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Example sentences for "dished"

Lexicographically close words:
dishclout; dishearten; disheartened; disheartening; disheartenment; disher; disherit; disherited; dishes; disheveled
  1. On Friday night of his first week as a graduate chauffeur he steered his car headlong into a smash-up from which she emerged with a dished front wheel and a permanent marcel wave in one fender.

  2. It is better to cook either kind of dumplings in a separate pot with plenty of water, and not remove them until the stew is dished and ready to be sent to the table.

  3. The widow poured out the tea and dished up the potatoes.

  4. The squad dished us out big portions of it and that, with hot coffee, made us feel like new men.

  5. That meant I had charge of the cook and bought supplies and dished out food and made up the bill of fare.

  6. Half dressed, they lined up with their canteens and I dished out the tea.

  7. A badge of honor dished out to officers for bravery.

  8. Human nature is altered already a good deal more than governments imagine," said Palgrave, "and they'll find themselves pretty well dished if they try to bring on a capitalist war now.

  9. I'm sorry for Adrienne, after a fashion, for she's dished herself, too.

  10. Well, you're dished then," said the old man grimly.

  11. Tom's birthday," added Jim Chenowith, "till the dinner is dished up in his honor.

  12. Jack served the roast onions, which were done to a beautiful brown, and Ed himself dished out the potatoes, roasted to a hard crust without and enticing mealiness within.

  13. When the pilaw is dished for table, it should be thinly covered with plain boiled rice to make it look white, and served up very hot.

  14. Have ready a pint or more of water, in which parsley roots have been boiled, till it has acquired a very strong flavour, and when the fish are dished throw some of this liquor over them.

  15. But there were three main factors over which the gilt cap at Pretoria had no control, and which dished this, as they have dished ninety-nine out of every hundred of schemes which were undertaken during the guerilla war.

  16. As the rain-storm has dished my original plans, I shall probably, as soon as I hear from Fauresmith, send half my force direct to the Kalabas bridge, and take the rest to support the Mount Nelson squadrons.

  17. Dame Betsy dished up the stew and put the spoons and bowls on the table, and soon the five absent daughters came home, rustling their flounces and flirting their parasols.

  18. There was even no sizzling from the kettles on the stove, for everything had been dished up.

  19. Stanton took charge of the kettle and dished out the rations that night.

  20. A strict distribution of rations was maintained, and when the pork was fried, Pete, with a spoon, dished out the grease into the five plates in equal shares.

  21. It was near noon, and Octavia dished up the dinner, while Roxy paid more attention to the impending funeral arrangements.

  22. Then she dished up and set before her irate guest a dinner which might have soothed a more perverse temper.

  23. Some of the elders sauntered over to inspect a wrongly dished wheel on a new wagon, and talked for twenty minutes of this phenomenon alone.

  24. After it is dished pour melted butter over it; serve with ham or bacon, and fresh cucumbers if in season.

  25. Carrots are also good simply boiled in salted water and dished up hot with melted butter over them.

  26. Have everything else ready for the table; the potatoes and vegetables dished and in the warming closet.

  27. Miroton:--Cold meat warmed in various ways, and dished in circular form.

  28. This dish is very fine accompanied with a few sound fresh tomatoes, sliced and fried in the same grease the cutlets were, and all dished on the same platter.

  29. They own that you are fairly dished at last.

  30. Once, however, the omnipotent housekeeper caught her there, and Lilly dished up the excuse that she wanted to learn housekeeping; which declaration was received with condescending merriment.

  31. Andy, ignorant of courses, dished up, together with the ham, a very fine dumpling emitting the odour of apples.

  32. Don't say we never dished you up a hot one.

  33. Then he spread them out all over the table, tossed them about every which way for a bit, straightened them together in a bunch, riffled them again, and passing them over to Cuthbert for the cut, dished them out.

  34. I had meanwhile dished the hands out, and after my two friends had drawn cards and I made a small bet they threw up their hands.

  35. I was banker, and dished up the first hand.

  36. Every man of the four persisted in giving me such massive hands to play against the utterly no-account hands they dished out to themselves that I didn't know what to make of it.

  37. If the ground is too soft, the railway is supported by bowl sleepers of dished steel, Figs.

  38. Where at first he used flat iron sleepers, he now fits his lines with dished steel sleepers, in accordance with Figs.

  39. As it was just meal-time, the poor woman dished out the food and placed it on the table.

  40. You're smashed all to smothers, and dished up and done for In a way most amazin.

  41. The wine was decanted, the dessert dished up in the little storeroom, and even the cake cut for tea, soon enough to leave almost the whole morning to be spent as usual.

  42. Difficulties are apt to come with good fortune; and the anxious question was now asked, how all these dainties were to be dished up.

  43. Poor old Nick hates the War because it's dished him.

  44. You'd have stayed at home rather than have dished me?

  45. I had mashed the hood and cracked a cylinder, dished the left front wheel and absolutely ruined all the battery connections.

  46. As early as the 1500's carpenters and wheelwrights were debating whether dished wheels were best.

  47. At her marriage a bride is "dished up;" that is all.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dished" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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