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Example sentences for "overborne"

Lexicographically close words:
overbearing; overblown; overboard; overbold; overbore; overburden; overburdened; overcame; overcast; overcasting
  1. Well for us it was that he had done this, or we should have been overborne by numbers, for the ship was a large one, carrying maybe seven score men.

  2. With that he sat down on the bench where I had been, and though he smiled at us, we could see that his words were true enough, and that he was bearing bravely what would have overborne most men.

  3. Our friends both shame and grieve me, Viret, when the truth of God is overborne by either the hatred or the favour of men.

  4. Ill supported by the King of France, the Duke of Cleves was overborne by the Emperor, reduced to implore pardon on his knees, and dispossessed of a part of his states.

  5. Rome, with its leviathan aqueducts, its seething tenements clinging to the hills, its cruel, shining Palatine, must have overborne the provincial traveller coming up from Ostia.

  6. She paused on the landing, her sense of relief overborne by a greater sense of defeat.

  7. Humphrey of Gloucester, thou shalt well perceive That neither in birth or for authority The Bishop will be overborne by thee.

  8. It was well that it was so, for less sturdy material might have been overborne by the vigour of the attack.

  9. The Irishmen were overborne by a swarm of assailants, but they nobly upheld their traditional reputation.

  10. The only London daily which had opposed the war, though very ably edited, was overborne by the general sentiment and compelled to change its line.

  11. Pisa, overborne by Florence, had in her day overborne other communities.

  12. But any countervailing ideal that still lived among them was overborne by the tide of triumphant conquest; and, with Aristotle and Plato in her hand, Greece turned back to the social ethic of the Heraclidae.

  13. But even under more favourable conditions, though the Portuguese empire might have overborne the Dutch, it could hardly have maintained itself against the British.

  14. Fox discountenanced it, though he did not directly condemn it; but Grey was overborne by the fierce Jacobinism of Lauderdale, and avowed himself the parliamentary mouthpiece of this dangerous agitation.

  15. It was his opinion, it appeared, which had overborne the cabinet in favour of the public meeting clauses; and his voluntary withdrawal enabled Lord Althorp to return to his post and to proceed with the bill in its milder form.

  16. She took his hands and looked up into his face with such poignant longing and tenderness, that Jack's comrades, already uncomfortable enough, were quite overborne by the scene.

  17. Like some untried actress bringing down her house, she was overborne with her own success; and the more she was praised the more extravagantly and unflinchingly she exposed herself.

  18. So at the end, outwearied and overborne by her importunity, he could no longer refrain, but told her all.

  19. And yet, by withdrawing troops to his right, Blücher had for a time overborne Vandamme's corps and part of the Young Guard, unconscious that his insistence on this side jeopardized the whole Prussian army.

  20. Overborne by the forces of Bernadotte, the little kingdom made peace with England and Sweden, agreeing to yield up Norway to the latter Power in consideration of recovering an indemnity in Germany.

  21. Thereupon the gallant Gustavus, overborne by the weight of Marshal Brune's corps, sued for an armistice.

  22. Would I have those accents overborne by a living tongue, however welcome its sound at another time?

  23. Nothing, in my opinion, would have been less difficult than entirely to have overborne their opposition.

  24. Each of the barons had a large retinue of armed men under his own command, and the Crown was liable to be overborne by a union of ambitious nobles.

  25. It may be doubted whether Waller and Denham could have overborne the prejudices which had long prevailed, fend which even then were sheltered by the protection of Cowley.

  26. General Johnstone and the 1,400 defenders were at first overborne and had to retreat over the bridge; but the plundering habits of the victors were their ruin.

  27. It is surprising that the physicians allowed an interview of an agitating nature; but the ministerial pressure brought to bear on them may have overborne their better judgement.

  28. With so potent a foe near to Paris, must not the regicides have been overborne by Coburg in Flanders?

  29. The captain was unwilling to attack it, and represented to them the madness of their proposal; but, being overborne by their clamours and importunities, to avoid the imputation of cowardice, complied to his destruction.

  30. And it may be inquired, whether, in accepting this preferment, Cheynel did not violate the protestation which he makes in the passage already recited, and whether he did not suffer his resolutions to be overborne by the temptations of wealth.

  31. She is not weeping; and the expression of pity, though intense, is overborne by that of resolution.

  32. It is impossible to estimate how often in the past such a revolt of reason against religious insanity has been overborne by the forces of pious habit.

  33. A large number of cases of non-inheritance are intelligible on the principle, that a strong tendency to inheritance does exist, but {25} that it is overborne by hostile or unfavourable conditions of life.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overborne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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