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Example sentences for "defiles"

Lexicographically close words:
defile; defiled; defilement; defilements; defilers; defileth; defiling; definable; defind; define
  1. If the entries of the defiles are held, good roads are made through them; and these aid the enemy, if you lose the entries or have them turned.

  2. This does not prevent the passage of the defiles being disputed.

  3. A like risk is almost always incurred by those who, on the approach of an enemy, resolve to defend some place of strength, or to guard the defiles by which their country is entered.

  4. For leaving on one side two or three defiles which were guarded by the Swiss, the king advanced by another unknown pass, and was in Italy and upon his enemies before they knew.

  5. By forced marches the Imperial troops rushed along, threading the defiles of the mountains of Gaudarrama in mid-winter, through drifts and storms of snow.

  6. It takes it from those with whom genuine truths are falsified; it defiles it, where there are indeed falsities, but not genuine truths, which therefore could not be falsified.

  7. This is, because falsity in spiritual things either takes away religion or defiles it.

  8. For two days they rode over the plains, avoiding the steep defiles of the Guadarrama Mountains, expecting death at every halting-place.

  9. While Cain here studies to render himself quite pure in appearance, he most effectually and foully defiles himself.

  10. All these Satan corrupted by sin in the same manner as leprosy defiles the whole flesh.

  11. Every encounter resulted in a defeat, the forts which commanded the mountain passes and defiles were taken in succession by Sund Fo's army, and he still pressed relentlessly on.

  12. There were rocky defiles and steep ascents to climb, river torrents to pass, rugged paths to mount, without a road to follow or a guide to conduct, and with clouds and fogs to double the dangers of the way.

  13. All his forces proceeded along the steep defiles at the base of Cithaeron, from fear of the Persian cavalry; the more dauntless Athenians along the plain.

  14. In the mountain defiles the Milesians intercepted their own fugitive allies, consigning them to the Grecian sword, and active beyond the rest in their slaughter.

  15. But that which comes out of the man is what defiles him.

  16. But that which comes out of the mouth defiles a man.

  17. Nothing that goes into the mouth defiles a man.

  18. It won't do to let it be generally known, for that would put panic into our troops when they are tried next; but there is not a soul the President can trust who knows those passes and defiles and fords.

  19. He did not tell Katherine that Morton had urged him to volunteer his services to the Government as a guide through the passes and defiles of his native State.

  20. They are found upon the vast prairies of the West and Northwest,--in all the defiles and along the streams of the Rocky mountains, and in various parts of the Oregon Territory, to the peninsula of California.

  21. Crockett was a famous bear hunter in Western Tennessee, The white bear, mountain sheep, antelope and beaver, are found in the defiles of the Rocky mountains.

  22. The last part of the road on the south is among slippery, rocky, narrow defiles and paths, half-way down the hill-sides.

  23. This stream makes its way through the defiles of the mountains, into the plain below Fort Henry, where it terminates in Snake River.

  24. The mountain defiles were exceedingly rough and broken, and the travelling painful to the burdened horses.

  25. Indeed, considerable uneasiness began to be felt concerning these men, lest they should become utterly bewildered in the defiles of the mountains, or should fall into the hands of some marauding band of savages.

  26. His lurking-place, in the defiles of the John Crow Mountains, was named Nanny Town, after his wife.

  27. Retreating warily before them, he drew them into many an ambush in the wild defiles of the mountains, where they were cut down like sheep, the waters of the "Pot" being often reddened with their blood.

  28. Sewell laughed, and Ingleby, who watched them both, wondered whether the corporal knew that he was one of the few white men who had traversed the defiles of the divide.

  29. As it happened, neither of them knew that Prospector Tomlinson was plodding down the trail that led south through leagues of forest and snow-blocked defiles towards the settlements just then, though the fact had its results for both of them.

  30. When a squadron of chariots defiles before Pharaoh, one would declare that their wheels all ran in the self-same ruts, were it not that the body of the first chariot partly hides the horse by which the second chariot is drawn (fig.

  31. After in vain trying to penetrate the tangle of gloomy defiles and wooded peaks, he returned to the middle towns at Canucca on September 18th.

  32. On approaching the gloomy and forbidding defiles of the Cumberland Mountains the party was attacked by Indians.

  33. Returning to where we had left our cattle, we at once moved forward, anxious to get out from among the rocky defiles as soon as possible.

  34. Of his three sons, the eldest had fallen beneath the arrow and the tomahawk of the savages amidst the gloomy defiles of the Alleghany mountains.

  35. I have been doing nothing, Colonel, but watching the defiles and, as no one has come up them, we have not fired a shot.

  36. During the week that followed, the Minho regiment was engaged in watching the defiles by which Massena might communicate with Ciudad Rodrigo, or through which reinforcements might reach him.

  37. We had arranged a code of smoke signals, by which we could ask each other for assistance should the defiles be attacked; and I learned yesterday morning, in this way, that he was marching away.

  38. If I hear of any great force approaching the defiles I am watching, I could summon your aid either by day or night by these fires; and in the same way, if Soult should advance by the line that you are guarding, you could summon me.

  39. Wurmser, with less confidence than before, hoped now to relieve the siege of Mantua a second time, and at a less desperate cost, by moving from Trent towards Mantua, through the defiles formed by the river Brenta.

  40. Thus he drove them from their position, which, being the entrance of one of the chief defiles of the Tyrol, it was of importance to secure, and it was occupied accordingly by Vaubois with his victorious division.

  41. The village of Salagna was first carried by main force, and then the French army, continuing to descend the defiles of the Brenta, attacked Wurmser's main body, which still lay under his own command in the town of Bassano.

  42. The ancient valour of the Switzers was unable to defend them against the new discoveries in the art of war, by which the strongest defiles can be turned, and therefore rendered indefensible.

  43. The march through the terrible mountain defiles in the depth of winter, under the continual assaults of an unscrupulous and cruel enemy, meant simply destruction.

  44. So impatient was Darius to attack Alexander that he imprudently advanced into Cilicia by the northern pass, now called Beylan, with all his army, so that in the narrow defiles of that country his cavalry was nearly useless.

  45. It also commanded the great roads which led from Greece Proper through the defiles of the mountains into the Peloponnesus.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defiles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.