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Example sentences for "dishcloth"

Lexicographically close words:
dish; dishabille; disharmonic; disharmonies; disharmony; dishclout; dishearten; disheartened; disheartening; disheartenment
  1. The dishcloth is the poorest thing with which to wipe pots and pans, for it cannot possibly be free from soap and grease.

  2. To these may be added a mop and a dishcloth if you feel you must have these articles, but I wish I could convert you to the use instead of a small-sized whisk, or a little fibre broom such as is sold for cleaning sinks.

  3. But for all that," she added as she wrung out her dishcloth with an energy which the small white rag hardly needed, "I know it was pretty hard for her to do it, and I shall not give her a chance to do it again.

  4. The dishcloth was hung away now, and every bit of work was done.

  5. And the same evening she said to Mrs. Pollard: “Thee’lt ever stuff the pot and wash the dishcloth in thine own way.

  6. So when the door into the kitchen suddenly opened it gave her such a start that she dropped the dishcloth into the woodbox.

  7. The sharp eyes made a survey of the kitchen, watching Georgina narrowly as the child, having rinsed the dishcloth after its fall, leaned out of the back door to hang it on a bush in the sun, as Uncle Darcy always did.

  8. Nora stood leaning against the table swinging the dishcloth in her hand, a smile of malicious triumph on her face.

  9. To gain time, she picked up the dishcloth and began to scrub at an imaginary spot on the table.

  10. If you take my tip for it, those girls that sing out that men are the stronger vessel are the sort that have a dishcloth of a husband, and never let him off a string.

  11. As she said this she swirled her dishcloth to clean the bowl, and turning to toss the water into the drain outside the door, confronted Ernest Breslaw.

  12. Mind you strain the milk the first thing to-morrow, and wring out the dishcloth when you're through with it.

  13. There was no help for it, the other neat dishcloth must be sacrificed.

  14. Just to do something she takes the dishcloth and rubs the table with it.

  15. He looks at her for a moment, then gets up, pours water into a pail and puts a ragged dishcloth on the table.

  16. Well it beats me," she said taking up her dishcloth again, "why you should have anything to trouble you.

  17. Anne flew out of the pantry, dripping dishcloth in hand.

  18. You haven't scalded the dishcloth in clean hot water as I told you to do," said Marilla immovably.

  19. So that's what a cook gets when she pins her dishcloth on a boy.

  20. He was afraid to stay in, because he knew that if he did, Fuji would ask him again to fix the dishcloth rack in the kitchen.

  21. Then he went into the kitchen and fixed the dishcloth rack.

  22. An excellent dishcloth may be either knit or crocheted in some solid stitch of coarse cotton yarn.

  23. Illustration: Wire Dishcloth] For cleaning; iron pots, use soft water and soap or washing-soda with a wire dishcloth or kettle scraper.

  24. Putting the pan away under the shelf, he hung the dishcloth beside its mate on the line, and carefully stretched it out to dry.

  25. One dishcloth and a couple of towels hung on a line across the corner of the room over the stove.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dishcloth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    broom; cleaning; device