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Example sentences for "rosary"

Lexicographically close words:
rorquals; rosaceous; rosae; rosaniline; rosaries; roscida; rose; rosea; roseate; roseaux
  1. In his hand he carried a rosary composed of a hundred clay beads, and, when he walked, the dignity of his demeanour was further enhanced by a long white mantle which he wore flung over his right shoulder.

  2. The daily penance was neglected now; the rosary lay untold; and never again would "Ave Maria Sanctissima" pass the lips of Don Juan Alvarez.

  3. Dona Beatriz took up a little golden crucifix that, attached to a rosary of coral beads, hung from her girdle.

  4. Clad in sackcloth, with a rosary at his waist, he was accustomed to beg his bread from door to door.

  5. Most of the men wore a rosary or charm about the neck, which they did not remove even when working naked, and all crossed themselves each time they entered the mine.

  6. He wore a rosary about his neck and a huge cross on his chest.

  7. Gherardi looked at him again sharply, but he was playing with his long rosary and smiling foolishly, and there seemed no use in wasting further speech upon him.

  8. When I said my prayers night and morning, went to mass and confession, and told my rosary every Mary-Feast, what happened?

  9. I tell you I envy the woman who can say her rosary with the simple belief that the Virgin Mary hears and takes delight in all those repetitions.

  10. And a rosary shone through the gloom, But never again was the Canon there found, Or the Ghost on the black marble tomb.

  11. Like the ladies of Creil, having recited my rosary of toleration, I look for my indulgence on the spot.

  12. The Association of the Living Rosary (of which I had never previously heard) is responsible for that.

  13. And this dear old friar with the mittens and rosary and the comfortable linsey-woolsey sort of face?

  14. Her bony fingers were loaded with loose rings, and a rosary hung at her wrist.

  15. He was a bearded man with a face full of light, almost of frenzy, and a cross and a rosary hung from his girdle.

  16. In Waelsch-Tirol the graves are not decked with flowers on All Souls' Day, as in Germany, but on the other hand it is customary for the parish clergy to gather their flocks round them, and say the Rosary kneeling amid the graves.

  17. The church was very full, and the people said the Rosary in common before the Office began.

  18. Over yonder the Rosary and Basilica cost them three millions of francs.

  19. At Espanola in November of 1965, I witnessed penitentes contributing such help to respected nonmembers: grave digging, financial aid, and a rosary service with alabados.

  20. Some Hindus walk round the cow one hundred and eight times, rosary in hand.

  21. The rosary is called mala and consists of one hundred and eight beads.

  22. Do thou repeat a rosary to the Virgin Mary, and I will say another in thy behalf; thus thou wilt drive away these evil thoughts.

  23. There appeared at his right side a father of the Society, holding in his hand a rosary of our Lady: upon his head he bore a diadem of golden brightness and a halo of the same splendor encompassed his breast.

  24. Yes, I'll begin the rosary this very night, for every lesson was perfect to-day, and I truly tried my best in everything.

  25. That night, Lloyd, mortified over her failure, stood long with the white rosary in her hand.

  26. She took up the uncompleted rosary and began slipping the beads back and forth over the string,--the string that would have been two-thirds full by this time if she could have gone on with school work.

  27. She could go on with her rosary then, and, instead of perfect lessons at school, she could fill the string in token of days spent unselfishly at home.

  28. She had kept tryst with the term's obligations, as the last pearl on the rosary could testify.

  29. Dressed in violet robes, the gold embroidered stole (kesa) over his shoulders, the rosary of crystal beads in hand, he approached the horse.

  30. Rosary in hand and intoning the nembutsu he stepped forth.

  31. He thrust the rosary of crystal beads into the vision's face.

  32. In the houses the rosary was recited and pious women dedicated paternosters and requiems to each of the souls of their relatives and friends.

  33. They lighted their way, some with torches, others with tapers, and others with paper lanterns on bamboo poles, while they recited the rosary at the top of their voices, as though quarreling with somebody.

  34. The poor mother had found a rosary at the bottom of a trunk; she hardly knew how to use it, but often fumbled the beads in her trembling fingers.

  35. He felt for his rosary under his pillow and it wasn't there.

  36. Returning his greeting, I advanced, noting his thin face, parchment-like skin, and his wasted fingers grasping the black rosary that showed he had made the pilgrimage.

  37. She approached me, a delicate-formed female, descending the stairs, covered with a long veil, with breviary and rosary in her hands.

  38. There was the Queen's rosary drawing me too.

  39. He went on to say that he had had the good fortune to pick up and restore to Queen Mary Beatrice a gold and coral rosary which she had dropped on her way to St. James's Palace from Whitehall.

  40. She was entirely dressed in blue and white, and had a rosary and cross at her girdle.

  41. You would not take the Queen's rosary before," he said.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rosary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    appeal; ark; beads; candle; censer; collect; communion; contemplation; cross; crucifix; cruet; devotions; entreaty; garment; grace; icon; intercession; invocation; litany; meditation; orison; petition; phylactery; prayer; relic; rood; rosary; sacramental; sprinkler; suit; supplication; tabernacle; thanks; thanksgiving