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Example sentences for "stubborn"

Lexicographically close words:
stubbed; stubble; stubbled; stubbles; stubbly; stubborne; stubbornly; stubbornness; stubby; stubs
  1. Even that stubborn Church, which has held its own against so many governments, scarce dared to utter an audible murmur.

  2. Not the least formidable obstacle in their upward journey is the stubborn fact that “your father is quite impossible.

  3. Stubborn conviction of your insignificance is the first step that counts in the acquisition of well-mannered composure among your fellows.

  4. In this battle, like others where he led, his advance was stubborn and decisive.

  5. In a moment a heavy fire of shot and shell was poured into the thick columns of the Federals, and in ten minutes their stubborn masses began to waver.

  6. And whenever he was reported as coming we got ready for hard, stubborn fighting, and we were never disappointed in that direction.

  7. But he followed up the first day with a stubborn attack of the enemy in an intrenched position, and, failing to dislodge him, seemed to hesitate and his plans seemed to be confused.

  8. The town of Obertyn was taken after a stubborn fight, as well as villages in the neighborhood, north and south.

  9. In the region of the lower Lipa the Germans made a most stubborn attack without result.

  10. Two days later, on the 18th, the Germans resumed their offensive, and no less than six attacks were made, in which flame projectors were freely used and every effort made to smash the stubborn defense.

  11. In the Stokhod region the Germans received strong reenforcements and brought up powerful artillery, enabling them to offer a very stubborn resistance.

  12. On Monte Pasubio the Austrians were offering stubborn resistance from their fortified positions between Monte Spil and Monte Cosmagnon.

  13. Along the balance of the front many stubborn engagements were fought between comparatively small detachments.

  14. On the left wing, overcoming stubborn resistance, Italian troops scaled the crest of Monte Cosmagnon, whose northerly ridges they shelled to drive out the enemy hidden among the rocks.

  15. While this stubborn fight was under way the British were driving out the Germans from their fortified positions among the groves and copses around Contalmaison, and consolidating their gains.

  16. On the day following, the 3d, the French, after bombarding the ruins of Douaumont and working havoc in the ranks of the enemy, rushed two battalions during the night against the German barricades, and after a stubborn fight occupied the place.

  17. There was stubborn fighting among the orchards of Longueval and the outskirts of Delville, where the British made little headway, but registered some gains.

  18. The Germans were making a stubborn resistance.

  19. The French troops had reached the first houses of the village of Curlu occupied by Bavarian troops, who offered a most stubborn resistance.

  20. I do not believe her to be a stubborn woman; give me a chance to stand before her eyes; I should not have to speak, she would come of her own free will to meet me, then you would see us together.

  21. Surely that woman is the most stubborn of all, she has no equal.

  22. The General had anticipated this plan, and strengthened his left, so that after a stubborn fight the enemy were routed and pursued for three miles.

  23. She carried sixteen guns, and was not taken without a stubborn fight, in which her captain, first lieutenant, and nine men were killed.

  24. As soon, however, as the fiercer and more stubborn Lacandones brought their influence to bear upon the converts, the latter found that their attachment to the new religion was but superficial.

  25. And stubborn pride is something bad; isn't it, Marraine?

  26. And it's not for stubborn pride, as grandma says, and no doubt thinks; but because I believe it to be my real work and my real place.

  27. Hubert attested the repeated asseverations of his pupil, but nothing could bring conviction to the stubborn veteran.

  28. Mosses and muirs, which, at all events since the forgotten days of the Jameses, had borne no other crop than rugged bent or stubborn heather, were subjected to the discipline of the plough, and produced a golden harvest of grain.

  29. He became more and more stubborn and taciturn.

  30. With stubborn conviction the dapper young Lettish gentleman spoke to me as he attempted to change my mind about going into Soviet Russia.

  31. The Mensheviki and the Social Revolutionists, who were rather stubborn at first, later on came back to Russia in the same way (more than three hundred of them).

  32. In the meantime the falling ruble and the avaricious speculator between them drive thousands of the stubborn into the category of useful laborers.

  33. In the solution of these problems it becomes necessary to deal with a multiplicity of stubborn realities.

  34. He was made of too stubborn stuff ever to be much affected by masters or surroundings.

  35. And I've preached the word I know, For it was my duty To convert the stubborn heart Of the little beauty.

  36. You are braver than I thought and as stubborn as I suspected," said Townsend as he searched his pocketbook.

  37. If these places you speak of call for a stubborn hellion, then you've got the right party.

  38. In doing this he was only imitating thousands who, too stubborn or too ignorant to come to the great Comforter in his own way, are trying in some other way to find that peace which God alone can give.

  39. The triumphant death of Memotas was not only a revelation and a benediction to Oowikapun and Astumastao, and many other Christian Indians, but it caused the full and complete surrender of many hard, stubborn hearts to Christ.

  40. Stubborn in honour he must be; For elephants ne'er bend the knee.

  41. Iberian lines, Now forms my quincunx, and now ranks my vines, Or tames the genius of the stubborn plain Almost as quickly as he conquer'd Spain.

  42. As a patriot, he feared the English; as a Boer Puritan of the old stubborn stock, he hated all foreigners and foreign ways, seeing in them the ruin of the ancient customs of his people.

  43. But this very fact makes them all the more fierce and stubborn when some issue arises which stirs their inmost mind, and it is a fact to be remembered by those who have to govern them.

  44. The majority, consisting of the old "true blues," who hated the British Government and clung to their national ways, supported the Boer Government in its stubborn refusal to grant reforms.

  45. Those survivors of Napoleon's famous Guard who fought in the drawn battle of Eylau, will bear witness to the stubborn resistance and bull-dog qualities of the Muscovite.

  46. It will melt these stubborn doubts--these flintstones of fancied incompatibility, that fret your heart when you meditate upon the chances that we shall make one another happy.

  47. He has a cold, severe eye, and a stubborn mouth.

  48. You always was stubborn as a Missouri mule," Hart said with a grin.

  49. He found little comfort either in himself or in the external world, in spite of the fact that he had determined with all his stubborn will to get ahead.

  50. She's real stubborn when her mind's made up.

  51. Not that anything can save him, but he is a man of stubborn will.

  52. A solemn oath with forty stubborn Christians to deal with.

  53. He had erred in ignorance there; but what of the forty prisoners still at the Kotwali--forty stubborn Christians despite their dark skins?

  54. But whether it were owing to want of thought or attention, or to the stubborn disposition of the team, Brother Charles Huet found himself all at once on the border of a deep precipice, too far advanced to return.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stubborn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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