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Example sentences for "sanctum"

Lexicographically close words:
sanctos; sancts; sanctuarie; sanctuaries; sanctuary; sand; sandal; sandaled; sandalled; sandals
  1. Is not ivory indeed the most admirable material to serve as a sanctum for the most pure white flesh of the Sacrament?

  2. He was surprised, but agreeably so, that he was admitted, for the first time, into that private sanctum which bears the hackneyed title of boudoir.

  3. Thus matters stood in the saloon as the conversation within the sanctum was renewed.

  4. Sin Sin Wa set the lantern upon a Moorish coffee-table which once had stood beside the divan in Mrs. Sin's sanctum at the House of a Hundred Raptures.

  5. It's an army newspaper office, that's what it is--an American sanctum in the heart of France.

  6. In one letter she recognised the villainous hand of Mademoiselle Saget, denouncing the people who met in the little sanctum at Lebigre's.

  7. The evenings in the little sanctum were now far less noisy than they had been.

  8. At the end of a lengthy interview, James Glieve opened the door of his sanctum to show Doctor Hilary out.

  9. When Antony entered the private sanctum of James Glieve, he saw a stout red-faced man, with a suspicion of side whiskers and a slight appearance of ferocity, seated at a desk.

  10. Within the next week the inner sanctum of the Corrugated Trust is to be assailed by one who claims that he can penetrate the impenetrable, know the unknowable, and unscrew the inscrutable.

  11. She found her sanctum all aglow with autumn leaves, and on her table so many rare and pretty things she quite forgot she was an heiress, and only felt how rich she was in loving friends.

  12. Archie and Phebe are there, so he'd have the sense to pop into the sanctum and wait; unless you'd like me to go and bring him out?

  13. I never saw a more complete business establishment, and the editorial sanctum looked as if it might be the abiding place of the Muses.

  14. We saw Melrose by moonlight, spent several hours at Abbotsford, and lingered in the little sanctum sanctorum where Scott wrote his immortal works.

  15. He was even privileged to sit with the great man in the inner sanctum and copy letters for him, though he was summarily turned out to see the sights of the great city when a visitor was announced.

  16. Together they unlocked the door of Peter Masters' sanctum and the head clerk flung it open.

  17. But the laboratory is a sanctum reserved for the use of the sixth form.

  18. The grubs' dormitory is the sanctum sanctorum which no outsider must enter under pain of death.

  19. My first pretext for invading the sanctum was to bring Arthur a little waddling puppy of which Sancho was the father, and which delighted the child beyond expression, and, consequently, could not fail to please his mamma.

  20. This vault is that which was designated as the Sanctum Sanctorum or #Holy Hole#.

  21. There was no sound in the sanctum but the scratching of Frances' pen, moving swiftly over the paper.

  22. Can you come to the sanctum right after lunch?

  23. When Dorothy reached the sanctum that afternoon she found Beatrice and Frances there before her.

  24. For a space the sanctum sanctorum of the Boar's Head Inn was ill at ease.

  25. After a hearty lunch, I made my way back to the seat against the wall, while Moriarty lounged across to the store, and Martin went to speak to the High Priest at the door of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

  26. At the bidding of the Secretary, he re-entered the sanctum of the President, to whom he bowed low and impressively.

  27. When Harry Jermyn’s bill fell due he rushed down in a hansom to Abednego’s office in Throgmorton Street, and was—after an ominous delay—admitted to the sanctum of the great Abednego himself.

  28. I think the sanctum was real fun," said Gem; "but you did not read all the papers, Hugh?

  29. The blinds in the squire's sanctum were not drawn down, and Mrs. Powell could see the master of the house bending over his paper under the light of a reading lamp, with the rheumatic trainer seated by his side.

  30. At half-past ten he stood alone in that sanctum which was to know its grim master no more.

  31. It was with a little reluctance that Gregoriev entered this sanctum of the great magician's world.

  32. But, unfortunately for Piotr, the young master was as uncommunicative as the old; and the door to the inner sanctum had, throughout this interview, been shut and bolted.

  33. Mr. Brooke dined at six o'clock, then smoked a cigar and had a cup of black coffee brought to him in the untidy little sanctum where he generally did his work.

  34. She was in her dressing-gown, and sitting before the fire that had been lighted in her own little sanctum upstairs; but she was not smoking as she was usually at that hour.

  35. His bright, black eyes were all smiles, the whole of his handsome face wore a caressing expression, and he entered the ministerial sanctum leisurely and gracefully, with an easy air of conquest.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sanctum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    cabinet; cell; cloister; closet; den; hermitage; hideout; lair; privacy; recess; retreat; sanctuary; sanctum; shrine