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Example sentences for "dete"

Lexicographically close words:
detainer; detainers; detaining; detains; detarmined; detect; detectable; detected; detecting; detection
  1. And Heidi started off running so fast that Dete with the bundle under her arm could scarcely keep up with her.

  2. Here he was sitting, his pipe in his mouth and his hands on his knees, quietly looking out, when the children, the goats, and Dete suddenly clambered into view.

  3. Dete remained standing politely near the door, still holding Heidi tightly by the hand, for she did not know what the child might take it into her head to do amid these new surroundings.

  4. The two who were hastening down the mountain heard her voice, and Dete evidently caught the words, for she grasped Heidi's hand more firmly.

  5. Brigitta had told her shortly before that she had seen Dete going up to Alm-Uncle.

  6. Dete angrily, "what could have put it into your head to do that?

  7. He will soon be all right again; come now," said Dete hurriedly, "and show me where your clothes are.

  8. Now Dete was not quite easy in her own conscience about what she was doing, and consequently was feeling hot and irritable, and said more than she had intended.

  9. Dete gave her another poke, but as the child had not the least idea why she did so she was not at all confused.

  10. And with a bow Dete quickly left the room and ran downstairs.

  11. Dete had been standing for a good ten minutes looking about her in every direction for some sign of the children and the goats.

  12. But Dete was prepared with an exceedingly amiable speech and began at once to praise the looks of the child.

  13. As Clara was putting her impatient question for the second time, Dete and Heidi arrived at the front door.

  14. Here he was sitting, his pipe in his mouth and his hands on his knees, quietly looking out, when the children, the goats and Cousin Dete suddenly clambered into view.

  15. As Dete and Heidi neared the grandmother's hut they met Peter coming round the corner; he had evidently been well rewarded that day for his labors, for he was carrying an immense bundle of long thick hazel sticks on his shoulders.

  16. This was a new idea to Heidi, and it pleased her so much that Dete had no longer any difficulty in getting her along.

  17. Dete had thought at once of Heidi and had gone off without delay to see the lady-housekeeper, and after Dete had given her a description of Heidi, she had immediately agreed to take her.

  18. John was sent off without delay to get the horses and carriage ready; Tinette was ordered to wake Heidi and get her dressed for a journey; Sebastian was hurried off to the house where Dete was in service to bring the latter round.

  19. Dete was greatly disappointed, for she had not expected such a piece of news.

  20. And Dete had told her that she could go home whenever she liked.

  21. Dete angrily, "what could have put it into your head to do like that?

  22. You must walk bravely on a little longer, and take good long steps, and in another hour we shall be there," said Dete in an encouraging voice.

  23. Dete did so, and Sebastian came downstairs; he looked astonished when he saw her, opening his eyes till they were nearly as big as the large round buttons on his coat.

  24. Dete shook hands with her friend and remained standing while Barbel went towards a small, dark brown hut, which stood a few steps away from the path in a hollow that afforded it some protection from the mountain wind.

  25. You know how my old friend Anne-Dete had lost all her children, and her husband also, and lived alone in the cottage over yonder with Marie-Seppli, who was a merry little girl.

  26. About five or six years later, who should walk into the room where Anne-Dete was sitting but Trevillo, leading a little boy by the hand.

  27. The Velika Dete came back, but he would not speak to "Bent Knees" for weeks.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

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    detective story; detective work; determinate form; determinate quantity; determine the; determining power; determining the