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Example sentences for "peeved"

Lexicographically close words:
peers; peert; pees; peety; peeuish; peevish; peevishly; peevishness; peewit; peewits
  1. You don't figger to be peeved at me, do you?

  2. MAYOR JOE CLARK disturbed in his concentration on the checkers and peeved at being beaten suddenly turns toward the children, throwing up his hands.

  3. They went at each other like peeved wildcats and the bell at the end of the first round only seemed to annoy 'em--they had to be jimmied apart.

  4. I don't get that dewpray thing of yours, but the last time the Kid got peeved he won the welterweight title!

  5. There was no answer from us, and Harold seemed peeved because we had not collapsed at his confession.

  6. And Aunt Maria, peeved and hurt at the child's behavior, went back to her quilting while Phœbe hurried from the room alone.

  7. No need of getting peeved about it," he suggested.

  8. I don't believe it's possible to get peeved with you," he declared.

  9. That peeved Mr. Tincup has stirred up a special called meeting of the school board and has gone and gotten us suspended from the team!

  10. I believe you've been peeved at your Coach for some time .

  11. There was a distinct tinge of reserve in the green-eyed girl's greeting, which informed Marjorie that Lucy was still slightly peeved over the incident of the lost letter.

  12. I managed to straighten things with her, though, but she's terribly peeved with Mignon.

  13. I sung out and asked them were they practicing for the Harvard and Yale boat race and Dave was that peeved he shied an oarlock after me.

  14. Dick gets kinder peeved with her sometimes when she jollies him.

  15. We magnates become peeved by interruptions--I always do myself.

  16. The pater would be more than peeved if I didn't wait for him and his diplomatic expectations.

  17. Besides, I couldn't be peeved at anything tonight.

  18. Well—there will be time then to change my plans,” said Jason Philip, in a tone of peeved vexation.

  19. I've got a hunch that he'd only get peeved if you did.

  20. When they spring a funny joke they're used to hearing their audience laugh, and when they don't hear anything, they get peeved sometimes.

  21. You could see that he was downright peeved about it, though!

  22. Bet you he's downright peeved with us, boys, for wetting that roof down!

  23. Leonard is peeved and has tossed up sports.

  24. Leslie was still peeved with Dulcie for not having locked the back door of the untenanted house as she had been ordered to do.

  25. She looks to me like one of those persons who get peeved over nothing.

  26. I expect that she'll be peeved because things didn't go entirely her way.

  27. She must be awfully peeved yet over basket-ball.

  28. Frightfulness, the many-headed hydra, was uncaged and let loose ere they rolled on to Liege peeved by their three hours' intolerable delay.

  29. He had grown more and more peeved as he went about his business, Bawne could not tell why but Franky understood quite well.

  30. Ed was peeved at this; so Ben tried to soothe him.

  31. She was a nice, kind-appearing mother all right, but I noticed she looked peeved when this delay happened.

  32. Ed got peeved at last by the way Ben was putting him off.

  33. She was still peeved at Leslie and now delighted in expressing a contrary opinion.

  34. The juniors are peeved with them for not taking proper interest in the Valentine dance.

  35. She divined that Laura was somewhat peeved because she had not.

  36. And you are a bit peeved when Mrs. Johnson passes every one of these features by with calm indifference and raves over an unimportant railing you've had hammered onto the back porch.

  37. I'm sure the Duke will forgive me for getting peeved about that lawn, when he understands that there are callouses in my hands and knots in my lawn mower.

  38. Because he got peeved at this Black Star he turns in and runs him down--what you boobs are supposed to get paid for doing!

  39. Peeved about somethin' this mornin'," one of them drawled to the rider whose knee pressed his.

  40. I am not peeved about anything," he said.

  41. I'm liable to take a shot at him if I get peeved over something--" "You dare!

  42. He wasn't peeved at all, and nothing was wrong!

  43. Sandy tried last year, but they dropped him to the Second and he got peeved and quit.

  44. Bates has a right to feel peeved if he likes to.

  45. Anyway, I don't see what Sandy has to be peeved about.

  46. Oh, he was sort of peeved over something that happened.

  47. I suppose I ought to have told you he was the fellow you rode up from the station with, but I didn't realise that you were really so peeved with him.

  48. I wonder what they could have been peeved about on such a fine night?

  49. All the reply she gives is a stiff nod and I notice her face is pinked up like she was peeved at something.

  50. It wouldn't make me peeved if I never saw him.

  51. He was kinda peeved when he left Paris and I was wondering whether our little affair weren't just a brief romance after all.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peeved" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggravated; angry; annoyed; bothered; disgruntled; disturbed; exasperated; galled; huff; huffy; indignant; irked; irritated; miffed; nettled; peeved; piqued; provoked; resentful; riled; roiled; sore; troubled; vexed