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Example sentences for "dephlogisticated"

Lexicographically close words:
dependents; dependeth; depending; depends; depenses; depict; depicted; depicting; depiction; depicts
  1. Mr Priestley gave it the name of dephlogisticated air, Mr Scheele called it empyreal air.

  2. The exact nature of the airs concerned in the processes he did not explain until after the preparation of "dephlogisticated air" (oxygen) by Priestley in 1774.

  3. A short time after I began the study of Chemistry, in March 1798, my attention was directed to the dephlogisticated nitrous gas of Priestley (nitrous oxide) by Dr.

  4. Mitchell's theory of Contagion, by which he attempted to prove that dephlogisticated nitrous gas!

  5. The discovery of nitrous and dephlogisticated airs.

  6. The use of respiration by the blood parting with phlogiston, and imbibing dephlogisticated air.

  7. To determine whether this air, when first separated from the blood of the animal or plant, be dephlogisticated air, is worthy inquiry.

  8. To the dephlogisticated air of Priestley, or his own pure air, he now gives the name of oxygen.

  9. At a later time he exploded a mixture of dephlogisticated and inflammable airs (oxygen and hydrogen) in a copper globe, and recorded the fact that after the explosion the globe contained a little water.

  10. Between seven and eight cubic inches of pure dephlogisticated air (oxygen) were obtained in this cylinder, and forty-one and a half grains of metallic mercury remained when the decomposition of the red substance was completed.

  11. The experiment with the nails was made in 1779; at this time, therefore, Priestley had no conception as to what his dephlogisticated air really was.

  12. The antiphlogistic school said that calx of iron is composed of iron and dephlogisticated air; the phlogisteans said it was iron deprived of its phlogiston.

  13. Common air had thus been proved to consist of these two--phlogisticated and dephlogisticated airs (nitrogen and oxygen).

  14. He made various measurements of the quantities of dephlogisticated air in the tubes, but without getting any constant results.

  15. Having satisfied himself by experiment that this peculiar air had "all the properties of common air, only in much greater perfection," he gave to it the name of dephlogisticated air.

  16. Researches, Chemical and Philosophical, chiefly concerning Nitrous Oxide or Dephlogisticated Nitrous Air and its Respiration, by Humphry Davy.

  17. It is dephlogisticated air combined with water that enables fishes to live in it.

  18. In order to examine the nature of the matter condensed on firing a mixture of dephlogisticated and inflammable air, I took a glass globe, holding 8800 grain measures, furnished with a brass cock and an apparatus for firing by electricity.

  19. Perhaps we may from these experiments see that though pure dephlogisticated air might be useful as a medicine, it might not be so proper for us in the usual healthy state of the body.

  20. As we have seen, Priestley, in 1774, had discovered oxygen, or "dephlogisticated air.

  21. It was during the course of a series of experiments on this and other gases that he made his greatest discovery, that of oxygen, or "dephlogisticated air," as he called it.

  22. I then, in order to decompound as much as I could of the phlogisticated air [nitrogen] which remained in the tube, added some dephlogisticated air to it and continued the spark until no further diminution took place.

  23. Speaking of an experiment performed by Lavoisier, Franklin wrote to Jan Ingenhousz, "He kindled a hollow Charcoal, and blew into it a Stream of dephlogisticated Air.

  24. It was rather dull, there having been no philosophical news lately except Mr. Kirwan’s discovery of an air from phosphorus, which takes fire of itself on being mixed with common or dephlogisticated air.

  25. It had been known for some years that a certain mixture of inflammable and dephlogisticated air (hydrogen and oxygen), or common air and hydrogen, could be fired by the electric spark.

  26. This metal is not affected by exposure to the air, or by any simple acid, though concentrated and hot; but it is dissolved by dephlogisticated marine acid, and by aqua regia, in which a little nitrous air is procured.

  27. On the same principle fixed air is produced when iron, and other inflammable substances, are burned in dephlogisticated air, and also when minium, and other substances containing dephlogisticated air, are heated in inflammable air.

  28. Dephlogisticated marine acid converts the calx of arsenic into arsenical acid by giving it pure air.

  29. In order to measure the purity of air, it is convenient to take more of the nitrous or inflammable air than is necessary to saturate the dephlogisticated air it contains.

  30. If, instead of nitre, a salt made with dephlogisticated marine acid be made use of, the explosion is more easily produced, and is much more violent.

  31. And as nitrous acid is likewise formed by the union of inflammable and dephlogisticated air, one principal ingredient in nitrous air must be common to it and inflammable air, or phlogiston.

  32. No heat can extract from it any dephlogisticated air.

  33. Different kinds of air are expanded differently by the same degrees of heat; dephlogisticated air the least, and alkaline air the most.

  34. Nitrous air is completely decomposed by a mixture of about half its bulk of dephlogisticated air, and the produce is nitrous acid.

  35. This air is likewise decomposed by dephlogisticated nitrous acid, which by this means becomes phlogisticated.

  36. As this new air thus appeared to be completely free from phlogiston, Priestley called it "dephlogisticated air.

  37. In the first place, a glance at astronomy will show us how much our knowledge of the world has enlarged in space since the day when Priestley set free his dephlogisticated air.

  38. Men's thoughts were dephlogisticated from that time forth.

  39. Present day students would grow impatient in their perusal, because of the persistent emphasis placed on phlogiston, dephlogisticated air, phlogisticated air, and so forth.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dephlogisticated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.