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Example sentences for "halos"

Lexicographically close words:
haloed; haloes; halogen; halogens; haloid; halp; halt; halte; halted; halten
  1. During the duration of the moon several images of her are seen in the sky, increasing her brilliancy; often simple lunar halos surround her, and she shines from the centre of her luminous circle with a splendid intensity.

  2. I honestly find difficulty in worshipping in a church with angular saints in ill-fitting robes and halos askew staring at me!

  3. Thou art the arena of the wise, The noiseless battle-ground of fame; The sky where halos may be wreathed Around the humblest name.

  4. Here it is only necessary to distinguish halos from coronae.

  5. The two halos are the only phenomena which admit of explanation without assigning any particular distribution to the ice-crystals.

  6. The physical explanation of halos originated with Rene Descartes, who ascribed their formation to the presence of ice-crystals in the atmosphere.

  7. We have had halos around both sun and moon, and both parhelia and paraselenae.

  8. Though I have often seen halos around the moon, this winter is the first time I have seen moon-dogs.

  9. Of ordinary sun-dogs at both sides of the sun and even above and below it we had many, sometimes with halos and sometimes without.

  10. III The darkness, where the rain fell through the vague halos of light round the street lamps, glittered with streaks of pale gold.

  11. The glow of the lights glared and dimmed, glared and dimmed, as he walked along, and sometimes he could make out the bare branches of trees blurred across the halos of the lamps.

  12. Here we find the transition to halos which we are accustomed to see in some mode or other round luminous points.

  13. Subjective halos may be considered as the result of a conflict between the light and a living surface.

  14. That the appearances of objective halos also approximate catoptrical phenomena will be readily admitted, while we again do not deny that refraction as well may here come into the account.

  15. Halos appear most vivid when the eye is susceptible from having been in a state of repose.

  16. These halos become greater the more distant we are from the luminous object.

  17. Similar double images always occur in certain points of halos and circles, and only present in a circumscribed form what takes place in a more general way in the whole circle.

  18. These are distinguished from the objective halos by the circumstance of their vanishing when the point of light which produces them on the retina is covered.

  19. Lastly, it is to be remarked that if we look through the blades towards a minute light in the window-shutter, coloured stripes and halos appear on the retina as on the paper.

  20. Halos may be divided into subjective and objective.

  21. We thus find that the impression is subjective in its nature, and that the appearance is allied to those which we have adverted to under the name of radiating halos (100).

  22. A light must shine moderately, not dazzle, in order to produce the impression of a halo in the eye; at all events the halos of dazzling lights cannot be observed.

  23. In these cases the halos appear in variegated rays.

  24. The different extent of the halos appears to have a relation with the proximity or distance of the vapour from the eye of the observer.

  25. Gud blew four halos of phosphorescent smoke and gave one to each of his guests.

  26. Halos and coronæ are oftener seen about the moon than the sun, and they indicate rain.

  27. And the old pair of goggles she wore made little halos around the least speck of good she found in any transgressor, no matter how warped with evil.

  28. But for the rest of time, this day will be crowned with halos made with the mightiness of the love and the dearness of the girls who were once my students, always my friends.

  29. The halos can only be formed in a clear sky.

  30. These appearances differ from halos and coronae inasmuch as their centres are at the anti-solar point; they thus resemble the rainbow.

  31. There is no reason why we should not believe in halos and pedestals, not to wear or stand on, but when used strictly for butting and seeing purposes.

  32. Modern democracy will never have a chance of being what it wants to be as long as it keeps on throwing away great natural forces like halos and pedestals.

  33. This sheet often produces halos around the sun or moon.

  34. Whenever a thin veil of cirrus or cirro-stratus clouds overspreads the sky there is a likelihood that halos will be visible.

  35. The upper diagram shows the halos that occur on the same side of the sky as the sun (or moon), and the lower those that appear on the opposite side.

  36. The ice crystals that produce halos consist of hexagonal plates or columns, occasionally including complications of structure, such as pyramidal bases, combinations of plates and columns, etc.

  37. Complex halos are quite common in the polar regions; where they are seen not only in the sky, but also in the air, charged with ice particles, close to the earth.

  38. It is evident that there are many possible paths for the light rays through the sides and bases of such crystals, resulting in different deflections and corresponding differences in the forms and positions of the halos produced.

  39. Halos and coronas are circles of prismatic colors which, in certain states of the atmosphere, surround the Sun and the Moon.

  40. Halos are supposed to be occasioned by the presence, in the atmosphere, of small ice crystals which act as minute prisms, decomposing and refracting the light which passes through them.

  41. Halos round the sun are very frequent in Russia.

  42. Sometimes one only is visible, and at others several concentric halos appear at the same time.

  43. Flitting about the room were many more angels, all in white robes and with sandals on their feet, and all wearing gauzy wings swaying from their shoulder-blades and brass halos above their yellow wigs.

  44. The angel garçons closed the cortège, their gauzy wings and brass halos bobbing in a stately fashion as they strode along.

  45. Josiah said that "the halos round his head and Mary's looked some like big white plates.

  46. Mebby if you should try to make a few halos you'd speak better of 'em.

  47. Similar causes produce the peculiar halos and mock-suns and mock-moons not infrequently seen in the sky.

  48. Stories of halos about Constantine the Great, and the Visigoth emperor Wamba, are also told.

  49. Here and there ruddy, flaring torches struggled with the murky gloom, but within their dim halos could be seen the big breakers hungrily licking the tops of the sodden barriers that throbbed and quivered beneath every cruel blow.

  50. Chemical reactions in certain of the red Quartermaster shales have produced reduction halos (p.

  51. Small coloured halos round the moon are often seen, and are said to be a sign of rain.

  52. The coloured halos sometimes seen around the sun Young referred to the existence of small drops of water of nearly uniform diameter, and calculated the necessary diameter for halos of different angular magnitudes.

  53. The figures of the maidens are large, and halos surround their heads.

  54. Goya's conception of them is unconventional, and unlike that of Murillo, who represents the two maidens with halos around their heads.

  55. In the composition of Goya we have an instance of a saintly subject treated in a realistic manner; Murillo follows the accustomed mode and depicts the maidens as holy saints, crowned with halos of glory.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "halos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.