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Example sentences for "resplendent"

Lexicographically close words:
respit; respite; respited; resplendence; resplendency; resplendently; respond; responde; responded; respondendum
  1. I have now recovered my breath, after my bold flight into the resplendent regions of aristocracy; but my eyes are still dazzled.

  2. Citizen was the proper term now,--Citizen General Wilkinson when that magnate came to town, resplendent in his brigadier's uniform.

  3. And for once we saw an officer of the Louisiana Regiment resplendent in a uniform that might have served at court.

  4. There is a promise and a hope Enthroned o'er all the scene; While, blushing, with resplendent pride, The bright sun lingers on the tide.

  5. Yes, she was lost, for the resplendent Chaoukeun was shut up to waste away her peerless beauty in sorrow and in solitude.

  6. Acota took that opportunity of removing the shawl, and, when they rose up, stood by the throne, resplendent in his beauty and his pride.

  7. The supremacy of the Bishop of Rome in teaching and governing the universal church, could not be exhibited in a more resplendent light than in connection with general councils, those grand assemblies of the hierarchy of the church.

  8. Our argument becomes more conclusive from the following great event in the eastern church, where the jurisdiction in the greater causes (causae majores) appears in most resplendent light.

  9. The little Austrian Vice-Consul, who was a Hungarian, turned up, and the old Montenegrin was resplendent in his best clothes, for he was going to the Palace that evening.

  10. Whilst we were seated chatting in the soft moonlight, Hormuzd was suddenly embraced by a young man resplendent with silk and gold embroidery and armed to the teeth.

  11. The Hyta-Bashis were, as usual, resplendent in silk and gold.

  12. From an institution, pitifully hampered at its beginning and during the first five years of its existence, has evolved one resplendent in its environments of sunshine and mountain air; of foliage, flowers and birds.

  13. It is the love which embraces the whole world; which shines resplendent wherever the eyes of men beam upon it, which exults wherever it hears the human voice.

  14. Both the girls wore dark blue suits trimmed with fur, but Ethelyn's was resplendent with wide lace-trimmed collars, and she wore clattering bangles on her wrists, and a fancy little muff hung round her neck by a silver chain.

  15. Ethelyn herself was resplendent in red silk trimmed with spangled lace.

  16. Then he and the Phoenician, each with his bundle of clothes and money, stepped into the boat and were pulled over the smooth waters to the side of the Fish of Tyre, resplendent in her new rigging and furnishing.

  17. Here, at a bound, Belshazzar alighted, dismissed his chariot, and turned to the resplendent slave who hurried out to meet him.

  18. She was still fingering her daughter when there was a clatter of yellow wheels outside, a prancing of glossy steeds on the hard pavement, and Ribata, in his most resplendent chariot, drew rein at the door of the tenement of Ut.

  19. It stood on the verge of the horizon now in the late afternoon, as if to see the resplendent setting of the sun.

  20. Bodily passion, which has been so unjustly decried, compels its victims to display every vestige that is in them of unselfishness and generosity, and so effectively that they shine resplendent in the eyes of all beholders.

  21. Theirs would be a lighter burden to those who have learned of that glorious home, where the resplendent shining of its bright ones is forever!

  22. Still obscure is the designation of the seventh month as the month of the 'resplendent mound,'[838] and so also is the designation of the second month.

  23. An aim which, as the rulers themselves tell us in their inscriptions, they always kept in view was to make both the exterior and interior of the temples resplendent with brilliant coloring--"brilliant as the sun.

  24. Now behind this herald two knights advanced, the one in glittering armour whose shield was resplendent with many quarterings, but beholding his companion, Beltane stared in wondering awe; for lo!

  25. It is resplendent in its multi-coloured, gem-like, tear-like glitter.

  26. Mrs. Hubbleston, resplendent in a glittering jetted gown, came into the kitchen to see that things were progressing properly.

  27. The Boarder presented a resplendent buckle, and Flamingus provided a gawdy hair-ribbon.

  28. It shone resplendent on a slender, shapely hand.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resplendent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beaming; beautiful; blinding; bright; brilliant; charismatic; dazzling; devastating; divine; erwhelming; flamboyant; flaming; garish; glamorous; glaring; glorious; glowing; golden; gorgeous; heavenly; illustrious; killing; luminous; lustrous; magical; magnificent; ornate; proud; radiant; raving; regal; resplendent; royal; shining; showy; sparkling; splendid; splendiferous; stunning; sublime; sumptuous; superb; vivid