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Example sentences for "bigoted"

Lexicographically close words:
bigly; bignes; bigness; bignesse; bigot; bigotries; bigotry; bigots; bigotted; bigwigs
  1. What impression these reports made on the Protestants of our island may be easily inferred from the fact that they moved the indignation of Ronquillo, a Spaniard and a bigoted member of the Church of Rome.

  2. Evan Lloyd is not so harsh nor so implacably bigoted about any other subject as he is about Methodism.

  3. He was an intimate friend of John Wilkes, the least bigoted of men.

  4. The outburst of anger from the more bigoted of the Christian community was as savage as the outburst of delight had been exultant, but we recked little of it.

  5. His work in the House had won him golden opinions in the country, and he was already recognised as a power there; so Tory fear was added to bigoted hatred, and the efforts to keep him out of the House were increased.

  6. One of the marvels of human development through the ages has been that the bigoted theologians of each succeeding century resented the attempts of men with clearer vision to reform their creeds.

  7. His stories are too narrowly bigoted in tone to have any lasting vogue, and his views of life too much coloured by his ultramontane tendencies to be even true.

  8. My father, you must know, is a bigoted devotee of the old school, and prides himself upon keeping up something of old English hospitality.

  9. They have been dispossessed of their hereditary possessions by mercenary and frequently wanton warfare, and their characters have been traduced by bigoted and interested writers.

  10. The act of toleration was passed with little difficulty, though not without the murmurs of the bigoted churchmen.

  11. In this bigoted spirit he was followed by too many of the Reforming mass, while, on their part, the Walloons were already banding themselves together in the more southern provinces, under the name of Malcontents.

  12. History will always retain him as an example, to show mankind the amount of mischief which may be perpetrated by a prince, ferocious without courage, ambitious without talent, and bigoted without opinions.

  13. Bigoted priests with special powers of persuasion were called in with fresh zeal for proselytising, but being entirely unsuccessful they concentrated their efforts to impede and prolong the negotiations for release.

  14. Presently when Louis, always a bigoted Catholic, became more and more intolerant under the influence of the priests, the revived persecution of the Protestants filled the gaols and galleys with the sufferers for their faith.

  15. On the other hand one bigoted chronicler of the period declares that, during the ceremony, a flying insect like a wasp was observed to buzz about Grandier's head.

  16. Louis would have sent this traitor to the scaffold, but ever bigoted and superstitious, he was afraid of the Pope, Paul II, who had protested against the arrest of a prelate and a prince of the Church.

  17. And this Tartar under-officer, no doubt as bigoted and ignorant as his fellows, found in the coming of David and Dick a subtle scheme to import the plague to Hatsu.

  18. More than that, like his son, he is westernised, speaks English and French, and longs for the day when his country will be less bigoted and cramped.

  19. Give the Tartar soldier his due, he is one of the best soldiers China possesses, but he is as ignorant and as bigoted as any of the people.

  20. He helps the people, is great friends with them, and all goes well till some bigoted ruffian comes along.

  21. Pulgar, who is by no means bigoted for the age, seems to think the literal terms granted by Ferdinand to the enemies of the faith stand in need of perpetual apology.

  22. These liberal sentiments in the Spanish writers of the fifteenth century may put to shame the more bigoted criticism of the seventeenth.

  23. Once he said at a council in the presence of the bigoted queen; "These heretics have a soul so black that it can be washed clean only in their own blood.

  24. They came inflamed with all the fury which abject fear and bigoted hatred can beget in minds of the lowest and most brutal type.

  25. But they were narrow of soul, greedy of temper, bigoted and uncharitable, and, where they thought themselves or their offspring menaced, implacable.

  26. They dared to say no more, for he had many times rebuked them for their lack of charity and their bigoted cruelties and superstitions, and they were quaking with fear lest he should by any chance enter the cottage and see their work.

  27. The destruction of the Kashmirian temples is universally attributed, both by history and by tradition, to the bigoted Sikander.

  28. Misconstruction, condemnation, and isolation are the penalties enforced upon the great leaders in the realm of advanced thought, by the bigoted people of their time.

  29. The Emigrants spoke of the Liberals with the bitterest detestation as revolutionary monsters; the Liberals spoke of the Ultras as bigoted idiots.

  30. Roberts spoke, making a vigorous and telling protest against the bigoted action proposed against him.

  31. Wilson Shaffer of Illinois, who proved to be the most bitter and bigoted anti-"Mormon" governor Utah ever had.

  32. Newman The appointment of these bigoted and narrow-souled officials was largely due to the influence of Vice-President Schuyler Colfax and Rev.

  33. Yet this was the language which Johnson, the most bigoted of Tories and High Churchmen held under the administration of Walpole and Pelham.

  34. The heir-apparent of the crown was a bigoted member of that church.

  35. The English had not, for ages, been bigoted Papists.

  36. We shall not, we hope, be suspected of a bigoted attachment to the doctrines and practices of past generations.

  37. As the Reformation did not find the English bigoted Papists, so neither was it conducted in such a manner as to make them zealous Protestants.

  38. This is an error of frequent occurrence in judging of actors; and it is one almost perversely indulged by the bigoted opponents of the romantic or natural school.

  39. The traveller on Alpine summits blesses the name of St. Bernard, and descends to Geneva to shudder at the bigoted ferocity of Calvin.

  40. Heylin, a bigoted enemy of everything Puritanical, and not scrupulous as to veracity, may be suspected of having aggravated, if not misrepresented, the tendency of a book much more tiresome than seditious.

  41. Ten cardinals were present; but, to their honor, be it said, three refused to sign; and this blasphemous record of intolerance and bigoted folly goes down the ages with the names of seven cardinals immortalized upon it.

  42. Her old father, with whom she lives, is a cripple and a fanatically bigoted Roman Catholic.

  43. The bear gives us something of the phraseology of all the different parties in turn, but it is the bigoted Teuton that he chiefly favours; it is he who is most severely satirised.

  44. They are the least bigoted Orientals one could wish to meet.

  45. The envy and hatred of the more bigoted part of the rabble did not fail to exhibit itself.

  46. The Pope also had proposed sending a nuncio into Scotland; but Mary had good sense enough to know, that her bigoted subjects would be greatly offended, were she to receive any such servant of Antichrist.

  47. The few spiritual wants of the people were supplied by monks, many of them as ignorant and bigoted as themselves.

  48. She eloped with a soldier of fortune; and worse still, in the estimation of one so deeply bigoted to his own faith, the husband she had selected was a Protestant.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bigoted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    authoritarian; backward; bigoted; closed; constricted; cramped; deaf; doctrinaire; dogged; dogmatic; evangelical; extravagant; extreme; extremist; fanatical; fundamentalist; haggard; headstrong; hidebound; illiberal; inordinate; insular; intolerant; irrational; jaundiced; little; mean; mulish; narrow; nearsighted; obstinate; opinionated; oracular; overzealous; parochial; partisan; peremptory; perfervid; persevering; pertinacious; petty; pontifical; positive; positivistic; prejudiced; provincial; purblind; puritanical; rabid; restive; sectarian; shortsighted; small; staunch; strict; stubborn; stuffy; sullen; tenacious; uncharitable; ungenerous; unreasonable; unregenerate; willful