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Example sentences for "irruption"

Lexicographically close words:
irritatingly; irritation; irritations; irritative; irrotational; irruptions; isa; isabelline; ische
  1. The loss of so many classical works subsequently to that aera, has been attributed chiefly to the irruption of the northern barbarians; but it was fully as much owing to the blind zeal of the early Christians.

  2. It is terrible to think what the irruption of a new disease may mean to these primitive natives.

  3. But in quiet eruptions, and still more in the irruption of intrusive sheets and masses, there is little if any evidence that steam is the driving force.

  4. In the Black Hills the irruption of an immense mass of granite has caused or accompanied the upheaval of pre-Cambrian strata and metamorphosed them by heat and pressure into gneisses, schists, quartzites, and slates.

  5. At last a portion of them were incorporated, and settled down on that part which is now known as the Mantatee new country; the remainder made an irruption into the eastern Caffre country, where they were known as the Ficani.

  6. There has been more than one irruption into the country from the natives to the northward.

  7. While such a warrior holds command of the very outpost, and stands ready to check the first irruption from the mountain, I fear Boabdil and his soldiery must be content to rest upon their arms.

  8. The cofferdam may be repaired, and very easily too, but an irruption into the Tunnel--what a difference, particularly at this early period!

  9. Of the same quality we look upon all attempts to bring down on your subjects an irruption of those fierce and cruel tribes of savages and cannibals in whom the vestiges of human nature are nearly effaced by ignorance and barbarity.

  10. Tamerlane made his irruption through this plain when he took and destroyed so many cities.

  11. The same thing may have taken place on the irruption of the shepherds.

  12. Lepsius's arrangement, the irruption of the shepherds took place, till the year 1842 B.

  13. The whole was surrounded by an enclosure of strong palisadoes, to guard against any sudden irruption of the savages.

  14. At that time Arianism was threatening to overrun the Western Church; to repel the irruption was the great task which Hilary undertook.

  15. At the outset he is alarmed by the irruption of Dumouriez into Holland, and hastily sends a small British force under the Duke of York, solely for the defence of Helvoetsluys and its neighbourhood.

  16. The General Irruption Of The Barbari Ans.

  17. An irruption of youth inundated this garden, which with its cross-walks resembled a pall.

  18. In concluding this chapter, it may be proper to give some account of the subverters of the Eastern empire, and of their irruption into Europe.

  19. Brutus, on the other side, made a dreadful irruption on the army of Augustus, and drove forward with so much intrepidity, that he broke them upon the very first charge.

  20. Primus, while governor of Macedon, had made an irruption into the country of the Odrysians; for this he was prosecuted, and pleaded that it was by the emperor's orders.

  21. The Gauls, a barbarous nation, had, about two centuries before, made an irruption from beyond the Alps, and settled in the northern parts of Italy.

  22. It was finally destroyed during the Mogul irruption under Hulaku Khan, in 1250, and it is from the ruins beyond the city of that era that the above mentioned fragments have been taken.

  23. He already saw the most flourishing cities and the rich country of Sicily laid waste by the irruption of the barbarians.

  24. Sidenote: Circumstances preceding the Second Irruption of the Buccaneers into the South Sea.

  25. Circumstances which preceded the Second Irruption of the Buccaneers into the =South Sea=.

  26. The irruption into letters of the wild and lawless, or of the strained and eccentric, can amuse and interest us only for a moment.

  27. The discussion is interrupted at intervals by the irruption of dingy individuals, who report disorders and discoveries, and I suspect the General of having realised the dramatic value of the messenger in Greek tragedy.

  28. We might have made Germany a racial and regional border province of Anglo-Saxondom, and a barrier against the Asiatic irruption that is once again advancing against Europe across the Russian plains.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "irruption" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.