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Example sentences for "trimmed"

Lexicographically close words:
trilogy; trim; trimeter; trimly; trimme; trimmers; trimmest; trimming; trimmings; trimness
  1. It is a bit of ancient wall of blocks of trimmed granite, neatly set without mortar, and evidently meant to defend the most accessible side of a rocky kopje, which in some distant age had been a stronghold.

  2. On the opposite, or western and north-western, side only one terrace and a low, unornamented wall of trimmed stones are now discernible.

  3. Here a rocky granite kopje, almost inaccessible on two sides, is protected on one of the other sides by a neatly built wall of well-trimmed stones, similar to that of Dhlodhlo, but without ornament.

  4. To the north, still within what seems to have been the main inclosing wall, are small inclosures built of trimmed stone, which may have been chambers originally roofed with wood or bushes.

  5. Its top is inclosed by a low wall of trimmed stones, now in places quite broken away, with no trace of any stone building within.

  6. At one end this passage opens into a small open space, where the most curious of all the erections are to be found, namely, two solid towers of trimmed stones.

  7. In the space surrounded by the wall, which is about three-quarters of an acre, are some small inclosures of trimmed stone, apparently chambers.

  8. Outside the main inclosing wall are several small inclosures of irregular shape, surrounded by similar walls of trimmed stones, but all low and broken and with nothing inside.

  9. The walls, which in some places are thirty feet high, are all built of small trimmed blocks of granite such as I have already described, without mortar, but neatly fitted together.

  10. This platform is approached by a narrow passage between walls of trimmed stone, at one point in which there appears to have been a sort of narrow gateway barely wide enough for two persons to pass.

  11. Then his hair was carefully cut, and he had trimmed whiskers, but no beard or moustache.

  12. She wore her new-made frock, her re-trimmed hat, and carried a parcel containing the print aprons.

  13. And then they should have driven to the church in a flower-trimmed chaise, followed by a big bridal procession, and she should have sat beside him dressed as a bride, and smiling under her bridal crown.

  14. He came in, and wrapped me up in my ermine-trimmed cloak, warning me of exposing myself to the morning air, which was of wintry bleakness.

  15. I should make too conspicuous an appearance in the park, in my elegant cloak, trimmed with costly ermine and bonnet shaded with snowy plumes.

  16. After you haue cut and trimmed all your rootes, then you shall couer them againe, in such sort as you were taught at the first planting them, and so let them abide till their due time for poaling.

  17. She was clean enough for a captain's daughter before, and dandy-trimmed more than need have been for a little craft built to be only a coaster.

  18. It is got out in large irregular-shaped blocks and transported to the factories, where it is carefully split by hand, and the laminae, of as large size as can be obtained, are trimmed with shears and tied up in packages for market.

  19. Here Captain Dan paused and trimmed Oliver's candle, which he had thrust inadvertently against a beam, and broken in two.

  20. The women wear a close-fitting red or green vest or bodice, elaborately trimmed with silver braid back and front, and white sleeves.

  21. Hence the minor interest of the hour centred in debate as to whether or not the thermometer justified her wearing a coat of dark blue silk and cloth, heavily trimmed with ruchings and passementerie, reaching to her feet.

  22. Her everyday clothes are lying at her feet: the coarse chemise, the barbarous bodice, the hat trimmed with faded ribbons.

  23. His brow was exceedingly swarthy, his eyes large and luminous, whilst his huge jet-black moustache, trimmed in true Magyar fashion, added even more ferocity to this undaunted robber of the plain.

  24. I must call her by the name we gave her after she had trimmed the Samson locks of our Professor.

  25. She brought a pair of glittering shears, and before she would let the Professor go she had trimmed his hair and beard as they had not been dealt with for many a day.

  26. She wore the same thin black dress in which Helbeck had admired her the day before, and above it a cloth jacket and cap, trimmed with brown fur.

  27. She wore always an enormous flat-brimmed "Leghorn" hat, trimmed with ostrich feathers.

  28. The morning was warm, and she was still clad in a loose dressing-gown of thin white silk trimmed with a simple lace.

  29. Before he answered he carefully snuffed and trimmed the three wicks of the tall brass lamp on the table.

  30. At each end of the table sat a clerk; of these two, one was an untidy old man with a weary face and snuff-stained fingers, the other was a particularly spruce young fellow, with smug pink cheeks and carefully trimmed nails.

  31. Every soldier who could hobble was out early gathering flowers and boughs with which they trimmed the ward.

  32. At home, we would have had the service in our own dear church, trimmed by all the little girls in the parish.

  33. The edges of this book, and of all subsequent books, were trimmed in accordance with the invariable practice of the early printers.

  34. She went to her room, threw a large cloth mantle round her shoulders, drew the fur-trimmed hood over her head, and went out.

  35. So Eunice was called in, and the auburn tresses freshly curled, and a sweeping robe of silvery silk, trimmed with rich lace, donned.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trimmed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abbreviated; abridged; abstracted; adorned; beaded; beat; beaten; bedecked; bedizened; befrilled; bejeweled; beribboned; bespangled; bested; capsule; clipped; compressed; condensed; confounded; cropped; curtailed; decorated; defeated; discomfited; docked; down; elliptic; elliptical; embellished; fallen; feathered; festooned; figured; fixed; floored; flowered; garnished; jeweled; licked; mowed; nipped; ornamented; outdone; overcome; overmatched; overpowered; overthrown; overwhelmed; panicked; plumed; pruned; rigged; ruined; scattered; settled; shaved; sheared; shortened; skinned; snub; spangled; studded; trimmed; undone; upset; whipped; worsted; wreathed