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Example sentences for "licked"

Lexicographically close words:
licit; licite; licitum; lick; licke; licker; licking; lickings; lickit; licks
  1. It is told on ocular evidence that a man who had murdered another in a quarrel licked the hot blood from the victim's hand.

  2. Brother Goat licked his mouth and shook his long beard with satisfaction.

  3. Sure ye ain’t the feller that licked the Iroquois all to thunder?

  4. Twill turned a ghastly white and licked his lips frantically.

  5. The blast smelt of icebergs, arctic seas, whales, and white bears, carrying the snow so that it licked the land but did not deepen on it.

  6. Ruddy barked once or twice, circled around Rick who lay on his back with one foot stuck up in the air, where it was held fast in the tree, and then the dog came and licked Rick's face with his smooth tongue.

  7. Again he reached over to pat the head and the dog licked his hand.

  8. The dog barked as he heard his name spoken, ran to Rick, who still was held fast, and again licked his face.

  9. Poll missed her cake and was furious, but the dog licked his chops and laughed.

  10. The old cat purred over them and licked them just as though she thought they were her own kittens.

  11. By this time the fire had licked away a passage through the roof and through this it sent up a yellow hand that flicked up and down like a signal, or a beckoning, and then shot up a tall, steady, growing, roaring column of red.

  12. Black Bart licked the hand of the master and whined.

  13. Joan swallowed in mute agony, and the wolf-dog slipped to the side of the master and licked his hand as though in dumb intercession.

  14. He leaned against a willow, his face suddenly old and white with something more than exhaustion, and laughed in such an oddly pitched, cracked tone that the wolf-dog slunk to him on his belly and licked the dangling hand.

  15. She's lef' me--" Black Bart licked his limp hand but dared not even whine.

  16. The tears came into the good man's eyes, while Colin bounded for joy, and licked his hand as it rested upon the head of the child.

  17. Woe betide all but Fra Pacifico, who had so often licked him in drawn battles, when the dog had leaped upon him, that now Argo fled at sight of his priestly garments with a howl!

  18. Where is the little kid that ran before and licked their hands?

  19. Hoodo; and Prowl, the Wolf, licked his lips and said, "Ha!

  20. Prowl forgot all about eating him, and licked his hands and frisked about him just as Wooff-Wooff would have done.

  21. Hoodo thought that Tig the Tiger was as greedy and cruel as he was himself, and so he asked him how he would like a little white fat baby boy for his dinner, and Tig licked his lips and said, "H'M!

  22. A curling red wave rippled along the top one, reaching for her hand; tiny blue tongues, orange ones, lapped and licked the scorching cedar everywhere.

  23. Sandy licked her hand affectionately and made as great a fuss about her, as his rheumatic old joints would permit.

  24. Remember how you always used to be telling Tod and me to grin hardest when we were getting licked worst?

  25. We tried to nickname him "Angel" but he licked everyone that tried it on him.

  26. The poor boobs think they've licked Hitler, Ponto, but he's really licked them.

  27. After you left, he calmed right down and came back and licked my face all over again.

  28. As she turned toward the bed, he jumped to the floor, reared up, put both paws on her shoulders and licked her face convulsively, giving little whines and shiverings.

  29. Sensible to kindness, she licked the hand which caressed, and even the one which tormented her.

  30. He licked the hand of his friend, looked him in the face, again licked his hand, and went away of his own accord.

  31. I am the dog that licked Lazarus' sores,' Robert Rich used to say, alluding to that terrible day.

  32. After which Arthur folded his paper and put it into an envelope which he licked copiously, and closed the letter with a great deal of display.

  33. They licked her pretty feet, they nuzzled their noses in her lap," and she put her arms "round their tawny necks and kissed them.

  34. Then we said that he should be our brother in Christopher's stead, whilst Chris was away; and he looked very much pleased, and wagged his tail, and licked our faces all round.

  35. A speed cop overhauled him just the other side of Claremont, he told me, and he was delayed for a few minutes while he licked the cop and kicked him and his motorcycle into a ditch.

  36. Lin licked his lips, keeping his eyes on Extrone's face.

  37. That is why Skinny thinks that George Washington could have licked Napoleon Bonaparte with one hand tied behind his back.

  38. The dog licked my hand, too, and seemed to be trying to say something.

  39. Philippina ate two of the plums on the way up to his room, and licked her fingers.

  40. His two sons gaped at his hand with greedy eyes and likewise licked their lips.

  41. He smacked his tongue with the display of much ceremony of his kind, and licked his lips after swallowing a piece.

  42. The faithful terrier was almost mad with delight as she licked the Sub's hands and strove to force her way through the bars.

  43. Flirt, instinctively realizing that she was being caressed by a friend, wagged a stumpy tail and licked the skipper's tanned hand.

  44. When Lazarus lay at the gate of Dives, alone and neglected, it was the dogs that came and licked his sores.

  45. The young dog got up, went respectfully towards him, and licked him deliberately upon the lips.

  46. She went on her knees to separate them, and enjoin peace and good-will, and their little avid tongues furiously licked her cheeks.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "licked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    addled; baffled; bamboozled; beat; beaten; bested; broken; confounded; dazed; defeated; discomfited; down; fallen; fixed; floored; fuddled; licked; muddled; mystified; nonplussed; outdone; overcome; overmatched; overpowered; overthrown; overwhelmed; panicked; perplexed; puzzled; ruined; scattered; settled; skinned; stuck; stumped; trimmed; undone; upset; whipped; worsted