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Example sentences for "hidebound"

Lexicographically close words:
hidalgo; hidalgos; hidde; hidden; hide; hided; hideous; hideously; hideousness; hideout
  1. Until that time when the meaning of it all shall flash out upon the world, the race will be hidebound in callousness and in faint-hearted melancholy.

  2. Is it not possible that you are not yet awake, or, God pity you, that you are hidebound in the dogmatism of your bit of thinking.

  3. All that when I'm cracking jokes and arguing with old Whaley over some of his hidebound Bible views about the end of the world.

  4. It is more free and easy, not so hidebound and overrun with hypocrisy.

  5. We are in a narrow, hidebound community up here and we've got to watch where we step.

  6. Yet in the next year we find him writing to Arnauld in earnest protest against the hidebound orthodoxy of the Church.

  7. Not depraved, certainly, unless you insist on judging it by a hidebound ethic.

  8. He was not hidebound to one plan as some men are, but could keep two or three possibilities in mind and follow up whichever suited him.

  9. He might have seen what the point was; but no, he was too old, too hidebound in religion and conventional ideas--he never would.

  10. The average radical is as hidebound by mere terms as the man devoid of all ideas.

  11. The words "reading but to curtail a tedious hour and altogether hidebound with affection to great men's fancies," refer to Shakespeare in the capacity of reader to the Earl of Southampton.

  12. American officials are not so hidebound as the home-made article; and the idea of my friend, neglected and contemned in England, was welcomed and adopted in the United States, where the principal penitentiaries now run their own newspapers.

  13. He's too hidebound in convention and tradition.

  14. Here am I, hidebound in conventions, and I could just summon indignation enough to send the paper down to the kitchen to be burnt.

  15. A million hidebound Conservative voters who can be depended on not to change their opinions will cancel a million hidebound Liberal voters.

  16. They try not to be pharisaical about the narrowness of the East, but they achieve a sincere scorn for the hidebound conventions of an effete society.

  17. On the contrary, the savage is probably far more hidebound than we are by social regulations.

  18. The creation of the Tsar-Mayor shows that the American citizen is not hidebound by prejudice.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hidebound" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    authoritarian; backward; bigoted; censorious; closed; conservative; constricted; cramped; deaf; demure; dogmatic; dour; evangelical; extreme; fanatical; firm; fundamentalist; hard; hidebound; illiberal; inexorable; inflexible; insular; intolerant; iron; ironbound; ironclad; little; mean; narrow; nearsighted; obdurate; obstinate; orthodox; parochial; petty; priggish; prim; provincial; prudish; purblind; puritanical; relentless; rigid; rigorous; rockbound; sanctimonious; shortsighted; small; smug; staunch; stiff; strict; stubborn; stuffy; unbending; uncharitable; uncompromising; ungenerous; unrelenting; unyielding