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Example sentences for "hardening"

Lexicographically close words:
harde; hardely; harden; hardened; hardeneth; hardens; harder; hardest; hardhearted; hardie
  1. The hardening of the heart locks both doors.

  2. Their hot passion is cooling now into a hardening purpose.

  3. It is called here "hardening of the heart.

  4. Seven outstanding incidents here reveal the ever-hardening purpose of the leaders against Jesus.

  5. Has he escaped that hardening of the nature, that drying up of the sweet springs of sympathy, which usually attend a long-continued selfish undertaking?

  6. It effervesces slightly with diluted nitric acid, and is of different colors in different parts of the lake; in one district blue, in another red, and in a third white, hardening into a substance resembling pipeclay.

  7. Captain Beechey remarks that the dead coral in Elizabeth Island is more or less porous and honeycombed at the surface, and hardening into a compact rock which has the fracture of secondary limestone.

  8. Probation in this life--simply means that in this first stage of his being a man either is or is not blinding his eyes and dulling his ears and hardening his heart so as to make himself incapable of higher things in the life to come.

  9. What harm is done by the hardening of these air-cells?

  10. What disease is sometimes caused by this hardening of the brain by alcohol?

  11. Thompson felt his own face hardening into the same ugly lines.

  12. I also ground out the file marks near the point, without hardening the file in mercury.

  13. Prepare a three-cornered file by mercury-hardening and by grinding the end flat so as to form a cutting angle of about 80°, and use a moderate amount of kerosene lubrication, i.

  14. After hardening the file in mercury and using kerosene, I also required four minutes per hole.

  15. It was a moment of contrition, and of outpouring for the burthened heart, as Lenore was able to speak of her long trial, and all the evil it had caused in hardening and sealing up her better nature.

  16. This should be covered about twenty minutes when first put into the oven with a thick brown paper, or an old tin cover; it prevents the upper crust hardening before the loaf is well-risen.

  17. As a general rule, the oven for baking bread should be rather quick and the heat so regulated as to penetrate the dough without hardening the outside.

  18. From any one but my brother," said Adrian, with a slight but perceptible hardening in his tone, "I should say an apology for an impertinence.

  19. It is not by setting poor against rich, or by hardening the heart of rich against poor, that you will succeed; it is by independence and by knowledge.

  20. We say relative ignorance; for an element of obduracy and hardening already existed, if he did not believe the Prophet, even without a sign.

  21. Under Ahaz, the second successor of Uzziah, this knowledge began to be realized, keeping pace with the hardening which in Ahaz had become personified.

  22. This hardening is brought about partly by evaporation of the water, but chiefly by the conversion of the calcium hydrate, or slaked lime, into calcium carbonate by the action of the carbonic acid in the atmosphere.

  23. The fresh wood must be neatly inserted or placed in position and may be held in position during the hardening of the glue by supports or wedges placed across from side to side.

  24. The work may now be put aside for some hours, so that the evaporating and hardening may take place.

  25. Necessarily, a longer time will be consumed in thorough drying and hardening in a case like this than in an ordinary repair in which the atmosphere can more readily obtain access.

  26. In very warm weather, or where the atmosphere is heated artificially, the time consumed in the drying and hardening is less than when the air is saturated with moisture.

  27. How much hardening it is safe to risk will depend in each case on the child's constitution.

  28. That Town Trustee business is the nut to crack here, Brent, and a nut that's been hardening for centuries isn't going to be cracked with an ordinary implement.

  29. It is always dried or ripened for seed with much difficulty; often moulding or decaying before the glazing or hardening of the kernel takes place.

  30. These are produced in great abundance, and should be gathered when about half grown, or while tender and succulent: after the hardening of the flesh, they are worthless.

  31. This method is called chill-casting, and has for its object the hardening of the surface of the metal, by the sudden reduction of the temperature, which takes place in consequence of the great power of the mould, as a conductor of heat.

  32. Hardening the Film= is effected by soaking it for a quarter of an hour in a one per cent.

  33. The secret of hardening and tempering copper in this way has been lost, and the most skilful metal workers to-day do not know how to do it.

  34. The ancient Egyptians carved their wonderful statues, their huge obelisks, with tools of copper, hardening the soft metal in some way, so that it would cut the toughest stone.

  35. This secret, like the way the Egyptians had of hardening and tempering copper, has been lost, and the most skilful glass makers to-day could not make glass like that.

  36. This hardening of the skin among laborers results in their frequently being able to handle red-hot iron and lighted coals with impunity.

  37. The Greatest Wooing A night and a day with hardening hearts: the story of tender passion and of a terrible tragedy.

  38. Their hate had gone through several stages of refined hardening during the few months preceding.

  39. But Jesus feels Judas' heart hardening as He touches his feet, and the gentle word already spoken availed not.

  40. The hardening of the purpose is a further opening of a downward door and that door is quickly used by the evil one.

  41. There was a general rally and hardening of resolution.

  42. A metallic ring had crept into her voice, hardening it, and although he could not distinctly see her countenance, he knew that the words came through set teeth.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hardening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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