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Example sentences for "purification"

Lexicographically close words:
purges; purgeth; purging; purgunnah; puri; purifications; purificatory; purifie; purified; purifier
  1. The usual precautions as to disinfection and purification of the room, bedding, and utensils used by patients should be observed, as in other infectious diseases.

  2. The advancement of knowledge, the improvement of human life, and the purification of religion, which included bringing the Jews and Christians together, would prepare England for its role when God chose to transform human history.

  3. Vessels made of red sanders wood carry no pollution, and can be used by women during the menstrual period, and taken back to the house without any purification ceremony.

  4. Quite recently, a youthful Ambattan had to undergo ceremonial purification for having unconsciously shaved a Paraiyan.

  5. The Parpattikaran takes part in the purification of excommunicated members of the tribe, when they are received back into it, for example, on release from prison.

  6. How shall I, how shall society, find healing and purification within?

  7. Since regeneration is not complete sanctification, and the change of governing disposition is not identical with complete purification of the nature, such subsequent turnings from sin are necessary consequences and evidences of the first (cf.

  8. Baptism symbolizes purification, but purification in a peculiar and divine way,--namely, through the death of Christ and the entrance of the soul into communion with that death.

  9. The action of the church at Corinth was blessed by God to the quickening of conscience and the purification of life.

  10. Purification is made to be the essential meaning of baptism, and the conclusion is drawn that any form expressive of purification will answer the design of the ordinance.

  11. If circumcision was the decisive step in the case of all male converts, there seems no longer room for serious question that a bath of purification must have followed, even though early mention of such proselyte baptism is not found.

  12. The objective atonement for sin must come before the subjective purification of our natures.

  13. If baptism symbolized purification only, there would be no point of connection between the two ordinances.

  14. In its purification of the temple, it has lost sight of the object of the temple.

  15. Thus we see that the purification in these electric furnaces has nothing to do with electricity.

  16. Besides these extraction and purification processes there are those of adjustment and shaping.

  17. The melting can be done much more cheaply in a cupola or open-hearth furnace, and the first part of the purification much more cheaply in a Bessemer converter or open-hearth furnace.

  18. The women who caused this general purification of morals and language were given the name of precieuses and the movement that of preciosite.

  19. God to whom he was accountable for his acts--a teaching which contributed no little to the general purification of morals at court.

  20. The Prophet was fond of perfumes; for they completed the process of purification by ablutions.

  21. A spring immediately gushed forth, and setting the example, the angel taught Mohammad the rites of Purification by means of ablutions preceding all prayers.

  22. Sarah, though an inmate of the hareem, was probably still in the probationary condition, undergoing the purification necessary before the final completion of her nuptials (Esth.

  23. It will be obvious, of course, that some soils are naturally much better fitted to perform purification of sewage than others; but it must be frankly admitted that even the best of soils can only deal with a certain quantity of sewage.

  24. Bone-black or bone-char is an article which is prepared in enormous quantities for use in sugar-refineries, where it is used in the purification of sugar.

  25. And even though the blood were that of the beast taken in the chase, still ceremonial purification was required as the condition of resuming his covenant position.

  26. It was in His incomprehensible love, who appointed the priestly office, that the whole work of atonement, and therewith purification and full redemption, had its mysterious origin.

  27. Washing ever signifies cleansing; the ceremonial cleansing of the body, therefore, in symbol ever represents the inward purification of the spirit.

  28. Thus, the spiritual purification of Israel in the latter day is described (Isa.

  29. For its restoration or purification the law made no provision.

  30. The leading principle of these was the doctrine of the soul’s rebirth on earth, in another body, after undergoing a process of purification in the Otherworld.

  31. Fifteen days' pollution is observed, and at the expiration thereof the Thali-kurup pours water, and purification takes place.

  32. An outcry being raised, some other Brahmans came up, and objected to 1st accused performing abishekam, and he was turned out, and some ten rupees spent in ceremonies for the purification of the idol.

  33. Purification concludes with a bath on the fifteenth day.

  34. Offences against marriage relations, shaving low caste people, and such like, are all visited with fine, which is remitted to the Swami, from whom purification is obtained.

  35. The purification ceremony for a house defiled by the unchastity of a maid or widow is rather an elaborate affair.

  36. I believe that a candid and outspoken avowal of a belief in a process of purification beyond death would go a long way in solving the whole difficulty.

  37. There may be a state of purification beyond this life; but we shall adapt ourselves to that state when the time comes; not before.

  38. For sensible working men see very clearly that such a process of purification is necessary for all, whether they are Christian or non-Christian.

  39. But the intermediate state we conceive of is a state of purification and education.

  40. The purification is completed by washing it with water saturated with nitre, which dissolves the foreign substances.

  41. On the formation of lamps, and the purification of oil, sundry patents have been granted both in France and England.

  42. Church on February 2d, in commemoration of the purification of the Virgin Mary, according to the Jewish ceremonial (Lev.

  43. Early every morning the officiating priest proceeded to the holy of holies, after the preliminaries of purification had cleansed him from any miasma that might interfere with the efficacy of the rites.

  44. Wisdom, Fortitude, Temperance, Justice, the four cardinal virtues of the Platonic system, are to be cultivated as the means of securing the purification and perfection of the inner man.

  45. Its ultimate object is "the purification of the soul," and its pervading spirit is the aspiration after perfection.

  46. This he regarded as a grand intellectual discipline for the purification of the soul.

  47. In the awakening and enthronement of Conscience as a law of duty, and the elevation and purification of the Moral Idea.

  48. Above all, it effectually contributed to purify the idea of Divinity, though this purification was but an approximation.

  49. They become more formal when the proposed action is really important, or when the suppliant wishes to give thanks for some boon, or, at rarer intervals, to desire purification from some offense.

  50. Phormion passes under the eastern porch, and does not forget (despite the purification before the sacrifice) to dip the whisk broom, lying by the door, in the brazen laver of holy water and again to sprinkle himself.

  51. Amid a growing hush a suckling pig is solemnly slaughtered by some religious functionary at the altar, and the dead victim carried around the circuit of the Pnyx as a symbolic purification of the audience.

  52. As a moral system it carried, indeed, the purification of the feelings and imagination to a higher perfection than any preceding school, but it had the deadly fault of separating sentiment from action.

  53. Above all, a fusion had been effected between moral discipline and religion, and the moralist sought his chief means of purification in the ceremonies of the temple.

  54. The uninitiated who is to be admitted is, to use the language of alchemy, the subjectum, in whom the process of purification is to be perfected.

  55. Herein lies the idea of purification or washing; it occurs again.

  56. In the first degree the purification of the salt is worked out for the release of the sulphur.

  57. We already know that one of the first works of mysticism consists in the education of the conscience, in a most subtle purification of this judicial inner eye.

  58. In one work alone, Tolstoi's War and Peace, had Rolland encountered a similar conjuncture of a historical picture of the world with a process of inner purification and a state of religious ecstasy.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "purification" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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