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Example sentences for "diarrhea"

Lexicographically close words:
diaphragms; diaphysis; diaries; diarist; diarists; diarrhoea; diarrhoeal; diarrhoeas; diary; dias
  1. There is no doubt that the increased use of "certified milk" has been a great factor in the reduction of deaths from infant diarrhea in recent years.

  2. Likewise, many of the woeful tragedies of infant summer diarrhea and dysenteries have been tracked to the so-called "innocent house fly.

  3. Another form of diarrhea is cholera infantum, where the stools soon become watery and colorless.

  4. It is usually much sunken in inflammation of the brain or in severe exhausting diarrhea or marasmus.

  5. A bad diarrhea of long standing; one which does not yield to the usual remedies, at least not as long as the baby continues to feed from the breast.

  6. For the more severe types, such as the dysentery containing mucus and blood, everything that has been done for the simple diarrhea should be done; the baby should be kept very quiet, while castor oil should be promptly administered.

  7. Another form of diarrhea is seen in an acute inflammatory condition of the intestine itself.

  8. In very severe acute diarrhea it is astonishing with what rapidity the face will become sunken and shriveled, and so covered with deep lines that the baby is almost unrecognizable.

  9. Often vomiting and diarrhea are seen in the young sufferers.

  10. The spongy gums show mercury; the puffy face and diarrhea show arsenic poison.

  11. If the baby is thin and the abdominal organs are not protected by fat, they may be troubled with diarrhea and need protection.

  12. Good in latter stages of diarrhea and dysentery of children, boiled in milk, given in teaspoonful doses, every one to three hours.

  13. Typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever, cholera, tuberculosis and many forms of diarrhea germs.

  14. The high fever falls quickly after three or four days, sometimes with sweating, diarrhea or nose bleed.

  15. Fresh herb bruised and laid over the abdomen, to allay sick stomach and diarrhea of children.

  16. Excellent for diarrhea in children or adults.

  17. Following is good for diarrhea and dysentery: Tincture pleurisy root two ounces, brandy one ounce, syrup of raspberry three ounces.

  18. It is good in diarrhea produced by above causes and others, such as corn, peanuts, cherry stones, berries.

  19. The spleen generally becomes enlarged; it is sometimes tender and painful, it may occupy over half of the abdominal cavity and varies in size after a hemorrhage, diarrhea or after a meal.

  20. For diarrhea one to three ounces every three hours.

  21. The milk should be warmed, for in this way it relieves the diarrhea while the pepper is stimulating.

  22. In the so-called cases of cholera sicca (dry) death occurs before the diarrhea begins, although a rice water fluid is found in the intestines after death.

  23. After an incubation period of about one to five days, the invasion is marked either by simple diarrhea with some general ill-feeling and prostration, or by abdominal pains, vomiting and diarrhea.

  24. For infantile diarrhea the root of geranium maculation or cranesbill, boiled in milk in the proportion of one or two roots to the pint, will be found of great service and is tasteless.

  25. In bowel-complaints, chalk has been objected to, as too powerful an astringent in checking diarrhea suddenly: this may be obviated by giving it only after each motion.

  26. Without this relief, gripings and diarrhea frequently come on and prove fatal.

  27. Diarrhea has accompanied each bowel movement, which makes defecation less than a delight.

  28. Diarrhea keeps the world running," and as long as I was able to keep laughing it didn't seem so bad.

  29. The diarrhea was still raging in full force.

  30. Nausea, vomiting, colic, and diarrhea appear early, generally on the second day after eating the infected meat.

  31. Violent vomiting and diarrhea and inflammation of the stomach and bowels are caused by it.

  32. Diarrhea often occurs, as well as vomiting, particularly in children.

  33. Diarrhea is often present with three to ten discharges daily of a light-yellow, pea-soup nature, with a very offensive odor.

  34. Bronchitis and pneumonia often complicate whooping cough in winter, and diarrhea frequently occurs with it in summer.

  35. Sudden and violent vomiting and diarrhea appear a few hours after eating the spoiled food, or may be delayed.

  36. Severe vomiting and diarrhea occasionally aggravate the case, and pleurisy and consumption may occur.

  37. Severe diarrhea is combated with bismuth subnitrate, one-quarter teaspoonful, every three hours.

  38. Diarrhea in adults may be checked with teaspoonful doses of paregoric given hourly in water.

  39. Summer diarrhea of children, also called cholera infantum, occurs as an epidemic in almost all large cities during the hottest days of summer.

  40. Internally, as absorbent in diarrhea and dysentery.

  41. But camp diarrhea is something that gets in its work quick, and after the men got down with it, they possibly had no chance to get the berries.

  42. The principal types of disease were camp diarrhea and malarial fevers, resulting, in all probability, largely from the impure water we drank.

  43. It is just my opinion, as a common soldier, that the epidemic of camp diarrhea could have been substantially prevented if all the men had eaten freely of blackberries.

  44. Sudden attacks of diarrhea are often caused by exposure, by changes of diet, or by the overconsumption of acids in the form of berries.

  45. Sidenote: Errors in eating the cause of diarrhea] There is no abnormal condition of the alimentary tract that is more directly traceable to errors in eating and drinking than diarrhea and all forms of dysentery.

  46. It frequently happens that the peristaltic muscles become relaxed and give way completely from the habitual use of poisonous cathartics, and chronic diarrhea or dysentery is the result.

  47. Be this as it may, nearly all cases of superacidity are accompanied by intestinal congestion, commonly called constipation, or by intermittent diarrhea and constipation.

  48. Diarrhea and enteritis were responsible for 33.

  49. There had been a slight diarrhea following the accident which disappeared on entrance to the hospital.

  50. Epidemic Diarrhea and the Bacterial Control of Food.

  51. This claimant is the widow of Richard Anderson, who at the time of his death was receiving a pension on account of chronic diarrhea contracted in the service.

  52. The claimant filed his declaration for a pension in 1884, alleging that he contracted chronic diarrhea while serving in a company of mounted Illinois volunteers in the Black Hawk War.

  53. On the contrary, he claimed to be affected with constipation, and said he had never had diarrhea of late years, except at times when he had taken medicine for constipation.

  54. The records show that the soldier was in hospital in the year 1864 for chronic diarrhea and intermittent fever.

  55. The claim filed by his widow for pension alleged that her husband suffered from chronic diarrhea and disease of the heart and lungs as results of his army service.

  56. It will be observed that among the various causes which the soldier or sailor himself alleged as the grounds of his application for pension chronic diarrhea is not mentioned.

  57. Disturbance of the circulation, such as palpitation of the heart and fullness of pulse, restlessness, and diarrhea were the symptoms he observed.

  58. Diarrhea and restlessness were the only symptoms observed.

  59. Diet consisted of meat exclusively; 1 gram caffein was given by mouth; diarrhea developed; no caffein was given for three days.

  60. Diarrhea occurred twice, but no other symptoms, the second attack having lasted a few days.

  61. By this time we were all getting diarrhea from drinking the water we got along the march.

  62. I played third base because it was next to the latrine, which I needed again as I was once again suffering from diarrhea and dysentery.

  63. Freedom from abdominal pain is usually noted; diarrhea is the exception and constipation the rule; vomiting sometimes occurs, but may be absent.

  64. The animal from which the meat came had been ill with severe diarrhea and high fever and was slaughtered as an emergency measure (notgeschlachtet).

  65. Various forms of dysentery or diarrhea have been attributed to infection with Giardia (Lamblia) intestinalis.

  66. Gastro-intestinal irritation is practically always present, and may take the form of a mild "indigestion" or slight diarrhea or may be of great severity accompanied with agonizing abdominal pain.

  67. It is considered useful internally for dysentery, diarrhea and bronchitis.

  68. White men have used the bitter, astringent leaves in diarrhea and diabetes and for purifying the blood.

  69. They are favorite household remedies among white men in the treatment of summer diarrhea of children and adults.

  70. Almost every amputation was followed finally by death, either from the effects of gangrene or from the prevailing diarrhea and dysentery.

  71. If they were due to improper and insufficient food, they should have been classed accordingly, and if to diarrhea or dysentery or scurvy, the classification should in like manner have been explicit.

  72. Quick consumption, bronchitis, pneumonia, low fever and diarrhea seized upon these ready victims for their ravages, and bore them off at the rate of nearly a score a day.

  73. Those who were predisposed intestinal affections were speedily carried off by incurable diarrhea and dysentery.

  74. The chief causes of death were scurvy and its results and bowel affections-chronic and acute diarrhea and dysentery.

  75. It inhabits the upper portion of the small intestine, but neither it nor the ova appear in the stool unless an active diarrhea exists.

  76. When diarrhea exists, the color may be red, even if the source of the blood is high up.

  77. The medicine the sister gave me made me vomit and a diarrhea that is killing me.

  78. If they are in the bowels, costiveness or diarrhea may be more marked, while the turkey will be uneasy and picking at the vent if they are in the lower part of the intestine.

  79. With reference to feeding bread, be sure never to feed bread that is mouldy for if you do you will start diarrhea in the young turkeys in no time.

  80. Blindness ensues, and vomiting and diarrhea come in their train.

  81. Indications, after bowels have been cleaned out to correct any disorder of the tract, as a routine treatment of typhoid; always valuable in diarrhea and other inflammatory conditions of the bowels.

  82. Occasionally the stomach and bowels are attacked so that violent vomiting and diarrhea occur, while other members of the same family present the ordinary form of influenza.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diarrhea" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.