaz delivers it to private houses within the city at an average price of thirty centimes the cubic metre, and at varying prices in the suburbs.

  25. Nearly all of the remaining millions of cubic feet of space were for the storage of uranium for power, a few rooms already having been filled with ingot inoson for repairs.

  26. Dunark, what say you snap over there and smelt us a cubic mile of uranium?

  27. It's probably of the order of magnitude of half a million tons, since the stuff weighs more than half a ton to the cubic foot.

  28. A cubic abacus or die of stone stands upon the circular surface of the capital and transmits the resisting power of the column to the architrave.

  29. But we are surprised and even distressed to find that the surface thus obtained is not employed for the support of the architrave, which is carried by a comparatively small cubic abacus, which rests upon the centre of the capital.

  30. A cubic mile is the quantity of heat necessary to raise a cubic mile of water 1 deg.

  31. But these must be put into three or four cubic feet, or they will cost too much for covering, ties, etc.

  32. Iron buckets containing fourteen cubic feet each were obtained, and a six-horse power hoisting engine purchased.

  33. In particular, a press that will put 40 pounds cotton into each cubic foot.

  34. The edifice is not sharp-cornered, because from the ground upward between the balustrades the cubic blocks are rounded, ascending by degrees and elegantly narrowing the building.

  35. The stone for the facings of the whole building is cut in smooth blocks nearly cubic in form and of varying but nowhere exactly stated dimensions; but the mass of the structure, as is proven by M.

  36. An animal in red stone on a cubic pedestal of the same material.

  37. At these places several cubic yards of rock had to be blown away, in order to make room for a road.

  38. The whole of the lava emitted in this eruption occupies a surface of about five square kilometres; allowing an average thickness of four metres, we obtain a mass of twenty millions of cubic metres.

  39. British units of heat, developable from each cubic foot of its material, if crushed to powder.

  40. It results from this that each cubic mile of the mean material of such a crust, when crushed to powder, developes sufficient heat to melt 0.

  41. It requires 22 Chinese-made bricks to build one cubic foot of brickwork, but of convict-made Government bricks a cubic foot of brickwork requires 13 only.

  42. Our scientists tell us there are living creatures so small and so numerous that it would take millions of worlds like ours to support a human population equal to the number of these creatures that can live and move in one cubic inch of space.

  43. Who was that enviable young man that could tell the cubic contents of things in no time, and make suggestions about Swedish bark!

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cubic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cubed; cubic; cubical; diced; flat; foursquare; oblong; orthogonal; proportional; quadrate; quadrilateral; rectangular; rhomboid; solid; space; spherical; square; stereoscopic; superficial; surface; trapezoid

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cubic centimeter; cubic centimeters; cubic centimetres; cubic feet; cubic feet per hour; cubic feet per second; cubic foot; cubic inch; cubic inches; cubic meters; cubic metres; cubic miles; cubic yards