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Example sentences for "plagiarism"

Lexicographically close words:
placket; placoid; placuit; plaga; plagiarised; plagiarisms; plagiarist; plagiarists; plagiarized; plagiary
  1. Although he was both unconscientious and uncritical, too often copying without acknowledgment or comment, and indulging in wholesale plagiarism when it suited his purpose, these faults which are characteristic of his age may easily be excused.

  2. Brought up in the schools in which Roman plagiarism worshipped the echo of Grecian wisdom, he had imbued himself with those doctrines by which the later Epicureans corrupted the simple maxims of their great master.

  3. This faith,' said he, 'is but a borrowed plagiarism from one of the many allegories invented by our priests of old.

  4. See Heywood's impudent plagiarism from this passage in his description of a Pardoner, as printed in the note to l.

  5. He does not hesitate, however, to appeal also to the anonymous "Revelations" published in 1849, which are a mere plagiarism from Venturini.

  6. Hase seems not to have recognised that the "Disclosures" were merely a plagiarism from Venturini.

  7. Grimly, he noted that despite the several instances of plagiarism committed by the two faculty men, Ian Heathson and Randy Fecesi, they were promoted and given tenure.

  8. Each one of them protests the plagiarism that a medical student told them your people have committed in preparing course material.

  9. The problem was two-fold: what to do about the possibility that Trenchant would bring a plagiarism suit against the department, and how to wipe out years of bad SmurFFs for Ian and Randy.

  10. Did Trenchant put your boys up to plagiarism too?

  11. I just wondered why you didn't take similar action, that is report to the vice president and bring charges, when the recent blatant plagiarism of Ian and Randy was brought to your attention," Diana said.

  12. If we fired her, even justifiably, the papers would play the plagiarism stuff up.

  13. Scaliger, who disliked Lipsius very much, imputes to him plagiarism from the Italian antiquary.

  14. His angry allusion to Shakspeare’s plagiarism is best explained by supposing that he was himself concerned in the two old plays which have been converted into the second and third parts of Henry VI.

  15. The Contention of the Houses, and which is here introduced to hint the particular subject of plagiarism that prompts the complaint of Greene.

  16. One day some years later I had a revelation made to me of the ethics of plagiarism accepted by a certain class of writers for the minor periodicals.

  17. The dates are mentioned for the exclusive purpose of precluding charges of plagiarism or servile imitation from myself.

  18. Having referred to the accusations of plagiarism brought against Coleridge, it will not, I trust, be deemed inappropriate, to introduce from the British Magazine, No.

  19. But she has also opened a new view of other circumstances under which an apparent plagiarism arose that was not real.

  20. Wherever the plagiarism was undeniable, she has allowed it; whilst palliating its faultiness by showing the circumstances under which it arose.

  21. It is surprising that this plagiarism from so well-known a book as the Arcadia should not have opened Milton's eyes to the unauthentic character of the Eikon.

  22. That Agnolo Pandolfini was himself guilty of this plagiarism is rendered improbable by a variety of circumstances.

  23. But such literary plagiarism was both more common and less disgraceful in the fifteenth century.

  24. The suggestion of plagiarism is quite gratuitous.

  25. He had no idea what plagiarism is, and without a single thought of wrong, he intended to reproduce for his people the religious wisdom which he acquired at the white church.

  26. And it would not be plagiarism either, for this very warming-over process would save it from that and make his own whatever he brought.

  27. That the charge of plagiarism against Sterne rests in great part upon his plagiarizing an invective against plagiarism.

  28. Father Prout (Mahony) translated several of the Irish Melodies into Greek and Latin verse, and then jocularly insinuated a charge of plagiarism against the author.

  29. The case of plagiarism mentioned in this letter is not now remembered, and does not matter, but it furnished a text for Mark Twain, whose remarks on the subject in general are eminently worth while.

  30. I suppose the archdeacon would have defended this shameful plagiarism on his favourite principle of expediency.

  31. This writer charges Ramus with plagiarism from Ludovicus Vives, placing the passages in apposition, so as to prove his case.

  32. It will hardly be reckoned a proof of our nationality, that a living English scholar was the first to detect and announce this plagiarism of a critic, in whom we had been accustomed to take pride, from these foreigners.

  33. But yet," I think that he wanders a little from the point when he says, "the surmise of the plagiarism originates in a misconception of the terms employed by the Latin author, especially corcillum.

  34. Could such a genius as Balzac be accused of plagiarism because he expressed a thought practically in the very words of La Bruyere?

  35. I would as soon charge Balzac with plagiarism as I would accuse a Vanderbilt or a Carnegie of trying to cheat a street-car conductor out of a penny fare.

  36. Mr. Southey, relating to a charge of Plagiarism in John Bunyan.

  37. The charge of plagiarism is utterly false, not having the slightest foundation.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plagiarism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adoption; appropriation; assumption; borrowing; counterfeiting; derivation; doubling; duplication; echo; following; forgery; imitation; impersonation; imposture; impression; infringement; mirroring; mocking; parody; plagiarism; quotation; reappearance; rebirth; recurrence; regurgitation; reincarnation; renewal; repetition; reproduction; resumption; return; simulation; stealing; takeoff; taking