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Example sentences for "illuminative"

Lexicographically close words:
illuminated; illuminates; illuminating; illumination; illuminations; illuminator; illuminators; illumine; illumined; illumines
  1. A genuinely illuminative interpretation of the great philosopher's being and purpose.

  2. An illuminative essay, with selections and portrait of Carpenter.

  3. But women pay the penalty for this advantage when it comes to the question of the illuminative moments of the apex-thought.

  4. Perhaps the most illuminative view of the spirit of the times can be gained by quoting at length a paper of Galileo's, in which he details his own experiments with floating bodies and controverts the views of his opponents.

  5. His opinions were peculiarly instructive and illuminative to Englishmen, because he was only half an Englishman in blood, less than half an Englishman in his training and mental habits.

  6. But he never struck out a new or illuminative thought; and he seldom ventured to face--one could indeed sometimes mark him seeking to elude--a real difficulty.

  7. The word for "put trust" here is very illuminative and graphic, meaning properly the act of fleeing to a refuge.

  8. It is noteworthy and perhaps illuminative that John the Baptist uses the same figures of the tree and the chaff in his picture of the Messianic judgments, and that epoch may have been in the psalmist's mind.

  9. Both these cases are quoted by Havelock Ellis in his illuminative "Analysis of the Sexual Impulse," the opening chapters in the third volume of the Studies in the Psychology of Sex.

  10. For a full and illuminative treatment of this subject I would refer my readers to the essays of Professor Karl Pearson, The Chances of Death, Vol.

  11. Except for Mr. Meynell's illuminative and all too short introduction to his volume of Thompson's Selected Poems, there are as yet only scattered articles in magazines to tell his strange and most pathetic story.

  12. One can always understand a Scottish Celt better by comparing him with an Irish one or a Welsh; and it will certainly prove illuminative in the present case to remember Mr. W.

  13. It is the life of love, as the illuminative life is that of wisdom.

  14. The experience of St. Augustine, revealed in his "Confessions", is illuminative here.

  15. And equally illuminative was his comment when told that Allen had come across in a catamaran, bringing neither girl nor horse.

  16. The incident of the palm was interesting in throwing an illuminative crosslight on the gentler human side of a man who had generally been rated as without either gentleness or humanity.

  17. Oxygen has been employed to increase the illuminative and heating power of lamps, and to render vitiated air respirable, &c.

  18. The addition of 1% or 2% of very pure and recently rectified naphtha or oil of turpentine (camphine) to lamp oil is a real improvement, since it increases its combustibility and its illuminative power.

  19. This thought is folded in a garment, whose many hues quicken the curiosity and make her pages a continual feast of wit, droll irony, and illuminative criticism all curiously and harmoniously blended.

  20. This sudden clarity of mind, this new vivid apprehension of Divine Love, is the first indication of man's entrance on the Illuminative Way.

  21. So we may say that an enhancement of the conative powers, a greater control over the attention, are the chief marks of the Illuminative Way as perceived by the growing self.

  22. It is what is called the illuminative way.

  23. So far from dispensing her from the works of the illuminative way by which she prepared herself for the divine union, He causes her to accomplish them with greater perfection and merit.

  24. It is the word which is often vaguely rendered "trust," but which, if we retain its original signification, becomes illuminative as to what that trust is.

  25. It is an illuminative word as to God's character, an emancipating word as to the true notion of service to Him, a guiding word as to common life.

  26. Manly and Rickert, Contemporary British Literature) is illuminative of the merits of both.

  27. Consider the following quotation from Mr. Eliot as illuminative of his method of work: "The contemplation of the horrid or sordid by the artist is the necessary and negative aspect of the impulse toward beauty.

  28. Joining another group bunched in the lee of a tier of meat-safes, I chanced upon a debate which threw an illuminative beam on the feelings of what might once have been classified as hyphenated Americans.

  29. Many spectators would find it merely morbid and gloomy; others would find it superlatively illuminative and eloquent.

  30. To these no doubt we must look for illuminative manifestations of hereditary genius.

  31. The fact that he does write in that mood points to the one illuminative truth now essential to be remembered.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "illuminative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    critical; demonstrative; editorial; enlightening; explanatory; illuminant; illuminating; illustrative; rationalistic