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Example sentences for "flounders"

Lexicographically close words:
flounces; flouncing; flounder; floundered; floundering; flour; floure; floured; floures; flouring
  1. Not a mightier whale than this In the vast Atlantic is; Not a fatter fish than he, Flounders round the Polar Sea.

  2. So down there, some ten feet below the level of the deck, the poor harpooneer flounders about, half on the whale and half in the water, as the vast mass revolves like a tread-mill beneath him.

  3. But, when it becomes a question of discovering the same picture in the future, the boldest imagination flounders at the first step.

  4. A vast area of fishing ground stood just off Patchogue, then a tiny village, near which flounders were seined in enormous quantities.

  5. You see I can kill two birds with one stone by stealing away Friday afternoon and motoring over to my fishing hut at Patchogue--wonderful flounders down there!

  6. It is sad, gentlemen, but I'm off flounders since the Chinaman, who died aboard the barque, was buried in the bay.

  7. He lay the gift of flounders on the wooden stage.

  8. Fluke and Flounders are good all year round, but the fluke is better than the flounder in summer.

  9. Ben, absorbed in his fishing, continued his careful handling of his line until half-a-dozen flounders were deposited in the boat.

  10. Flounders were biting in plenty, and soon they had enough for dinner.

  11. And presently the satisfaction of pulling flounders on board made Ben forget everything else.

  12. Alas for the ill-fated pundit who, forgetting his aim, flounders in the bottomless morass of heterogeneity.

  13. Dowagers as plenty as flounders inhabit all around; and Pope's ghost is just now skimming under my window by a most poetical moonlight.

  14. To dresse Flounders or Playce with Garlick and Mustard.

  15. I's gwine foh some flounders 'way 'cross de bay.

  16. He anchored his boat on his chosen fishing ground, and the flounders bit well, and all the while he was pulling them in the fun went forward merrily on board the Rip Van Winkle.

  17. He had caught his flounders with uncommonly good success, and then he had pulled back across the fog-covered water, to the spot where he expected to find his young passengers.

  18. Both Plaice and Flounders in the Baltic are much more spiny than in the North Sea, although in the Flounder no sexual difference in this respect has been noted.

  19. I have shown experimentally that exposure of the lower sides of Flounders to light reflected upwards from below causes development of pigment on the lower side.

  20. The Flounders of the Mediterranean are much less spinous than those of the North Sea or Channel.

  21. Some hundreds of young Flounders were reared at the same time under ordinary conditions and none of them developed pigment.

  22. In the Baltic the Flounders are as large as those on our own coasts, but the thorny tubercles are much more developed, nearly the whole of the upper surface being covered with them.

  23. Mr. Dacie wanted most terribly to catch some flounders and wondered if there were any to be found; and of course as Walter knew of three secret places where flounders were sure to lurk he eagerly told his new friend about them.

  24. You'll fry these flounders for supper, won't you, Ma?

  25. She left the architectural firm and took over CitiSpace.

  26. He thought he had been emotionally prepared, but now he realized he wasn't.

  27. Now for the bait; tie it on tightly with that white cotton, or the flounders will suck it off so fast that you will have nothing else to do but keep replacing it.

  28. The flounders have thoracic ventrals, not jugular as in the cod.

  29. But there is little direct proof of such relation, and the resemblance of larval flounders to the ribbon-fishes may have equal significance.

  30. It is probable that these approach most nearly of existing flounders to the original ancestors of the group.

  31. Samaris cristatus of Asia is the type of another tribe of flounders and the peculiar hook-jawed Oncopterus darwini of Patagonia represents still another tribe.

  32. One species in Japan has this trait, which is not found in any Atlantic species, or in any other flounders outside the fauna of northern California, Oregon, and Alaska.

  33. The reversed examples of various species of flounders (these, by the way, chiefly confined to the California fauna) afford "striking examples of discontinuous variation.

  34. The soles as a whole differ from the flounders in having the bones of the head obscurely outlined, their edges covered by scales.

  35. The great starry flounder of Alaska, Platichthys stellatus, is the largest of the small-mouthed flounders and in its region the most abundant.

  36. The species have much in common with the plaice tribe of flounders and may be derived from the same stock.

  37. If clearly proved, the soles should either be joined with the flounders in one family or else they should be divided into two or three, according to their supposed origin.

  38. Flounders are in the market all the year.

  39. He could wile the very flounders out o' the Firth.

  40. He can wile the flounders out o' the sea.

  41. When a man has fallen into the mire, the more he flounders the more he fouls himself.

  42. When he flounders about or rolls over, there is terrible destruction of life and property on the surface of the earth above.

  43. The flounders and skates lay flat on the ocean's floor, never even lifting up their noses.

  44. The flounders are a peculiar family, the young when born are symmetrical.

  45. If flounders are placed in an aquarium and arranged so the light can fall on the under side of their bodies, this, too, becomes dark, much like the other side.

  46. Flounders live on sandy bottoms, some in shallow water, while others are found in deepest parts of the ocean.

  47. Let's go and catch a mess of flounders for supper.

  48. Tim, whose experience in fishing had been limited mostly to catching flounders and cunners.

  49. By the time young Tim was back with the rope, they had enough fish to bait the four pots, and more, and a mess of flounders for supper.

  50. They were all out in the cove shortly, with lines down close to the muddy bottom, for flounders and sculpins.

  51. I couldn't help telling Tommy when I asked for the flounders yesterday; he told his mother, but no one else knows it.

  52. O, mother, I've got a lot of flounders and some bread for you!

  53. The operation of cleaning the flounders was the greatest trial, for the skin of the fish has to be removed.

  54. Within, the winding walks dimly echoed whispering words; the lawn was studded with dazzling groups; on the terrace by the river a dainty multitude beheld those celebrated waters which furnish flounders to Richmond and whitebait to Blackwall.

  55. It is in knowledge as in swimming: he who flounders and splashes on the surface makes more noise, and attracts more attention, than the pearl-diver who quietly dives in quest of treasures to the bottom.

  56. Nevertheless, in it I caught two small flounders and an eel.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flounders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.