In 1832, Father Roothaan, General of the Society, addressed an encyclicalletter to the Order.
During his hours of insomnia he would often rise and send Squadra to fetch a secretary in order that he might detail some memoranda or sketch out an encyclical letter.
If they had the courage to enforce Article 35 of the law (police des cultes) every French bishop would be in prison for reading the encyclical of August 15th in the churches.
The previous encyclical (Vehementer) had left them indifferent.
Providentissimus Deus') should have closed the controversy; but men are tenacious of their opinions, and both schools in Germany utilize the Encyclical for their own ends.
The officialEncyclical of the present Pope Leo XIII.
The matter was evidently thought serious in the higher regions of the Church, for in November, 1893, appeared an encyclical letter by the reigning Pope, Leo XIII, on The Study of Sacred Scripture.
Renan In the Roman Catholic Church The encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII In America.
For these admissions of Father Clarke, see his article The Papal Encyclicalon the Bible, in the Contemporary Review for July, 1894.
Like the casuistry of Boscovich in using the Copernican theory for "convenience in argument," while acquiescing in its condemnation by the Church authorities, this encyclical of Pope Benedict broke the spell.
Nor did it show any sympathy with the appeal of the pope, who in his encyclical letter, Vehementer nos, addressed to the French cardinals on the 11th of February, denounced the Separation Law.
Suddenly the Pope intervened by an encyclicaldirected against any such acceptance, and prescribed a continuation of the contest.
In February, 1892, as a rejoinder to a manifesto by five French cardinals, came his famous encyclical letter advocating the established order of things.
This encyclical was followed by a letter to the French cardinals in May and by other manifestations of his wishes.
To others, cause is shown in the consistorial allocutions, Encyclical and other letters apostolical of the Holy Father, in relation to each proposition.
Encyclical of 29th April, and a declaration of war against Austria; that a new expedition should be speedily organized, and that an official bulletin of the war should be published daily.
Several bishops declared that the Encyclical was already sufficiently published in their dioceses by the voice of the press.
In anEncyclical of 27th April, he asked prayers for peace of all the patriarchs, primates, archbishops and bishops.
The Mamiani ministry necessarily arose out of the popular commotions, and was a protest of the excited masses against the Encyclical of 29th April.
Billaut, sent for this courageous writer, and gave him to understand that if he published the Encyclicalit would be the death-warrant of his journal.
You may read my reply in an Encyclical which will soon appear.
In this same Encyclical also, the venerable Pontiff, speaking of the Catholic press, declared it to be indispensible.
And the study of the encyclical concludes: "Time is the great teacher .
Seldom has it been put forward more speciously than in reference to the recent Encyclical of Pius IX.
A great pope has already cautioned us against this error, in an encyclical of the first century, beginning Simon Petrus, Servus et Apostolus Jesu Christi.
He appears as the champion of the encyclical of Pius IX.
Three months later the Pope issued a long Encyclical letter, containing an elaborate study of Modernist opinions, and ordaining various measures for stamping out the evil.
Likewise, many of its tenets are drawn fromencyclical letters.
Here is the pious Pope Leo XIII again, in his Encyclical of Nov.
Here is Pope Leo XIII, in his Encyclical of 1890--and please remember that Leo XIII was the beau ideal of our capitalist statesmen and editors, as wise and kind and gentle-souled a pope as ever roasted a heretic.
THE Encyclicalwe have used is The London Tablet's translation.
The decrees of councils were usually sent by encyclical letters to other bishops.
This council was preceded by an encyclical from the Pope, laying out its plans by work yet leaving it within the power of the diocesan bishops to promulgate its canons according to their own wisdom.
When Shund will have been elected, a system of economy will be inaugurated, taxes will be removed, and the encyclical letter with which the Pope has tried to stultify the people, together with the syllabus, will be sent to the dogs.
In his second Encyclical Epistle, the Prince of the Apostles writes as follows: “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation; but to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be tormented.
At the close of the year 1864, the tenth anniversary of the date on which he had himself proclaimed the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin as a dogma, the Pope issued his Encyclical Letter against modern thought.
The Encyclical which followed in 1891 made glad the sons of Labor throughout the world, and gave satisfaction to all democratic communities.
Encyclical directed against their insidious and dangerous doctrines, which was followed by another from Pope Leo XII.
In 1884, he addressed to them his celebrated encyclical Nobilissima Gallorum gens, an effusion of fatherly tenderness towards a noble daughter of the Church.
A book, small in size, but immense in its perversity," was Gregory's criticism in a new encyclical letter.
At Munich, in 1832, he received the encyclical Mirari vos, condemning his policy; as a result L'Avenir ceased and the Agence was dissolved.
But the supreme authority of the Roman See is indicated most plainly in the encyclical letter issued by the Pope.