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Example sentences for "exceptions"

Lexicographically close words:
excepting; exception; exceptionable; exceptional; exceptionally; exceptis; excepto; excepts; excerpt; excerpta
  1. But the faults of the average African king--there are exceptions to the rule--are such to try our patience in the extreme.

  2. The exceptions are the men who rest their faith on those 'blossoms of the soul' which give comfort to the wrecked mariner and aid the monk to suffer martyrdom at the hands of those to whom he brings the blessings of civilization.

  3. It is noticeable, however, that there are exceptions to the rule in the spiritual world as there are exceptions in the natural human world.

  4. He did not know that the modern social code is like the Spanish grammar--there are so many exceptions that the rules are hardly worth noting.

  5. And one of our most notorious modern exceptions is the married woman who is pleased to hold herself excused because outsiders tell her that her husband does not understand her.

  6. In Russia, by the way, there are no exceptions to general rules.

  7. With rare exceptions it attacks when wounded if it so much as catches sight of a human being.

  8. The Cagayans are, as a people, notoriously lazy and stupid, although there are of course numerous conspicuous individual exceptions to this rule.

  9. With few exceptions their former tenants absolutely refused to pay rent.

  10. The few mills which existed were of the most antiquated type, and with one or two negligible exceptions were confined to Manila.

  11. Not always so, and considerable exceptions still exist.

  12. These, therefore, still form the basis or groundwork of the common law, to prevail wheresoever the exceptions have not taken place.

  13. Feudal holdings were, therefore, but exceptions out of the Saxon laws of possession, under which all lands were held in absolute right.

  14. At the same time there are exceptions to this rule, in which a suspension of the remedy, or a deviation from the order of the physician, is not only allowable, but is absolutely required.

  15. With these exceptions Aristotle lays it down, that, in every Antiphasis, one proposition must be true and the other must be false.

  16. It seemed such a pity that a little more forethought and common sense could not have been expended on that dressing- station, and yet we found that with rare exceptions this was the regular state of affairs, whether in.

  17. We were established in the Episcopal College of St. Joseph, a large boys' school, and not badly adapted to the needs of a hospital but for the exceptions I have mentioned.

  18. Wherever the German army arrived, they entered with few exceptions empty towns.

  19. The Sermons of which the Volume consists are such as are, more or less, exceptions to the rule which I ordinarily observed, as to the subjects which I introduced into the pulpit of St. Mary's.

  20. There were, however, a few exceptions to this rule.

  21. Forty-seven bodies, some of them with the clothing entirely burned away, and with few exceptions with features charred beyond recognition, had been taken there.

  22. There were exceptions to the general rule, but even in the places which felt the effect the least there was abundant testimony to the fact that Chicago was a city of woe.

  23. With but one or two exceptions all left in stage costume.

  24. Not only had no woman ever held this position before, but with few exceptions it had only been held by men who in after life became highly distinguished.

  25. Men of great achievements are not to be set on pedestals and reverenced as exceptions to the average of humanity.

  26. Apparent exceptions will be found to relate almost wholly to single undertakings, while in the long run the rule will hold good.

  27. This is the only portion containing verses and prose formulas (both having the common name of mantras) which recur in the Taittiriya Samhita, the sole exceptions being a few passages relating to the horse-sacrifice in chapters 22-25.

  28. The sutra of that grammarian contains hundreds of rules dealing with Vedic forms; but these are of the nature of exceptions to the main body of his rules, which are meant to describe the Sanskrit language.

  29. Evidently, we cannot infer from our own non-observation of exceptions, that exceptions do not exist.

  30. We must first know that if there were exceptions we should have known them.

  31. And the same is true of the other senses, with the exceptions named.

  32. The world may be full of exceptions to this general rule, and yet he not know it.

  33. These exceptions and modifications are not made by the process of logic, but by the rules of prudence.

  34. It is not intended to imply that there may not be exceptions to this rule.

  35. Sex, male or female, breeds true in nearly every case; the rare exceptions merely emphasising the rule.

  36. These exceptions prove the principle I am endeavouring to impress, however.

  37. Into every clause of this book must be read the many inspiring exceptions to be found among those modern men and women and children who are advancing normally along evolutionary lines.

  38. Irish opinion generally still embodies the deep-seated animosities and strife of race and faith, at least as fully as it ever did; with few exceptions this appears in the tone of the newspaper press.

  39. Nor can it be questioned that the Imperial Parliament has, for a long period, sincerely desired to legislate and rule for the good of Ireland, and has accomplished important Irish reforms, whatever legitimate exceptions may be taken to them.

  40. The exceptions to this, are birds coming direct to you or going away.

  41. There are many honorable exceptions to this, as has already been shown; but such, we are assured, is the general fact.

  42. To these remarks, there are some noble exceptions to be found in both parties in the church.

  43. Instead of restraining the power of Congress on slavery and other subjects, it even gives it freer course; for exceptions to parts of a rule, give double confirmation to those parts not embraced in the exceptions.

  44. In the Biabou quarter the laborers have resumed work in greater numbers than in other parts of the parish, and the exceptions in this, as in ether districts, we hope will continue but a short time.

  45. There are but few exceptions to the rule.

  46. The speed of the motor will generally be dependent on the number of the poles, but there may be exceptions to this rule.

  47. I have no doubt that every member of the late convention has exceptions to some part of the system proposed.

  48. And indeed, before such regulations and exceptions shall be made, the manner of appeal will not be ascertained.

  49. When the compact confers the aforesaid general power, making nevertheless some special reservations and exceptions, then is the citizen protected further, so far as these reservations and exceptions shall extend.

  50. But the truth is, the creation of all inferior courts is in the power of Congress; and the constitution provides that Congress may make such exceptions from the right of appeals as they shall judge proper.

  51. The senate must always receive the exceptions of the president against any of their legislative acts, which, without [12] serious deliberation and sufficient reasons, they will seldom disregard.

  52. The atrial spaces form somewhat doubtful exceptions to the rule.

  53. Not a few carry their eggs about; but this operation is with a few exceptions performed by the male.

  54. A good many exceptions to the above general statements have been recorded[46].

  55. In the Amniota the three bones found in Amphibia are always present, but with a few exceptions amongst the Lacertilia and Ophidia, are no longer dentigerous.

  56. The Christian miracles are rendered almost as suspicious from their place in a long sequence of similar occurrences, as they are by being exceptions {154} to the sequence of natural phenomena.

  57. However much miracles are exceptions to the order of nature, they have always been the rule in the history of ignorance.

  58. But with few exceptions this work is not as yet missionary, militant, or diffused to the communities of greatest need.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exceptions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.