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Example sentences for "defecation"

Lexicographically close words:
defeating; defeatist; defeats; defecate; defecated; defect; defected; defection; defections; defective
  1. The act of defecation in the opposite sex or anything pertaining to or suggesting the same caused uncontrollable sexual excitement; the nates also exerted a great attraction.

  2. Italian masochist who experienced the greatest pleasure when both urination and defecation were practiced in this manner by the woman he was attached to.

  3. Hinc illæ lacrimæ; the excitement over my own defecation only took place faute de mieux.

  4. If possible I would seek to delay defecation for two or three days, so that it might be as copious as possible.

  5. To observe defecation would still further increase this peculiar enjoyment.

  6. Children themselves will confirm their interest in the act of defecation and the pleasure in watching the defecation of another, when they are a few years older and capable of giving expression to their feelings.

  7. Retention of urine from paralysis of the bladder, and involuntary defecation from paralysis of the sphincter ani, are common.

  8. As the patient is unable to aid defecation or to expel flatus by straining, the bowel is liable to become distended with fæces and gas, and the meteorism which results adds to the embarrassment of respiration by pressing on the diaphragm.

  9. Defecation by repose is always better than filtration, owing to the more or less viscidity of the suspended matter.

  10. Vegetable infusions and decoctions may be cleared by defecation followed by filtration.

  11. Bad signs in the same disease are deep stupor, strabismus, convulsions, paralysis, involuntary defecation and urination.

  12. The act of defecation is almost wholly due to the working of an involuntary mechanism which may be set in play by the will, and is in part dominated by it, but which is frequently independent and uncontrolled by volition.

  13. Neglect to establish or continue a habit of daily regularity in defecation leads to the accumulation in the rectum of masses of feces.

  14. When this condition exists about the anus it causes painful defecation and spasm of the sphincters.

  15. After defecation the patient should rest for a little while in the recumbent attitude.

  16. In the case of a lad aged about nine years under my care fissure of the anus began in this way, and after its formation the pain of defecation was so intense that he resisted for ten days every attempt of his bowels to move.

  17. Defecation depends for its normal character upon the healthy functioning of the organism, but especially upon the normal processes of digestion.

  18. In stricture defecation is difficult and painful; in contraction the alvine discharges are painless.

  19. If defecation is painful, examine the inner edge of the anus for small cracks or for eczema ani.

  20. Even with the aid of powerful cathartics, given in doses suitable for an adult rather than a child, defecation took place only once every three or four days, and was so exceedingly painful as to elicit cries of pain from the child.

  21. Deciding to relax there, and to be at one with the odor that no reticent grievance locked within his mind could rectify, it became him amusingly the way the peculiar smell of defecation would at last be agreeable to the noses of hounds.

  22. Micturition and defecation occur at different times, but menstruation occurs simultaneously.

  23. Prolapsus or displacement of the ovaries into the culdesac of Douglas, the vaginal wall, or into the rectum can be readily ascertained by the resulting sense of nausea, particularly in defecation or in coitus.

  24. His body would remain in any position in which it was placed; defecation and micturition were normal; he occasionally sneezed or coughed, and is reported to have uttered some words at night.

  25. The same system of muscles comprising those of the thorax, abdomen and perinaeum, performs consentaneously the acts of respiration, vomiting, defecation and micturition.

  26. As the pelvic organs appear therefore to be little more than passive recipients of their contents, the voluntary processes of defecation and micturition may with more correctness be said to be performed rather for them than by them.

  27. Effects of spinal injuries on the processes of defecation and micturition.

  28. The mother-liquor of the former is evaporated to dryness and heated to dull redness, the calcined mass is then dissolved in water, the solution purified by defecation and evaporated down for crystals.

  29. From these the purer upper portion of oil is run into a very deep, galvanized-iron cistern, and again left to clarify itself by defecation for a few days.

  30. For use, they are purified by a defecation and straining, and are afterwards mixed with a little oil, and with colouring matter, as required.

  31. The traditional connection between defecation and writing was another comparison apparent to the commentators.

  32. Skimmings comprise the matters separated from the cane juice during the processes of defecation and evaporation.

  33. As a rule there is but one defecation after each meal, but there are in addition more frequent renal dejections, consisting chiefly of uric acid.

  34. Digestion is usually rapid in the small snakes, defecation taking place twenty-four to forty-eight hours after the feeding; it lasts much longer in the large Boas and Pythons.

  35. Really he is inclined to eat at all times, yet begrudges a few minutes spent in a hurried effort to perform the act of defecation once in twenty-four hours.

  36. A person whose mind is devoted to the realization of ideals, and whose body has a set of bowels that perform the act of defecation twice every twenty-four hours is doubly prepared for a useful life.

  37. A consequence of this excessive sensitiveness is a diminished or perverted normal stimulus, notice or desire, that the act of defecation should take place.

  38. That defecation should occur normally two or three times in twenty-four hours is more important than that three meals should be eaten within that time.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defecation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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