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Example sentences for "daown"

Lexicographically close words:
dansing; dant; dantur; danza; daoine; dapper; dappled; dappling; dar; daran
  1. I pay fer what I git, cash daown on the nail, an' no questions asked.

  2. We git some hummers daown in these parts, I kin tell yer.

  3. Us daown easters is right smart at sich things, by Juniper.

  4. Shipping master says he'll try and locate them and send them daown to Greenock!

  5. Aft there an' git that hawser on th' poop an' ready to pass daown to the tug!

  6. I recollect once bein' two weeks in the hollow o' one sea an' when we came up on the crest of it we c'd look daown the chimneys in China, by Godfrey!

  7. Lay daown from aloft you skulkers 'n get some beef on them tops'l sheets.

  8. I'm goin' to shoot her right daown and I reckon we won't haul up anywhere this side of Cape Stiff," he remarked to Donald and Thompson that evening.

  9. I've seen it ten times worse'n this daown here.

  10. Haul yer stays'l daown an' git a dory over!

  11. Jump an' haul daown yer balloon an' stays'l or th' sticks'll go.

  12. Cha'ncey didn't look keerful ter see whar the big matted-daown swath led arter it leff the pasturage, but he says he thinks it p'inted towards the glen rud to the village.

  13. Ef they dun't, they'll kinder quiet daown like.

  14. Come daown to earth and get it aout of yeour system as quick as yeou can.

  15. Shake ’em daown to the bottom—that’s right.

  16. The greatest cook that ever came daown the pike, that’s what he is,” pronounced Crane.

  17. The words was scurcely aout er my maouth, 'fore daown come Dr.

  18. If ye muster an hour afore low water ye can take the last o' the ebb daown raound the Whitaker spit.

  19. As yaou knaow, sir, scores and scores o' barges 'av bruk the biggest rope they carry that way and gone slidin' daown the wind.

  20. Well, that chap den't fare to come no further, and Bill finishes 'is walk daown the mud alone.

  21. Yaou tould me there warn't no daown train for twenty minutes," I says.

  22. I remember one November day there'd bin a heavy dag in the fore part o' the day which cleared off towards the afternoon, and Bill went ashore after a hare or whatever he could git daown on they ould mashes away to the eastward there.

  23. They what taught he to ride tould he to shorten sail same as goin' daown hills and that, and maybe 'e did.

  24. I've just been daown to see pore ould George what bruk his arm last week.

  25. A course Bill den't reckon there'd be anyone a lookin' after the shootin' daown there, but there were.

  26. When he gits half-way daown the mud Bill turns raound to the chap a follerin' and says, "Do yaou ever read the noospapers, mate?

  27. Twon't be none of my fault if she sheds you daown the road.

  28. Go daown hill, then, Boney," the Deacon replied.

  29. Ain't she daown by the head more 'n natural, Tom Platt?

  30. Heave in the dories an' we'll dress daown after supper.

  31. Guess 'twould be 'baout's well to git daown to the wharf," said Disko.

  32. They allus make aout ter be desprit set agin the fellers an' mortal daown on marryin', but, lordy me!

  33. When I come daown ag'in, I see George warn't whar I left him, so I hollered and whistled ag'in.

  34. In the fall we hev potatoes to sell, and I kin load up a boat, and kerry 'em daown South to sell.

  35. Allers did hev a sneakin' ijee I'd like to take a trip on a shantyboat daown to Orleans, an' I jest envies you the chanct.

  36. Cause, you see, I must hear haow you fetched up, away daown in Orleans; and what happened to you on the way.

  37. Jack, ole hoss, I forgot as haow yeou aint had nary a bite all day long, while I was jest gorgin' myself daown yonder!

  38. But I jest knowed yeou'd be adoin' yeour stuff when I was a crawlin' 'long daown there in the bottom land.

  39. Less I'm way off in my figgerin' them three packages might a been the last printin' o' bogus bank notes they was asendin' aout to ther agents in some cities daown Texas way.

  40. Well, here goes to wet yeou daown nice an' easy like.

  41. Gullup daown another dost of quinine an' keep off that gol darn chill!

  42. It was no more, with him, "Away daown Saouth in a few days--hooray!

  43. We have come 'away daown Saouth in a few days,' haven't we; and how do you like the lay of the land?

  44. I went daown thar agin this mornin', 'n I've jest cum from thar.

  45. Shoopegg up above; "I see old Turney on his white horse daown the road yender.

  46. Keep thet gun daown thar, kid; I don't like ther way yuh handles ther same.

  47. But Cale Martin's a squar man, as wudn't shoot daown another without givin' him a show.

  48. You're a darned pooty lot daown here, you be!

  49. What's fetched y' daown here so all-fired airly?

  50. Fac' was, he was livin' too lonesome daown there at the mansion-haouse.

  51. Daown in another place they were saltin' and packin' away, like sin!

  52. I can't set daown an' luxooriate an' wait 'til we see Sabriny acomin'.

  53. I guess I better write that daown before I fergit it," he remarked a few moments later, as he started towards the house, his hands clasped behind his back and his gaze riveted upon space.

  54. Wal, I'll be switched if she isn't comin' daown ter the bars naow.

  55. They've got a slew o' men daown Bosting way," said a farmer.

  56. Ye went daown tew Barrington 'long with the crowd.

  57. They hain't got the pluck of a weasel, them fellers daown east hain't.

  58. Mrs. Hamlin's a Hawley, one o' them air River Gods, ez they calls em daown Hampshire way.

  59. He's kinder pulin like, Zadkiel is, an I jess fetched daown some yarbs fer him.

  60. Sun's half way daown the west post, an ye know how mad Deacon Nash'll be ef ye don' git don shinglin his barn tidday.

  61. It muss come kinder tough fer a feller ez hez lorded it over Stockbridge fer nigh twenty year tew git put daown afore the hull village the way Perez put him daown Tuesday.

  62. Them things ez govment bought with the money it borrered, is wore aout, an it seems kinder rees'nable that the debts should be run daown tew.

  63. I tell yew he ain't furgut one on us that went daown ter Barrington, nor one on us ez wuz a serenadin him t'other night.

  64. The words was scarcely out of my maouth, 'fore daown come Dr.

  65. I guess naow he mout a run them Eyetalians over the fence; an' they'd be jest mean enough tew let daown the bars.

  66. When I kim by jest naow I seen every bar tuk daown an' the cattle air missin'.

  67. As luck would have it one o' my barns burned daown the next night, which I allowed was some queer.

  68. They must be turr'ble afraid o' you daown taown?

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daown" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.