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Example sentences for "doesna"

Lexicographically close words:
doen; doer; doers; does; doeskin; doesnt; doest; doeth; dof; doff
  1. The puir man doesna want to be fashed wi' a set o' meddlin neebors.

  2. It doesna shuit me at a' to be sae lang upo' the solid: I'm like a cowt upon a toll ro'd.

  3. The Deacon is sae godly that God doesna get a chance to improve his condition, ma'am.

  4. Thou had better blame Hacon; he turned the boat Widdershins an' what fule doesna ken that it is evil luck to go contrarie to the sun?

  5. There isna a pagan altar-stane 'tween John O'Groat's an' Lambaness he doesna run after.

  6. Ay, ay, but ye ken Mary doesna like tae sit wi' her back tae the horse.

  7. He canna bear the tawpie, and doesna like to hae her p'inted oot as his sister.

  8. But it's like the stranger was ane that doesna lightly yield his point; for, ride as Steenie liked, he was aye beside him at the selfsame pace.

  9. Ye mayna be," said Eppie, "but lasses doesna do to be ower-partikler.

  10. Duncan doesna like that boat,' Ronald said, glancing at Mr. Hodson.

  11. I do my best to get his clothes dried when he comes in wet; but he doesna like to be bothered--especially if he's writing or reading; he says that a pipe keeps the harm away.

  12. And Duncan was saying that this gentleman that's come for the fishing, he doesna talk to Ronald about the salmon and the loch, but about everything in the country, and Ronald knows as well as him about such things.

  13. And doesna he hate it waur than pain or sin by this time?

  14. She doesna look like a sinfu' woman," he thought, recalling the glimpse he had got through the open door, of Allison sitting at peace and safe from harm.

  15. There are few things that John doesna ken, I'm thinking.

  16. And even with a good-will the opportunity doesna ay come.

  17. He has a gude judgment that doesna lippen to his ain.

  18. The tree doesna aye fa' at the first strake.

  19. He doesna aye ride when he saddles his horse.

  20. He that says what he likes will hear what he doesna like.

  21. He that rides ahint anither doesna saddle when he pleases.

  22. The gude dog doesna aye get the best bane.

  23. He that doesna mind corn pickles never comes to forpits.

  24. The cart doesna lose its errand when it comesna hame toom-tail.

  25. When the burn doesna babble, it's either ower toom or ower fu'.

  26. I 'm sure wi' you I 've been as free As ony modest lass should be; But yet it doesna do to see Sic freedom used before folk.

  27. The cushat doesna use to coo when the owl flies," said she.

  28. I was hungry afore faather beat me, but I doesna feel it now," was the reply.

  29. Every man that has a wife doesna 'glory' in being 'pecked by such a hen.

  30. I wad hae ye to understand that his faither doesna make his money sae easily--no by sitting on a seat, or walking up and down a room--as ye do.

  31. It doesna look like it," interrupted the laird.

  32. But I say, guidwife, mind we maunna just let on barefacedly that we ken wha he is; for I can see, frae the way he took my hints the nicht, that he doesna like it.

  33. Her brother doesna seem to be looking down on any one," said Mr Dawson with a short, amused laugh.

  34. She has her ain thoughts, and they are no' o' the pleasantest, or her lace doesna tell the truth.

  35. It is because he doesna wish to hear about James Petrie and his hopes.

  36. Do you mean that he doesna care for you--more than for any one else.

  37. He doesna seem to me like an ill-disposed youth," said Miss Jean.

  38. But he has no right to expect a warmer welcome from me than from--any other friend, and he doesna expect it.

  39. She doesna seem to be over weel pleased at this, but she'll come round.

  40. And when the pain hurts most--is worst to bear, I mean--it doesna really harm.

  41. It doesna take you long to make up your mind," said her father laughing.

  42. That doesna look as gin he were weel pleased.

  43. She is reasonable, and doesna let her wishes and her fancies get the better of her good sense, and so she is content.

  44. And when I see a mason lay twa-three stones to twa-three mair and fill in the core wi' rubble I ken he doesna reckon on the water seeping in.

  45. It doesna like to be stood up just anyhow.

  46. Ye mayna be," said Eppie, "but lasses doesna do to be ower partikler.

  47. An' what can I tell my mither that she doesna ca' me a coward this day?

  48. There are folk that say, gin he doesna leuk oot, anither kale wifie wull be throwin' a bit stool at 'is meddlin' heid.

  49. Gin he doesna keep canny it wull gang to 'is heart.

  50. I aye thought that she had the upperhand o' him, but it doesna appear by his manner o' speaking to her.

  51. If I can trust my een, Effie doesna dislike me.

  52. Human nature is fallible, but as a rule, Tory doesna eat Tory.

  53. He will hae something in his heart to salve all losses and all wrongs; but I wonder Joanna doesna take better care o' her father's place.

  54. But then, Effie, there are prayers that God doesna hear.

  55. Yes, if it doesna rain, or if something doesna happen to hinder us.

  56. If she doesna scold me, I'll ken that there is some use in praying.

  57. Aunt Elsie is fond of reading; and if she doesna object to Annie and Sarah taking a book, it is because they don't very often do so.

  58. She doesna look strong; and the house is large, you say?

  59. She doesna like this country altogether, I know; but now that she has grown so helpless, she will not care to go back.

  60. But Christie doesna seem to mind much what Aunt Elsie says.

  61. I would far rather be laid in our own kirk-yard at home--though that is a dreary place, too, when the sun doesna shine.

  62. She doesna like to keep the cob standing.

  63. I'll just have it lying about when Dugald comes over this afternoon, and see if he doesna pick it up and have a good look at it.

  64. But if Robert gets well, we may let it stand; and if he doesna get well, I shall seek counsel o' God before I take a step farther.

  65. God doesna leave that choice i' the dark; thy way may be narrow an' unpleasant, but it is clear enough.

  66. Christ doesna ask a man whether he be Norse or Scot.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doesna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.