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Example sentences for "perforate"

Lexicographically close words:
perfidiously; perfidiousness; perfidy; perfit; perfite; perforated; perforates; perforating; perforation; perforations
  1. Females examined in February mostly were perforate and many of them appeared to be in oestrus.

  2. Puncture wounds of any kind may serve to perforate the joint capsule and such traumatisms are occasioned by falls, kicks and in various ways in runaway accidents, and open carpal joint may follow.

  3. Like the tibia the hock is exposed to frequent injuries and in some cases wounds perforate the joint capsule.

  4. I wish much I could have experimented with a gun of greater length and bore, for with one in every way fitted for the purpose, I have no doubt of being able to perforate an inch thickness of plate.

  5. Having a number of plates of the different thicknesses hereafter described, I continued increasing the charge from a definite quantity, until the projectile was driven with sufficient velocity to perforate the plate suspended.

  6. A quantity of the fulminate of silver exploded on a copper plate will perforate that plate, or, if fired upon a piece of wood, will bury itself in that substance, splintering it in proportion to the quantity.

  7. In Dytiscus the mandibles are perforate at the base, and not at the tip.

  8. Of endophytes a distinction must be made between those which occupy the cell-wall only and those which perforate the cells, bringing about their destruction.

  9. Glauconitic casts of perforate shells, notably Globigerina, have been found in Lower Cambrian (e.

  10. Cycloclypeus, among the Nummulite group, with a very finely perforate wall, recall the porcellanous Orbiculina and Orbitolites.

  11. To prove that these insects have really the power to perforate metals as others perforate and pass through woody matter, the entomologist of Limoges made the following experiments.

  12. They perforate the floors, the beams, the wood-work, the furniture, respecting always the surface of the objects attacked in such a manner that it is impossible to be aware of their hidden ravages.

  13. Puncture by the Rectum is, in cases of enlarged prostate, inadmissible and highly dangerous; the operator must either perforate the gland, or enter the cavity of the abdomen.

  14. The embryos are supplied with little boring teeth, or styles, which enable them to perforate the bodies of entomostracous crustaceans.

  15. Walla Wallas, Skyuse, and Nez Percés flatten the head and perforate the nose.

  16. Malignant tumours tend to perforate the periosteal capsule and invade the soft parts.

  17. The glioma of the retina tends to grow into the vitreous humour and to perforate the globe.

  18. We have seen nothing to substantiate the belief that duodenal ulcers are liable to perforate during the third period.

  19. In using the spoon, care must be taken that its sharp edge does not perforate the wall of a vein or other important structure.

  20. Pileus= somewhat broadly clavate, sometimes conical, but always more or less obtuse, perforate at the apex.

  21. Allowing that they did perforate the ones found perf.

  22. If this be so, is it not possible that the order to perforate new supplies was given to the manufacturers much later than has hitherto been thought to be the case?

  23. Turn your tambourine upside down on a smooth-faced log of suitable size, and, with a small hammer and your little punch, proceed to perforate the parchment until the head is covered with small round holes.

  24. Spear, arrow, and blow-pipe darts have their points so hardened by the action of heat, that they more closely resemble the texture of bone than aught else, and perforate almost as readily as sharpened iron.

  25. Fructification aethalioid; the confluent sporangia inextricably interwoven, the walls perforate by large openings, the resultant network of broad plates and bands widening at the points of intersection.

  26. Sporangia bounded, more or less distinctly, by broad perforate plates throughout 2.

  27. It possesses the same properties as the perforate sort, but yields a stronger and more camphoraceous odour when the flowers and the seed vessels are bruised.

  28. A tincture made from this plant, as well as that made from the perforate St. John's Wort, has been used with success to cure melancholia, and its allied forms of insanity.

  29. They also perforate books in the same way, and thus do much damage in old libraries: “Insatiate brute, whose teeth abuse The sweetest servants of the muse!

  30. These insects, in the larva state, do a great deal of mischief to old furniture, in which they perforate numerous round holes.

  31. Because he had boasted that he would perforate the stranger with whom you left him in dispute; whereas the stranger, on the contrary, in spite of all his rodomontades quickly threw him on his back.

  32. All three remounted their horses, and set out at a good pace, while Porthos was promising his adversary to perforate him with all the thrusts known in the fencing schools.

  33. To perforate (the skull) with a trepan, so as to remove a portion of the bone, and thus relieve the brain from pressure or irritation; to perform an operation with the trepan.

  34. To perforate by a pointed instrument; to bore; to transfix; to drill.

  35. He's dead scared to come here any more, since Randerson's aimin' to perforate him!

  36. I'd like nothing better than to have an excuse to perforate you!

  37. They're trying mighty hard to perforate me--I'm losing weight dodging around here trying to keep them from drawing a bead on me.

  38. The Gordius bifurcus produces embryos at the end of a month; these embryos perforate their shell by means of their beak, become free in the damp earth, and introduce themselves through the skin into the perigastric cavity of certain larvae.

  39. These germs come forth in the intestine of the larva, they perforate the intestine and become encysted in the folds of fat which surround it.

  40. They immediately seek the larvae of insects, perforate their skin, and develop themselves there without becoming encysted.

  41. In this manner the embryos perforate the walls of the digestive tube.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perforate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bite; bore; broach; drill; fix; gore; gouge; hole; honeycomb; honeycombed; impale; lance; needle; open; penetrate; peppered; perforate; pierce; pink; prick; punch; puncture; ream; riddle; skewer; spear; spike; spit; stab; stick; tap; transfix