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Example sentences for "gallivanting"

Lexicographically close words:
galliot; galliots; gallipot; gallipots; gallium; gallon; gallons; gallop; galloped; galloper
  1. You seem to think I have been gallivanting about amusing myself, whereas--oh, Stella, I barely know how to hold myself with joy for seeing you again.

  2. Even actors can not burst blood-vessels with impunity over night and then go gallivanting about town next day.

  3. They are in the dressing-room at the theatre, and I can't go gallivanting through the streets in this rig.

  4. Larry gallivanting is one thing, Larry with Twombley and Peneluna, not to mention us all, is another.

  5. She can't do it while she's gallivanting with this here Northrup.

  6. Marian needs curbing; she's got to understand that she can't go gallivanting over the country with strangers, getting her name in the newspapers.

  7. But that boy got tired o' gallivanting around over there, and he's back here on Edward's hands.

  8. Do you reckon I’d let a woman I’d fetched home Go gallivanting off at her own sweet will?

  9. What'll I be doing while you're gallivanting round the country with some Italian count?

  10. Another block and second-hand clothing shops nudged one another, their flapping wares for sale outside them like clothes-wash on a line, empty arms and legs gallivanting in the wind.

  11. Ay, 'tis many a year since the missus and me went gallivanting about the country.

  12. You had ought to ask my permission, going gallivanting sudden like that.

  13. It's all due to your gallivanting after missionaries' wives.

  14. Now was it becoming for a grown man, a missionary who had occupied the pulpit at Salem Chapel in the morning, to go gallivanting about the meadows with a young woman in the afternoon?

  15. And unless you had great astuteness of observation, and an eye like a hawk or a landlady, you wouldn't see the likes of him in a twelvemonth, even though you might be gallivanting through the streets every day.

  16. She don't want to be going out to balls and parties at night, and gallivanting with other women's husbands, and she cares as little about the latest fashions as I do myself.

  17. I hear he has been gallivanting after you, curse him.

  18. They were young folks all, at the age when toil and plain living but give a zest to the errant pleasures of life, so they filled their hour of leisure with gallivanting among the mown and gathered grass.

  19. I know how much put about you are to have this young fellow gallivanting round the lady.

  20. Never no gallivanting with other females.

  21. I suppose you're going to leave me to do all the work while you go gallivanting about playing the gentleman.

  22. You've come back home sick, after gallivanting around in the city, for me to nurse.

  23. Ug muwargung mu, kanang mahuman na ug iksámin, You can go gallivanting around after the examination.

  24. Girawunráwun sa istudiyanti ang kwartang pangmatrikula, The student squandered the money for tuition fees by gallivanting around.

  25. Took the family name and dropped his title in order to go gallivanting about the country with this young person.

  26. And if it wasn't for the plaster on his face, he'd be capable of gallivanting on Llandudno pier this very night!

  27. And then she very distinctly heard old Batchgrew exclaim-- "And they go gallivanting off together to the cinema!

  28. Gallivanting all over town, I'll be bound.

  29. It doesn't look right for a girl to be gallivanting all over the township.

  30. Then, when you accused me of gallivanting off with--" But Bertram swept her back into his arms, and not for some minutes could Billy make a coherent speech again.

  31. They'll be gallivanting in and out all the time.

  32. I just ran down into the shop--" "Gallivanting with that young Scales!

  33. Then I'm told as she was a gallivanting woman and no housekeeper, and as often drunk as sober.

  34. I can't have her gallivanting off to you nor to any one else just this minute.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gallivanting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.