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Example sentences for "plantar"

Lexicographically close words:
planta; plantae; plantain; plantains; plantane; plantas; plantashun; plantation; plantations; plante
  1. Verruca plantaris, or plantar wart, is observed on the sole of the foot; it may be single or multiple.

  2. In this way the tendo Achillis and the plantar fascia are stretched, and the dorsal flexion is secured by laying the patient on the face with the knee bent and the front of the thigh resting on the table.

  3. Helomata are most frequently found on the outer surface of the little toes, but may occur upon the sole of the foot and even upon the palm, or plantar surface of the foot.

  4. In the backward variety, the plantar flexion is first increased and the foot is then strongly flexed in the opposite direction.

  5. The sharp adduction and plantar flexion, at the tarsal joints, produce a deformed position of the foot.

  6. In the plantar region they are of every degree of severity, from the most minute puncture to perforation running between interosseus spaces and passing through the dorsal skin.

  7. Primarily, the obstacle to reduction is the tense Achilles tendon, and in advanced cases the shortened plantar fascia and posterior ligament of the ankle-joint constitute obstacles.

  8. Cuts of the plantar surface are not often very extensive.

  9. The cause is usually a plantar flexion of the foot.

  10. Club foot, the patient walking on his toes, and the foot in plantar flexion.

  11. Secondary contraction of the plantar fascia, ligaments, and short plantar muscles follows.

  12. This causes an extreme plantar flexion of the foot.

  13. Reduction is usually effected by forced plantar flexion, the foot being pulled forward and the lower end of the tibia being pushed backward.

  14. The fragments of metal lying near the fourth and fifth metatarsals lie either in the same relation or on the plantar side of the metatarsus.

  15. The normal outline of the shadow of the shrapnel ball shows it to lie near the plate or at least beneath the plantar surface of the first metatarsal.

  16. The backward dislocation is the most common, and results from extreme plantar flexion of the foot, as from a fall backwards while the foot is fixed, wedging the talus between the tibia and fibula.

  17. The soft parts to be divided are the tendo Achillis, the medial and posterior ligaments of the ankle, the plantar fascia, the calcaneo-navicular ligaments, and the tibialis posterior tendon.

  18. When the foot is plantar flexed at the moment of injury, the displacement is generally forward with a tendency outward.

  19. It may be necessary to divide in several places the plantar fascia and other structures that have undergone secondary shortening.

  20. Thus by flexion or dorsiflexion is meant that movement which approximates the dorsum of the foot to the front of the leg; while extension or plantar flexion means the drawing up of the heel so that the toes are pointed.

  21. The plantar flexors and invertors distort the foot into the equino-varus attitude.

  22. The spur of bone is the source of considerable pain on standing and walking, and tenderness is elicited on making pressure on the plantar aspect of the heel; it is well demonstrated by the X-rays (Fig.

  23. The plantar ligaments--especially the inferior calcaneo-navicular--are stretched and lengthened.

  24. The knee-jerks and plantar reflexes are exaggerated, and there is marked ankle clonus.

  25. The plantar fascia, may require division; when this is the case, it is so prominent as to render the operation very easy, if conducted on the principles mentioned above.

  26. The plantar cicatrix is almost a fatal objection to a plan of removing the first and fifth toes and their metatarsals which has much otherwise in rapidity and elegance to recommend it.

  27. In cases where, from injury and disease, the plantar flap is deficient in size, it may be necessary to make the dorsal flap longer.

  28. When the incision is properly made, the vessel is not cut till after its division into the plantar arteries.

  29. Achillis towards the external border of the plantar aspect of the heel, along which it is continued in a semilunar direction.

  30. Most surgeons are now agreed that in this operation it is better to make both flaps by cutting from without, in preference to transfixion of the plantar one from within.

  31. When necessary, however, and when the choice of flaps is possible, the best plan is by a long flap from the plantar surface (Fig.

  32. Ainhum begins as a small furrow or crack, such as soldiers often experience, at the digito-plantar fold, seen first on the inner side.

  33. There is in the majority of cases a small ulcer in or near the digito-plantar fold, which causes most of the pain, particularly when pressed upon.

  34. The left plantar reflex was absent, the right slight, the left patellar reflex was abnormally brisk.

  35. The plantar and patellar reflexes were much exaggerated, and there was ankle clonus, most marked in the left limb.

  36. At times some hyperæsthesia of the soles was noted, and the plantar reflex was very brisk.

  37. The first toe is greatly thickened and widened; when the foot is extended, the first toe is held in a horizontal plane nearly at right angles to the medial edge of the plantar surface (Fig.

  38. Plantar views of right hind foot (male at left, female at right) of T.

  39. They appear first and in greatest abundance upon the face and scalp, involving later and progressively the trunk, the extremities, and the palmar and plantar surfaces.

  40. It is also less upon the palmar and plantar surfaces than elsewhere.

  41. The common ligaments of the tarsal joint are the collateral, the plantar (calcaneo-metatarsal and c.

  42. By using a local anesthetic on the plantar nerves and confining the subject on an operating table, restraint should be perfect.

  43. Möller's version of true curb is a thickening of the plantar ligament (calcaneocuboid or calcaneometatarsal).

  44. Plantar neurectomy is contraindicated in all cases where there exists much lameness.

  45. It is certain that in cases where conformation is bad, greater strain is put upon the plantar ligament.

  46. The pressure received by the pad is also transmitted to the plantar cushion, which likewise flattens and spreads under pressure.

  47. Inflammation of the plantar (calcaneocuboid) ligament in curb is readily detected when the affected member is viewed in profile.

  48. Hughes and Merillat consider curb as a synovitis having for its seat the synovial bursa which is situated between the superficial flexor tendon (perforatus) and the plantar ligament.

  49. The plantar tubercles usually number five, although a few individuals with six tubercles were found at Lawrence, Kansas.

  50. Therefore, the number of plantar tubercles alone is not a certain means for separating pennsylvanicus from ochrogaster.

  51. By this action some of the pollen is removed from the right plantar combs and is caught upon the outer surfaces of the pecten spines of the left leg.

  52. All attempts to load the baskets by other movements, such as crossing the hind legs and scraping the plantar combs over the lateral edges of the baskets, give results which are entirely different from those achieved by the living bee.

  53. Little pollen gets by the sticky surfaces of the combs of the plantar or past the auricles without becoming thoroughly moist.

  54. With each upward stroke of the auricle small masses of pollen which have been scraped from the plantar combs by the pecten are caught and compressed between the spiny surface of the auricle and the surface of the tibia above it.

  55. This structure comprises the whole of the flattened proximal surface of the planta, except the joint of articulation itself, and it extends outward in a posterior direction a little beyond the remaining plantar edge.

  56. When in the act of loading pollen from the plantar brushes to the corbiculae the two hind legs hang beneath the abdomen with the tibio-femoral joints well drawn up toward the body.

  57. The study has been extended to the configuration of the plantar imprints in tabetics, but it does not appear so far to be of much medico-legal value.

  58. They had completely curled round the tips of his fingers and toes till they had thus come to extend along the palmar and plantar surfaces in a strange way.

  59. The plantar reflexes were abolished; but there were no other reflex disorders; nor was there any evidence of other disorder.

  60. The plantar reflexes were flexor but weak.

  61. The deep reflexes were weak, the plantar reflexes flexor.

  62. Plantar stimulation was not perceived on the left side.

  63. At the same time, the left Achilles jerk vanished, followed by the plantar cutaneous reflexes.

  64. Of course, when the lateral cartilages are ossified, not only is no expansion of the quarters possible, but frog pressure often leads to painful compression of the plantar cushion and to increase of lameness.

  65. If the pus is discharging from an opening near the hair, the whole frog, or one-half of it, will generally be found separated from the plantar cushion, and is to be removed with the knife.

  66. The "heels," strictly speaking, are the two rounded soft prominences of the plantar cushion, lying one above each quarter.

  67. During the first 24 hours there is no increased pulsation in the digital and plantar arteries, but on the second day it is apparent.

  68. This is the most serious form of corns, for the reason that it may induce gangrene of the plantar cushion, cartilaginous quittor, or caries of the coffin bone.

  69. Complications may arise by an extension of the disease to the lateral ligament of the coffin joint, to the joint itself, to the plantar cushion, and by caries of the coffin bone.

  70. A cut through the horny frog with some sharp instrument or a punctured wound by a blunt-pointed instrument may also cause suppuration and gangrene of the plantar cushion.

  71. These lesions may result from a penetrating street nail, or follow plantar or median neurectomy.

  72. In other cases a ragged opening is found in the frog, leading down to a mass of dead, sloughing tissues, which are pale green in color if gangrene of the plantar cushion has set in.

  73. The sole is produced by the velvety tissue, a thin membrane covering the plantar cushion and other soft tissues beneath the coffin bone.

  74. Sensibility, the knee-jerk, and plantar phenomena are normal.

  75. For example, in persons who have been under the influence of the bromides for many years, the skin and tendon reflex action remain intact, and I have never seen a case in which the knee-jerk or plantar phenomena were absent.

  76. Latin, meaning warty foot, probably in reference to the numerous plantar supernumerary tubercles.

  77. Plantar views of feet of four species of the eastern complex of Syrrhophus.

  78. Supernumerary tubercles are well developed on the plantar surfaces in all species, except S.

  79. The elastic apparatus is divided into plantar cushion and fibro-cartilages.

  80. The plantar cushion is a wedge-shaped piece of tissue formed by interlacing connective-tissue fibres and fat.

  81. Further, it is seen from pathological specimens that the spread is greater on the dorsal than on the plantar aspect, and that the death of skin and subcutaneous tissues extends higher than that of bone and muscle.

  82. Exposure of the plantar nerves by an incision behind the medial malleolus, and subjecting them to forcible stretching, has been employed by Chipault and others in the treatment of perforating ulcers of the foot.

  83. Callosities and Corns on the Sole and Plantar Aspect of the Toes in a woman who was also the subject of flat-foot.

  84. As a limited eruption it is most frequently seen on the palms and soles--the palmar and plantar syphiloderm.

  85. The hands, feet, especially the palmar and plantar surfaces, the axillæ and the genitalia.

  86. The tarsal bones are connected by dorsal, plantar and interosseous ligaments.

  87. The long and short calcaneocuboid are plantar ligaments of special importance, and maintain the outer arch of the foot.

  88. To avoid confusion it is best to speak of the movements of the ankle as dorsal and plantar flexion.

  89. The other patient was a young man twenty years of age, whose gait used to be arrested, after a walk of ten minutes, by sudden and vigorous plantar flexion of his right toes.

  90. Besides, the imperfect action of the muscles of the foot consequent upon the fall of the arch gives rise to plantar corns and callouses that are often painful.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plantar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.