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Example sentences for "electrometer"

Lexicographically close words:
electrolyzed; electromagnet; electromagnetic; electromagnetism; electromagnets; electrometers; electromotive; electron; electronic; electronics
  1. It was there pointed out that an electrometer is essentially an instrument for measuring differences of electric potential between conductors, by means of effects of electrostatic force.

  2. The best known of these are his quadrant electrometer and his attracted-disk electrometers.

  3. He insisted with emphasis that a student who found that a quadrant electrometer would not work well should take it to pieces to ascertain what was the matter.

  4. The quadrant electrometer has now been vastly increased in sensibility by the use of a single quartz fibre as suspension.

  5. The alternate transition was precisly similar to that indicated by the electrometer shortly before and during a storm.

  6. Quickly raising the conductor by pulling the cord, f, the index of the electrometer will describe a more or less large impulsive arc, and, after two oscillations, will stop at the definite arc.

  7. With thirty pairs of this pile, each element having twenty-five square centimetres of surface, I have on the electrometer a definite arc of 15 deg.

  8. If it is desired to render the threads conducting they may be lightly silvered, and will be found to conduct well enough for electrometer work before the silver coating is thick enough to sensibly impair their elastic properties.

  9. The paraffin often becomes electrified itself by the friction of the key contacts, so that in electrometer work it is often convenient to form the cups by lining them with a little roll of copper foil twisted up at the bottom.

  10. Moreover, it does not require correction for electrometer leakage, as generally happens when more elaborate appliances are used.

  11. In the case of an electrometer jar which has become conducting but is not perceptibly dirty, rubbing with a little oleate of soda and a silk ribbon, followed, of course, by copious washing, does very well.

  12. This is easily done in the case of electrometer jars, and so long as the air remains perfectly dry through the action of sulphuric acid or phosphorus pentoxide, the jar will insulate.

  13. In this situation, though the point is fairly exposed to the prime conductor, it has little or no effect; the electrometer rises to the height of a full charge.

  14. Turn the wire its blunt end upwards (which represents an unpointed bar) and no such effect follows, the electrometer remaining at its usual height when the prime conductor is charged.

  15. The pointed wire under the prime conductor continuing of the same height, pinch it between the thumb and finger near the top, so as just to conceal the point; then turning the globe, the electrometer will rise and mark the full charge.

  16. A book containing strips of gold leaf is sent with the Electrometer to replace the gold leaves when torn or broken in use.

  17. The needle of the electrometer is made to carry a small reflector; and rays from a properly adjusted source of light are thrown by the reflector, through a small opening, upon the photographic paper.

  18. J] Sir William Thomson's quadrant electrometer is the most perfect form of electrometer yet constructed, and the one usually employed in cable testing.

  19. The reflecting electrometer being a very delicate instrument, requires careful handling, and should only be used by a practised electrician.

  20. The electrometer attached to its handle was very slightly affected; but a fine thread, presented to the plate, was perceptibly attracted by it.

  21. The physicist set up his quadrant electrometer after a good deal of trouble, but throughout the winter had to struggle constantly with rime forming on the parts of his apparatus exposed to the outer air.

  22. So far as possible, continuous records of the electric potential gradient in the atmosphere were taken, a form of quadrant electrometer with a boom and ink recorder, made by the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, being employed.

  23. Thus if we measure the value of a when the magnetic force first begins to affect the leak to the electrometer we determine 2Xm/eH^2, and as we can easily measure X and H, we can deduce the value of m/e.

  24. This ratio is equal to the ratio of the deflexions in one second of the electrometer attached to D, hence the observations of this instrument give 1 - ut/l.

  25. K is a piece of wire gauze completely covering the opening in Q; T is an insulated piece of wire gauze nearly but not quite filling the opening in the plate P, and connected with one pair of quadrants of an electrometer E.

  26. Of flame collectors the two best known are Lord Kelvin's portable electrometer with a fuse, or F.

  27. The invention of the portable electrometer and the water-dropping electrograph by Lord Kelvin in the middle of the 19th century, and the greater definiteness thus introduced into observational results, were notable events.

  28. Having achieved this with some success, I was placed opposite a quadrant electrometer and made to study its construction and use.

  29. Finally, the invention of an exact electrometer by Dellman, and its application by Professor Kohlrausch, of Marburg, made the experimental confirmation of all his work quite as significant as for his law.

  30. A form of attracted disk absolute electrometer was devised by A.

  31. It may be pointed out that such an arrangement is not merely an arbitrary electrometer, but may become an absolute electrometer within certain rough limits.

  32. A double pith ball repulsion electrometer was employed by T.

  33. But this last expression is proportional to the instantaneous power taken up in the inductive circuit, and hence the difference of the two readings of the electrometer is proportional to the mean power taken up in the circuit (Phil.

  34. A vast improvement in this instrument was made by the invention of the quadrant electrometer by Lord Kelvin, which is the most sensitive form of electrometer yet devised.

  35. His portable electrometer is shown in fig.

  36. Guided by these experiments, Ayrton, Perry and Sumpner constructed an improved unifilar quadrant electrometer which was not only more sensitive than the White pattern, but fulfilled the theoretical law of working.

  37. In this last case, however, the capacity of the electrometer used must be small, otherwise an error is introduced.

  38. The importance of this investigation resides in the fact that an electrometer of the above pattern can be used as a wattmeter (q.

  39. The electrometer used at the Cape was founded upon the principle developed by Sir William Thomson.

  40. The Electrometer Mast and sliding frame were erected near the Magnetic Observatory.

  41. I have removed the Electrometer Mast (a source of some expense and some danger), the perfect success of Sir William Thomson's Electrometer rendering all further apparatus for the same purpose unnecessary.

  42. A change had been made in the Electrometer-apparatus: 'A wire for the collection of atmospheric electricity is now stretched from a chimney on the north-west angle of the leads of the Octagon Room to the Electrometer pole.

  43. An Electrometer on Sir William Thomson's plan, for continuous photographic registration of atmospheric electricity has been received from Mr White of Glasgow.

  44. Lesage, so as to enable him to work with only two wires and one electrometer at each station.

  45. Each electrometer was to represent a letter of the alphabet, and they were to be brought into action by an excited glass rod.

  46. Peltier’s Electrometer yields the same result by the deflection of a magnetic needle.

  47. The electrometer consisted of a pair of pith-balls; but, though the experiment was several times repeated, they shewed no signs of electrification.

  48. Faint coruscations of the Aurora Borealis appeared one evening but their presence did not in the least affect the electrometer or the compass.

  49. Its appearance did not affect the electrometer nor could we perceive the compass to be disturbed.

  50. The electrometer will instantly show an electricity in the gold-leaf, similar to that of the cylinder which had been brought into contact with it.

  51. Electrify this cylinder, and present to its superficies a small square of gold-leaf, held to it by an insulating needle of gum lac, and bring this square to an electrometer of great sensibility.

  52. It will be then found that the electrometer will exhibit no signs of electricity whatsoever.

  53. We saw flashes of heat-lightning to the south; and the electrometer of Volta constantly displayed, at sunset, positive electricity.

  54. Yet the electrometer constantly denoted, a little before the lightning, only E.

  55. The electrometer gave no sign of electricity.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electrometer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.