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Example sentences for "hydriodic"

Lexicographically close words:
hydrazine; hydria; hydric; hydride; hydriodate; hydro; hydrobromic; hydrocarbon; hydrocarbons; hydrocele
  1. CO2H, which is readily soluble in hot water, and on heating with hydriodic acid decomposes into ammonia, carbon dioxide and glycocoll, CH2.

  2. CO [gamma] the ureide of glycollic acid, may be obtained by heating allantoin or alloxan with hydriodic acid, or by heating bromacetyl urea with alcoholic ammonia.

  3. Hypochlorous acid and its salts, together with the corresponding bromine and iodine compounds, liberate oxygen violently from hydrogen peroxide, giving hydrochloric, hydrobromic and hydriodic acids (S.

  4. The chemists found, too, that some hydriodic acid sold by the same concern, instead of containing, as the label declared and as the United States Pharmacopeia requires, 1 per cent.

  5. It may be obtained colourless by heating the yellow crystals with hydriodic acid and amorphous phosphorus to 240 deg.

  6. Dissolve lime or carbonate of lime in hydriodic acid.

  7. Hydriodic acid gas can only be retained a short time over mercury, owing to its action on that metal.

  8. By employing powerful condensing syringes, and an extremely low temperature, Faraday subsequently succeeded in liquefying olefiant gas, hydriodic and hydrobromic acids, phosphuretted hydrogen, and the gaseous fluorides of silicon and boron.

  9. From malic acid, by fermentation, or by digestion with hydriodic acid in sealed tubes.

  10. Gaseous hydriodic acid is colourless, fumes in the air, is very soluble in water, and has a density of about 4.

  11. Many of the salts of quinidine are very similar to those of quinine, but the normal salt with hydriodic acid is not only very different from that of quinine, but also from those of all the other cinchona-alkaloids.

  12. If the gas be passed into water a solution of hydriodic acid will be obtained.

  13. Liquid hydriodic acid, when strong, is very liable to decompose, and should be kept in well-stoppered bottles.

  14. In this process the sulphuretted hydrogen converts the iodine into hydriodic acid, whilst sulphur is liberated.

  15. By dissolving the carbonate in hydriodic acid and evaporating the filtered liquid in vacuo or out of contact with air.

  16. By carefully conducted sublimation, or by the slow evaporation of its solution in hydriodic acid, it may be obtained in rhombic plates an inch long.

  17. Potassium bichromate oxidizes it to malonic acid; nitric acid oxidizes it to oxalic acid; and hydriodic acid reduces it to succinic acid.

  18. Thus the main tissue is stained blue by iodine in presence of hydriodic acid (1.

  19. In absence of the latter, and therefore in presence of compounds which destroy or absorb hydriodic acid--e.

  20. They are more easily reduced than the corresponding chlorates; an aqueous solution of hydriodic acid giving free iodine and a metallic oxide, whilst aqueous hydrochloric acid gives iodine trichloride, chlorine, water and a chloride.

  21. On shaking up iodine with a solution of sulphuretted hydrogen in water, a solution of hydriodic acid is obtained, sulphur being at the same time precipitated.

  22. On reduction with hydriodic acid, it yields methylene iodide, CH2I2.

  23. Hydriodic acid and the iodides may be estimated by conversion into silver iodide.

  24. Hydriodic acid, HI, is formed by the direct union of its components in the presence of a catalytic agent; for this purpose platinum black is used, and the hydrogen and iodine vapour are passed over the heated substance.

  25. It is preferable to use the acid in the presence of amorphous phosphorus, for the iodine liberated during the reduction is then utilized in forming more hydriodic acid, and consequently the original amount of acid goes much further.

  26. On heating chrysene with hydriodic acid and red phosphorus to 260 deg.

  27. The bromide and iodide are formed in a similar manner by heating the metal in gaseous hydrobromic or hydriodic acids.

  28. Therefore, with a halogen salt, it is easy to obtain gaseous hydrochloric acid by the action of sulphuric acid, but neither hydrobromic nor hydriodic acid can be so obtained in the free state (as gases).

  29. Hydriodic acid is then formed, and it increases the solubility.

  30. With metallic silver, solutions of hydriodic acid give hydrogen with great ease, forming silver iodide.

  31. Thus iodine is thrown into a solution of pure potash, and hydrogen sulphide passed through the mixture, the iodine being thus converted into hydriodic acid.

  32. The liberation of iodine from hydriodic acid proceeds with still greater ease under the action of substances capable of disengaging oxygen.

  33. In a gaseous state iodine does not act on hydrogen sulphide,[73] whilst sulphur is able to decompose gaseous hydriodic acid, forming hydrogen sulphide and a compound of sulphur and iodine which with water forms hydriodic acid.

  34. The neutral salt may be obtained by adding hydriodic acid to this alkaline salt until it gives an acid reaction.

  35. The same essentially takes place when sulphurous anhydride, in a dilute solution, gives hydriodic acid and sulphuric acid with iodine.

  36. QUERY: “When using Gardner’s Syrup of Hydriodic Acid, have you ever noticed from it any of the objectionable effects of iodin preparations?

  37. The alkaline reaction of the tissues makes it impossible that hydriodic acid should persist as such in the body.

  38. As you know, we have been making a number of preparations from casein, and recently we have determined the combining power of casein with various acids, including hydriodic acid.

  39. Boron and iodine do not combine directly, but gaseous hydriodic acid reacts with amorphous boron to form the iodide, BI3, which can also be obtained by passing boron chloride and hydriodic acid through a red-hot porcelain tube.

  40. When heated with hydriodic acid and phosphorus, it yields n-valeric acid; and with iodine and caustic soda solution it gives iodoform, even in the cold.

  41. Hydrobromic acid converts it into [alpha]-brompropionic acid, and hydriodic acid into propionic acid.

  42. Ammonium iodide, NH4I, can be prepared by the action of hydriodic acid on ammonia.

  43. This compound is hydrolysed by hydriodic acid and alizarin is obtained.

  44. Hydrobromic and Hydriodic Acids are not much used, but their salts, the bromides and iodides respectively, are of great technical importance.

  45. Gaseous hydrobromic and hydriodic acids react with fluorine in a similar manner, with production of flame and formation of hydrofluoric acid.

  46. When fluorine is delivered into an aqueous solution of hydriodic acid, each bubble as it enters produces a flash of flame, and if the fluorine is being evolved fairly rapidly there is a series of very violent detonations.

  47. With a solution of the gas in water, each bubble of fluorine produces an explosion and flame, as in case of hydriodic acid.

  48. The other discovery of Gay-Lussac is his demonstration of the peculiar nature of iodine, his account of iodic and hydriodic acids, and of many other compounds into which that curious substance enters as a constituent.

  49. These are Muriatic acid, composed of chlorine and hydrogen Hydriodic acid iodine and hydrogen Hydrobromic acid bromine and hydrogen Prussic acid cyanogen and hydrogen.

  50. The filtrate, separated from the precipitate produced by the addition of nitrate of baryta, may contain hydrochloric, hydrobromic and hydriodic acids.

  51. The filtrate is preserved and tested for hydrochloric, hydrobromic and hydriodic acids.

  52. Thus, hydrochloric acid acts far less powerfully than hydriodic and many other acids of the same strength, and is not poisonous.

  53. This acid is not so poisonous as hydriodic or iodic acids.

  54. Iodine is a particular substance, which has the property not only of combining with oxygen and hydrogen, forming iodic and hydriodic acid, but also with various bases constituting a class of bodies, called iodides.

  55. When heated with concentrated hydrobromic or hydriodic acids, it is converted into fumaric acid.

  56. Reduction by means of hydriodic acid and phosphorus at 140 deg.

  57. The salts of hydriodic acid, the iodides, are, in general, similar to the chlorides and bromides.

  58. Hydriodic acid resembles the corresponding acids of chlorine and bromine in physical properties, being a strongly fuming, colorless gas, readily soluble in water.

  59. Write the equations for the reaction taking place when hydriodic acid is prepared from iodine, phosphorus, and water.

  60. The hydriodic acid formed in this way dissolves in the water.

  61. This acid cannot be prepared in pure condition by the action of sulphuric acid upon an iodide, since the hydriodic acid set free is oxidized by the sulphuric acid just as in the case of hydrobromic acid, but to a much greater extent.

  62. From their behavior toward sulphuric acid, to what class of agents do hydrobromic and hydriodic acids belong?

  63. Give the formula for the salt which phosphine forms with hydriodic acid.

  64. A solution of hydriodic acid on standing turns brown.

  65. This change can be effected in the laboratory only by heating with hydriodic acid.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydriodic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.