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Example sentences for "obdurate"

Lexicographically close words:
obay; obbligato; obcordate; obduracy; obedience; obediencia; obedient; obedientia; obedientiaries
  1. He alludes to the custom of lovers carving inscriptions on the doors of their obdurate mistresses: this we learn from Plautus to have been done in Elegiac strains, and sometimes with charcoal.

  2. Away with you; obdurate tablets, fatal bits of board; and you wax, as well, crammed with the lines of denial.

  3. Or how often, cut in the wood, [510] have I been hanging up at her obdurate doors, not fearing to be read by the people as they passed!

  4. From the writings of Terence and Plautus, as well as those of Ovid, we find that the youths of Rome were not very scrupulous about kicking down the door of an obdurate mistress.

  5. The one lays siege to stubborn cities, the other to the threshold of his obdurate mistress: the one bursts open gates, and the other, doors.

  6. At night her husband will lock her in; I, sad with my gushing tears, will follow her as far as I may, even to her obdurate door.

  7. He again addresses Bagous, who has proved obdurate to his request, and tries to effect his object by sympathising with his unhappy fate.

  8. He is again addressing Bagous, and begins in a strain of sympathy, since his last letter has proved of no avail with the obdurate eunuch.

  9. Look (and that you may see, loosen the obdurate bars) how the door has been made wet with my tears.

  10. I forthwith resumed the language of endearment and trifling Elegies, those weapons of my own; and gentle words prevailed upon the obdurate door.

  11. I, unstained, the priest of the Muses and of Phoebus, am he who is singing his bootless song before your obdurate doors.

  12. But, chaplet taken from my locks joyous no longer, be you the livelong night upon this obdurate threshold.

  13. Imagine the delight of those who had been working in the more obdurate oak, to feel this finer, softer wood under the tool.

  14. Holly and bog oak were the favourite woods for this inlay on oak, woods obdurate enough to make the labour difficult.

  15. The book was sent hither to be printed amongst us, and Mr. Baxter recommended it to our people by a Preface, wherein he says: 'That man must be a very obdurate Sadducee that will not believe it.

  16. Hastily approaching Josepha, and stretching her arms toward her, she said: "If Joseph has no mercy in his obdurate heart, I at least will not witness such humiliation on the part of his wife.

  17. His is a passionate and obdurate nature, strong in love as in hate.

  18. For a long while his supplications made no impression on the obdurate African.

  19. Its recitation has often drawn tears from very obdurate individuals, and, gentlemen, I now notify you to produce your pocket-handkerchiefs.

  20. It may be that he did not make his Appearance, owing to the Presence of some obdurate Unbelievers.

  21. It is too much to say that a thrill of fear tried the fibres of Persimmon Sneed's obdurate old heart.

  22. But despite his youthful vulnerability to the dainty which had won him his sobriquet, Persimmon Sneed's palate was not more susceptible to the allurements of flattery than his hard head or his obdurate heart.

  23. I must indeed be able to work miracles, to extort the acknowledgment from your obdurate wickedness--but if your conviction is so firm, why have you sent for me in the middle of the night?

  24. Early in the twelfth century Honorius of Autun proclaimed that the rebels against God who were obdurate to the voice of the Church must be coerced with the material sword.

  25. This obdurate zeal, we are assured by the orthodox writers, had in it nothing of the constancy of Christian martyrdom, but was simply hardness of heart inspired by Satan; and Frederic II.

  26. Those who were obdurate to its kindly efforts were ungrateful and disobedient when ingratitude and disobedience were offences of the most heinous nature.

  27. He took no steps, therefore, in response to the impassioned arguments of Innocent, and the legates found the heretics more obdurate than ever.

  28. Let us, by all means, not consider the obdurate if gilded barriers, but rather the lettuce and the cuttle-bone.

  29. An obdurate wind swept like a knife-blade across a world which even in its spring seemed very old.

  30. It will also strengthen the hands of a better and less obdurate class about the court.

  31. Vjofn's duty was to incline obdurate hearts to love, to maintain peace and concord among mankind, and to reconcile quarrelling husbands and wives.

  32. Angry parent, obdurate daughter, and all that sort of thing.

  33. Her elder sister was as obdurate as myself, and refused to have anything to do with her.

  34. It would have been a very strong mind indeed, or a very obdurate heart, which could have remained unmoved at Lord Chetwynde's delight when he received his boy's letters.

  35. But she still hoped against hope, and now, since she had an opportunity to speak, she still tried to move this obdurate heart.

  36. It is very small and low-roofed; and the dread and gloom of the ponderous, obdurate old prison are on it, as if they had come up in a dark mist through the floor.

  37. Napoleon; hideously ugly, with a monstrously disproportionate face, and a great clump for the lower- jaw, to express his tyrannical and obdurate nature.

  38. Accordingly, we had to give her up--our Lord taking charge of this obdurate one, as He did, suddenly deprived her one night of life.

  39. In the inquisitorial records, in so far as they have reached us, we meet with no cases of hardened and obdurate demon-worshippers.

  40. Even more obdurate was Fray Arnaldo Mutaner, who for nineteen years infected Puycerda and Urgel with the same heresy.

  41. A rock-drilling machine may be excellently invented and in the most perfect order except for a want of hardness in the drill, and yet there will remain an unpierced rock as obdurate as the general public to so many of our innovations.

  42. In the next scene the unfortunate young couple are represented as plotting with two other lovers, whose wedding-day is set, to circumvent their obdurate parents, and carry out their determination to become husband and wife.

  43. I'm going to have my five dollars now, or to jail she will go," was the gruff response of the obdurate grocer.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obdurate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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