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Example sentences for "alluding"

Lexicographically close words:
allt; allthough; allude; alluded; alludes; allure; allured; allurement; allurements; allures
  1. Footnote 1: Alluding to his having swum across the Thames with Henry Drury, after the Montem, to see how many times they could make the passage backwards and forwards without touching land.

  2. Footnote 6: Alluding to his having swum across the Thames with Henry Drury, after the Montem, to see how many times they could make the passage backwards and forwards without touching land.

  3. Ah, there was a time when you could have been a treasure to me,' he rejoined; alluding of course to the Dannisburgh days.

  4. It may be that partly the shame of alluding to them had blocked her woman's memory.

  5. Diana had to fortify her fictitious objection by alluding to her maid's prattle of the household below; and she excused the hapless, overfed, idle people of those regions.

  6. This is the very parchment, the attempt to recover which cost the beautiful Alice Pyncheon her happiness and life," said the artist, alluding to his legend.

  7. Is St. James here alluding to the belief mentioned above, that the gods of the heathen are demons?

  8. We may safely decide that St. Jude is not alluding to anything contained in the Bible.

  9. Mr Wood, alluding also generally to the want of a National English standard after the destruction of the Houses of Parliament.

  10. I have a letter from Davies Gilbert (then President of the Royal Society) congratulating me upon the Solar Theory, and alluding to our intended summer's visit to Cornwall.

  11. The ready minister replied to the invective of Elpinice by a line from Archilochus, which, in alluding to the age and coquetry of the lady, probably answered the oratorical purpose of securing the laugh on his own side.

  12. He went on speaking: "Not that I quite know what you are alluding to when you speak of placing my future above uncertainty?

  13. I never saw her, but he had rather a constrained way of alluding to her, I noticed, and he had half-a-dozen photographs of her in different attitudes and dresses.

  14. I like your alluding to it," said Gerald.

  15. The children, standing round his bed, knew quite well that he was alluding to their mother, his first wife.

  16. Alluding of course to George's forgetfulness in carrying off the key.

  17. I put them on on purpose," she said, alluding to the pockets.

  18. She has been as happy as possible with us all the evening," he gently said, alluding to the child.

  19. His own family, you may be sure, did not pain him by alluding to it, then, or after his return.

  20. They are at Lady Godolphin's," replied Thomas, alluding to his sisters.

  21. He supposed Mr. Hurde must be alluding to some one clerk in particular; must have a reason for it; but he did not glance at himself.

  22. You had better tell me at once what you are alluding to, for I'm resolved I'll have it out before we leave this room.

  23. Really, Clare, your husband has spoilt you sadly, if you can't listen to any one without thinking they are alluding to you!

  24. Molly could have burst out crying, with a full sudden conviction of what Mrs. Goodenough had been alluding to: her sense of the impropriety of Molly's going to visit at the Hall when Roger was at home.

  25. Molly, wondering if she was wise in alluding to his health, yet urged to it by her real anxiety.

  26. But listen to her," she broke off, alluding to Mag Robertson again.

  27. He told Barillon, alluding to the ecclesiastical commission, that God had permitted all the statutes which had been enacted against the catholic religion to become the means of its re-establishment.

  28. After the expedition sailed comes the Treaty of Tilsit, containing no article, public or private, alluding to Ireland.

  29. Had Driscoll got clear away, without even alluding to him?

  30. I was alluding to what he had done, my Lord," said Dunn, pointedly.

  31. Footnote H: Alluding to crosses seen on the tops of the spiry rocks of the Chartreuse, which have every appearance of being inaccessible.

  32. Footnote D: Alluding to crosses seen on the tops of the spiry rocks of the Chartreuse, which have every appearance of being inaccessible.

  33. Footnote T: Alluding to this passage of Spenser: .

  34. Again, on page 325 he gives a foot-note explaining the distinction by alluding to the controversy between the preformationists and epigenesists.

  35. Alluding to the case of Lord Morton’s mare, he represents that the phenomenon which it serves so well to illustrate—viz.

  36. For the purposes of this comparison we may start by again alluding to the fact, that even in the multicellular organisms reproduction is not confined to the sexual methods.

  37. Nevil, I am not alluding to the damage done to your election.

  38. Tell me how I could suppose you were alluding to them.

  39. Alluding to the process of canonization for the Japanese martyrs, then before the proper authorities at Rome.

  40. These remarks were written with a degree of generous warmth, when alluding to the enslaved state of the labouring majority, perfectly in unison with Maria's mode of thinking.

  41. This is young O'Donnel from the County Donegal," he shouted, alluding to himself, and lifting his knife which shone red with the blood hues of the sinking sun.

  42. Not elusive but changeable, I suppose," I said, alluding to his penultimate remark as we stood at the bar of the wine shop.

  43. Moleskin, alluding to his own predicament, as he sat down by the fire, and asked the man next to him for a chew of tobacco.

  44. Hence Nonnus alluding to the Tauric oracle, which Cadmus followed, calls it Assyrian: by this is meant Babylonian; for Babylonia was in aftertimes esteemed a portion of Assyria.

  45. I imagine that the shield of Achilles, in Homer, was copied from something of this sort which the poet had seen in Egypt: for Homer is continually alluding to the customs, as well as to the history, of that kingdom.

  46. Alluding to the public rejoicings on the recovery of George the Third from his first illness in 1788.

  47. The date is thus put, alluding to his age, which, in'1789 was seventy-one.

  48. Alluding to the coke-ovens, for which Mr. Conway afterwards obtained a patent.

  49. You will, of course, immediately perceive that I am alluding to Donna Maria de Dolores de los Montez, Countess of Landsfeld.

  50. As, however, she was alluding to events that had taken place nearly fifteen years earlier, her memory was somewhat at fault.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alluding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.