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Example sentences for "forepaws"

Lexicographically close words:
foreordination; forepart; foreparts; forepassed; forepaw; forepeak; forequarter; forequarters; forerun; forerunner
  1. Narcisse stood on his hind legs, his forepaws on his master's arm, and uttered little plaintive whines.

  2. He laid his head along his forepaws and glowered sullenly instead of barking with enthusiasm.

  3. Then the Hare sat itself down, planting its forepaws firmly in front of it, as these animals do when they are on the watch, looked up at me and began to pour the contents of its mind into mine.

  4. At any rate it sat up in the alert fashion that hares have, its forepaws hanging absurdly in front of it, with one ear, on which there was a grey blotch, cocked and one dragging, and sniffed with its funny little nostrils.

  5. Turning handsprings, balancing himself precariously on the end of his vibrating tail, running and waving his forepaws to get my attention was Fuzzy.

  6. He crossed his forepaws in front of him, vibrated his long, furry tail, and said defiantly, "No.

  7. Then she fell into a sound sleep, lying with her forepaws tucked comfortably under her and her head resting on them.

  8. One day, when she let herself drop on her forepaws to nibble the nice, green grass, Keesa, on peeping out, found his own mouth close to the ground.

  9. He had half turned, meaning to swing out and drop, when the lion planted both forepaws upon his back.

  10. Teague, with a proud glance at Old Jim standing with forepaws up on the pine.

  11. When he was approached he had a trick of standing up, holding up his forepaws in an appealing sort of way, with his head twisted in the most absurd manner.

  12. Then it seemed he moved up like a shot and stood all his long length, forepaws against the piƱon, his deep bay ringing defiance to the lions.

  13. It was violently struggling to regain its position, its jaw resting on the trunk, its forepaws furiously beating the water.

  14. At last Miki could almost reach out with his forepaws and touch him.

  15. Out in the open space, in the light of the moon and stars, Challoner stood far a moment with Miki's forepaws resting against his breast.

  16. A dozen times he circled around Neewa, and then, with something of the situation driven upon him, he came up close to the bear and rested his forepaws on his shoulders.

  17. Instead of catching his throat, the panther's fanged jaws closed on the upper part of his left arm, while her forepaws gripped his shoulders, which were protected by a khaki coat and flannel shirt.

  18. This one intended to sink the curved claws of her forepaws in the professor's shoulders, and, with her teeth at his throat, to rake his body with the terrible downward, slashing strokes of the catamount clan.

  19. Lifting up my head, there was a porcupine with his forepaws on my hips.

  20. His forepaws were clasped to his breast precisely as if they had been hands, and the tips of the fingers thrust into his vest pockets.

  21. The dog still stood up, with his forepaws raised upon the bench; the oars were among his feet.

  22. They followed us, however, and, occasionally resting their forepaws on the out-riggers, kept up with us well.

  23. There was a quick snuffling about him, and then there was a loud burst of barking, and he felt that the dog who barked was standing with his forepaws on his chest.

  24. They nearly jumped out of their skins with excitement when at last she gave a bound and landed with both forepaws on the middle of his back.

  25. He had stopped chewing when the door opened, and now he lifted his forepaws and sat half-erect, his yellow teeth showing between his parted lips, and his little eyes staring at the lamp which the mossback carried.

  26. For an instant he hung motionless on the side of the tree, and then his forepaws let go, and he swayed backward and fell to the ground.

  27. On the straw beside him lay a huge dog, doubtless bred for hunting, with short gray fur, forepaws stretched before it like a sphinx.

  28. Scipio stood with his forepaws on Celino's chest, and Celino scratched the hound behind the ears.

  29. Scipio carried the trencher in his mouth to a corner of the room, where he lay down and began pushing the hard bread around with his forepaws and, working at it with his formidable teeth, making loud crunching noises.

  30. The dog jumped at Simon, resting his forepaws on Simon's chest and looking up at him as if studying his face.

  31. Mr. Coon rolled over and over with both of his forepaws clasped over his stomach and groaned and groaned and groaned.

  32. His little forepaws flew so fast that if you had been there you could hardly have seen them at all.

  33. Standing with his forepaws on the edge of the glass bowl, Tom dipped one paw down toward the water to get a fish.

  34. All of a sudden Tom stood up on his hind legs and put his forepaws on the edge of the bowl.

  35. They sprang clear, the Indian waiting with upraised club, but the bear advanced slowly, ripping and tearing at the snow with his huge forepaws with their claws as long as a man's fingers.

  36. Connie's ax had severed the animal's backbone, and so long as they kept out of reach of those terrible forepaws they were safe.

  37. They might not have done so then if Little Sister had not lost her hold upon the oak-tree bark and fallen with her forepaws on a scarlet jack-in-the-pulpit berry.

  38. Even the stars were all hidden behind thick clouds, and one could hardly see one's forepaws while walking.

  39. Then he rubbed his face, eyes, and ears vigorously with both forepaws at once in a half-childish fashion, sitting up on his hind-quarters as he did so.

  40. It held its small, handlike forepaws tucked up under its chin, and swam with quick strokes of its strong hind legs and eel-like wrigglings of the muscular tail.

  41. And sometimes a muskrat, swimming with powerful strokes of his hind legs, his tiny forepaws gathered childishly under his chin, would take his way over the pool to the meadow of the blue flag-flowers.

  42. Gently he picked it up,--it was a rare and beautiful little creature, but one of its silky forepaws had evidently been caught in some trap, for it was badly mangled and bleeding.

  43. As they ran, they spun round, made high leaps and beat their forepaws against their hind-paws so that they rattled.

  44. There he sat up on his haunches, took the boy between his forepaws and held him up.

  45. As I still came on, he gave me danger signal number one by suddenly stamping his forepaws rapidly on the hard ground.

  46. At last he curled up in a round ball, with his chin on his forepaws like his mother.

  47. As he relaxed his deadly coils and swung his head round, the Little Sly One struck out with both forepaws at once, and succeeded in catching the hissing, darting head.

  48. He retired, took a noble run, and in a trice hooked his forepaws in the handkerchief, and I hauled him in at the window.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forepaws" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.