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Example sentences for "greenbacks"

Lexicographically close words:
greeds; greedy; greefe; green; greenback; greened; greener; greenery; greenest; greenfinches
  1. It was in fresh clean greenbacks and made a neat roll.

  2. It advocated increasing the volume of greenbacks, forbidding bank issues, and the paying in greenbacks of the principal of all government bonds not expressly payable in coin.

  3. A dollar in greenbacks would buy more than all of the wagon loads of confederate currency captured that day.

  4. Then I will put my greenbacks up all in my pocket-book, And keep it buttoned very tight, and at the button look.

  5. The depreciation of greenbacks was such that the price of gold averaged 2.

  6. Watson took a roll of greenbacks from his pocket and held it up.

  7. I’ve got a nice home all to myself and three old socks crammed with greenbacks made out of pelts, hid away again’ a weddin’-day with you.

  8. Those ten thousand greenbacks are lawful prize, and should be the country's dower with the maiden.

  9. Many of them, however, were short epistles on long pieces of paper, a curious circumstance among correspondents with whom stationery was scarce and greenbacks were not over-plenty.

  10. But though he gathered up his mass of greenbacks and stalked away with his smart hat on the back of his incredibly sleek head, Tobias was not greatly worried.

  11. At first Congress adopted the policy of contraction and when greenbacks came into the treasury they were destroyed.

  12. By a vote of four to three it decided that the greenbacks were not legal tender for contracts made previous to the passage of the law.

  13. Apparently, therefore, differences of opinion in regard to the greenbacks and resumption were caused as much by sectional as by party considerations.

  14. The second question relating to the greenbacks was that in regard to their volume.

  15. It was not advisable to expand the greenbacks because legislation had already limited their amount and because such action would unfavorably affect the approaching resumption of specie payments.

  16. Griswold, the point at issue was whether the greenbacks could lawfully be offered to satisfy a debt contracted before the legal-tender act had been passed.

  17. The third question relating to the greenbacks was that of the resumption of specie payments.

  18. In other words, the law compelled creditors to receive the greenbacks in payment of all debts, with the two exceptions mentioned.

  19. I could not say what the amount of greenbacks was, but that is what he paid for it in gold.

  20. People didn't dare carry any greenbacks in their purses or pockets for weeks after the whole thing was over.

  21. A pocket full of greenbacks would make me feel better than a pocket full of emptiness with a big appetite.

  22. We leave the package of greenbacks which we took from Colonel Clinch in the Sierra coach, but which was first stolen by Harkins from forty-four shareholders of the Excelsior Ditch.

  23. The passenger who had given up the greenbacks drawled, with a slow, irritating tolerance, "I reckon you're a stranger here?

  24. I am the man," he said slowly, taking deliberate breath between his sentences, "who gave up those greenbacks to the robbers.

  25. The quiet operations of the resumption act the following year, a revival of industry from a severe panic which had set in during 1873, the Silver Purchase Act, and the re-issue of Greenbacks cut away some of the grounds of agitation.

  26. They wished to see the greenbacks withdrawn from circulation and gold--a metal more limited in volume than silver--made the sole basis of the national monetary system.

  27. In that year, Congress enacted a law authorizing the Treasury to withdraw the greenbacks from circulation.

  28. Thus the view gained general credence that the greenbacks were ultimately responsible for a great increase in the consumption of wealth.

  29. Further, as the arrangement had not included bank-notes, banks exchanged greenbacks for notes in order either to increase their holdings of cash or to secure money for payment over the counter.

  30. A more plausible case could be made out in favor of such action than was found sufficient to justify the issue of the greenbacks of the Civil War.

  31. The burden of the ultimate redemption of the bank notes has been placed on the shoulders of the Treasury, to add to its other burdens of maintaining the value of the greenbacks and of the silver dollars.

  32. Some of us, like Mr. Hoar, expected that greenbacks and volunteers would be disbanded together.

  33. So great and continuous is the demand for notes of small denominations that one may safely predict that in another decade practically all of the greenbacks still in existence will be in small denominations in the pockets of the people.

  34. Nevertheless, Germany has clearly fallen into the same confusion of mind which characterized our own policy in regard to the issue of greenbacks in the Civil War.

  35. Although the act made provision for the permanent retirement of only a part of the greenbacks from circulation, the new party denounced it as a "suicidal and destructive policy of contraction.

  36. The most important issue before the people was declared to be "the proper solution of the money question," meaning thereby the issue of greenbacks interconvertible with bonds.

  37. An attempt was made to raise the relative value of the greenbacks and to prepare for the resumption of specie payments by retiring the paper money from circulation as rapidly as possible.

  38. There were some loose bills in his vest pocket-greenbacks They were soft and noiseless, and he got his fingers about them and crumpled them up in his hand.

  39. He would be able to flash a roll of greenbacks too some day.

  40. We did not begrudge the generous Doctor the greenbacks we paid him, and hope he is still living to enjoy them, for to such a generous soul, a few dollars, more or less, must be a great source of comfort.

  41. The New York banks meanwhile lost rather than gained strength, and their aggregate of greenbacks under control of the Clearing-house was reduced to less than six millions, although this fact was not published.

  42. One eminently satisfactory feature of the panic in securities was, that it did not extend to United States bonds, greenbacks or National bank-notes.

  43. The banks would then have no more occasion for gold than they have now, greenbacks still retaining their legal-tender character unaltered.

  44. The law requiring the banks in the large cities to keep always on hand a reserve in greenbacks equal to twenty-five per cent.

  45. Both the greenbacks and the fractional currency were merely promises to pay money.

  46. The greenbacks could not be used to pay duties on imports or interest on the public debt, which were payable in specie.

  47. Now, greenbacks were legal tender for all debts except duties on imports and interest on the bonds.

  48. As to the second, it was at first decided to cancel (instead of reissuing) the greenbacks as they came into the treasury in payment of taxes and other debts to the government.

  49. The currency denominated United States notes and commonly known as greenbacks was issued in large volume during the late Civil War and was intended originally to meet the exigencies of that period.

  50. San Francisco merchants realized fortunes when a decline occurred, as they bought their merchandise in the East for greenbacks and sold it on the Coast for gold.

  51. All in all, the robbers secured nearly two thousand dollars; but, strange to relate, they overlooked the treasure in the Wells Fargo chest, as well as several hundred dollars in greenbacks belonging to the Government.

  52. This condition of the money market saw little change until some time in the seventies; and throughout the War greenbacks were handled like any other commodity.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greenbacks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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