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Example sentences for "disheartening"

Lexicographically close words:
disharmony; dishcloth; dishclout; dishearten; disheartened; disheartenment; dished; disher; disherit; disherited
  1. The most disheartening thing about it is that it contains not one of those scenes of really tense dramatic quality which redeemed the squalor of Mrs. Warren's Profession, and made of Candida something very like a masterpiece.

  2. And we doubt not that the absence of explicatory comment by the author is disheartening to a public which likes all the questions raised answered at the close, after the manner of a Mother Goose morality.

  3. Maeterlinck writes a play about an open door, a closed window, or the vague and disheartening twilights of cloudy gardens.

  4. At this period, and notwithstanding all the recent disgraceful and disheartening defeats, a large corps had been already gathered in different parts of the republic.

  5. Meanwhile the master spirit of the nation--Santa Anna--had not been idle in the midst of his disheartening reverses.

  6. There was reason for disheartening fear in the breast of CortA(C)z, had it been susceptible of such an emotion.

  7. Yet, in the quiet of their retreat, and in the excitement of their rallying blood, they began to reflect upon the past and the disheartening aspect of the future.

  8. Molly Brown has a very nice little voice," said Lucilla, with most disheartening gravity.

  9. Great changes had been accomplished by popular movements even during the enfeebling and disheartening reign of George the Fourth.

  10. The results of the general election showed that the Conservatives had made a considerable addition to their numbers in the House of Commons, but showed also that they were still in a disheartening minority.

  11. He was born under conditions which might have been depressing and disheartening to one of different mould.

  12. Some of the guides complained of a heavy disheartening sickness; and my Swiss servant, who had accompanied me at his own request, was seized with excessive vomiting, and the pains of the severest headach.

  13. He ventured a second glance at Fulvia, but she had turned aside and was inspecting the wheel of the chaise with an air of the most disheartening detachment.

  14. None had come; and as the hours passed he yielded to the most disheartening fancies.

  15. Even Toby, although not suffering as I did, was not proof against the disheartening influences of the sight.

  16. Thence I rambled rather drearily along through several shabby and uninteresting streets on the other side of the Thames; and the dull streets in London are really the dullest and most disheartening in the world.

  17. It stands in a very desolate and dismal situation, at the foot of long bare slopes, on mossy ground, in the midst of a disheartening loneliness, only picturesque because it is so exceedingly ungenial and unlovely.

  18. As the paternal abode of Beatrice, the gloomy old palace of the Cencis had an interest for Hilda, although not sufficiently strong, hitherto, to overcome the disheartening effect of the exterior, and draw her over its threshold.

  19. Everything, however sunny and luxuriant may be the scene around, is especially disheartening in the immediate neighborhood of an Italian home.

  20. And I'm sure if there's one thing more disheartening than another, it is to have two of your friends standing up side by side, as stiff as a couple of pokers, without so much as a word.

  21. She hoped it would for Dot's sake; for few things are more disheartening than to play to empty benches.

  22. Who can deny that this lethargy has been the disheartening temper of the Christian Church, now when every domain of life cries aloud for vigorous thought?

  23. Small wonder that these men and women of the Hellenistic and Roman worlds {190} formed clubs and associations in which to escape from a disheartening loneliness and feel themselves members one of another.

  24. Then the process of thinking and looking would begin all over again, only again to come to the same disheartening end.

  25. The year that witnessed this disheartening defeat of the Anti-Masons, welcomed into political life a young man of great promise, destined to play, for the next forty years, a conspicuous part in the history of his country.

  26. These disheartening conditions were re-emphasised in the election of 1833.

  27. The letter from Ben Basswood had been rather a disheartening communication.

  28. This was disheartening to Laura and Jessie, but as it could not be helped the girls said they would make the best of it.

  29. The result was, that after two years of disheartening struggle, Whitney was reduced to bankruptcy.

  30. I can imagine nothing more disheartening to a clergyman, than to go to church, with an excellent sermon in his coat-pocket, and find an audience of twenty-five people.

  31. I hear some one of my young readers exclaim against the disheartening tendency of what is here said.

  32. The first chapters of the story were gloomy and disheartening beyond description.

  33. Disproportionate outline, sharp conjunctures of affluence and squalor, accented the disheartening hideousness of the scene.

  34. One was seated at a vast desk with papers, maps, dispatches, and books piled in disheartening confusion, within reach of his hand.

  35. And here lies the trouble,--in the unfathomable, disheartening duplicity of the race.

  36. Nothing could be more utterly disheartening than the unqualified condemnation passed upon the story.

  37. At first sight it seems disheartening to find that physicians are so easily humbugged.

  38. There is a faction in the Admiralty which possesses the indisputable facts and which takes a very disheartening view of the situation.

  39. The interview was a disheartening one for Page.

  40. Page's papers show that as early as February 25th he understood in a general way the disheartening proportions of the German success.

  41. The result was altogether disheartening to the Greeks.

  42. At Marseilles, Lord Cochrane received information, disheartening enough, though more encouraging than was justified by the real state of affairs, with reference to his intended fleet.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disheartening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alarming; bleak; chilling; cold; depressing; deterrent; disappointing; disconcerting; discouraging; disheartening; dismal; dismaying; displeasing; disquieting; down; fearful; fearsome; frightening; frightful; funereal; gloomy; inadequate; incommensurate; insufficient; joyless; mournful; oppressive; scary; startling; unsatisfactory; unsatisfying