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Example sentences for "scutes"

Lexicographically close words:
scutcheons; scutching; scute; scutellation; scutellum; scuto; scutt; scuttering; scuttle; scuttlebutt
  1. Having a single series of large scutes on the posterior side of the tarsus; -- said of certain birds.

  2. Having the anterior scutes extending around the tarsus on the inner side; -- said of certain birds.

  3. Hastingsiae) was covered with scutes exceedingly like those of the modern Caiman and Jacare.

  4. The median line of the back corresponds in general with the suture between the two middle scutes of each transverse row; so that the scutes are disposed symmetrically on either side of that line.

  5. In the next six rows there are ten scutes in a row, and in the last three, twelve.

  6. The dorsal scutes are articulated together, as in the preceding genus; and there are similarly-articulated ventral scutes.

  7. In the first six rows the scutes are very small, and increase in number up to twelve in a row.

  8. The dorsal scutes are articulated together by lateral sutures and anterior and posterior facets; and there is a ventral shield, consisting of similarly articulated scutes.

  9. The outer edges of the outermost scutes only, thin off and exhibit no sutural serration, inasmuch as they are not directly connected with ANY other scutes.

  10. The cervical scutes are arranged in two transverse rows, each of which contains two scutes; and there is no space left between the posterior row and the tergal series.

  11. The dorsal scutes are not articulated; and there are no ventral scutes.

  12. All recent Crocodilia have both scales and scutes in the dorsal region of the body, the scutes underlying, and having the same general form as the scales.

  13. The low numbers of ventrals and caudals in specimens from Michoacan, as compared with more northern populations, may be indicative of a trend in the reduction of the numbers of these scutes from north to south.

  14. Variation and relative growth in the plastral scutes of the turtle Kinosternon integrum LeConte.

  15. The large series from Coalcoman contains juveniles and adults; these turtles formed the basis for the study of relative growth of plastral scutes in this species by Mosimann (1956).

  16. The head bears a pair of horn-like scutes, and the scutes of the carapace and tail, which are loosely opposed or slightly overlapping, form a number of transverse rows.

  17. Having the anterior scutes extending around the tarsus on the outer side, leaving the inner side naked; -- said of certain birds.

  18. Sometimes these scales assumed the importance of scutes and formed a carapace, as in the "batrachian armadillo" discovered by E.

  19. It has a few less soft rays in the dorsal and anal fins, and but thirty-five bony scutes along the lateral line; otherwise it is very similar.

  20. There is always a more or less complete exoskeleton formed of bony scutes overlain by epidermal scales; these bony scutes are specially well developed on the dorsal surface but may occur also on the ventral.

  21. Behind this buckler numerous scutes are generally developed, which often cover the whole ventral surface, and may cover the whole body.

  22. The mid-body region is protected by a varying number of bands of scutes united by soft skin, so as to allow of movement.

  23. The exoskeleton generally has the form of epidermal scales, which are often combined with underlying bony dermal plates or scutes and may sometimes form a continuous armour.

  24. The scutes are arranged in two distinct areas, viz.

  25. The surface is generally completely covered with overlapping horny epidermal scales, below which bony dermal scutes may be developed.

  26. In Chlamydophorus the scutes are mainly confined to the posterior region where they form a strong vertically-placed shield which coalesces with the pelvis.

  27. The body is covered with overlapping horny scales and bony dermal scutes are never present.

  28. The =bony scutes of armadillos= are quadrate or polygonal in shape and are in general aggregated together, forming several shields protecting various regions of the body.

  29. The scutes of some extinct forms articulate with one another by a peg and socket arrangement as in some Ganoid fish.

  30. The tail is also generally encased in bony rings, and scutes are irregularly scattered over the surface of the limbs.

  31. Contiguous scutes are united to one another by interlocking sutures.

  32. Sometimes as in Caiman sclerops, Jacare and Teleosaurus, the scutes completely invest the body, being so arranged as to form a dorsal and a ventral shield, and a continuous series of rings round the tail.

  33. These overlie the bony scutes of armadillos and occur covering the tail in several groups of mammals, such as beavers and rats.

  34. Such are the rings of the body in Insects, the shells of the Gasteropods and Molluscs, with scales and scutes in general.

  35. The number of subcaudal scutes varies from 55 to 89.

  36. In species that periodically shed scutes a zone of fracture develops between the old and new layers of the scute as each new layer of epidermis is formed, and the old layer is shed.

  37. Wear on the shell of a box turtle reduces the thickness of scutes, as does the shedding of scutes in the aquatic emyids mentioned.

  38. When growth ceases at the beginning of hibernation, the thin edges of the scutes are slightly down-turned where they enter the interlaminal seams (Fig.

  39. Turtles were marked by notching the marginal scutes of the carapace by means of a hacksaw blade, following the code system described by Cagle (1939).

  40. Nearly all the scutes of the shell had fallen off and large pieces of dead bone could be pulled away, exposing a gnarled mass of regenerating bone and epidermis.

  41. Retention of scutes in terrestrial emyids and in testudinids is one of many specializations for existence on land.

  42. It may further be understood that scutes grow in the manner described by Carr (loc.

  43. Retention of scutes protects the shell of terrestrial chelonians against wear.

  44. Lateral parts of marginal scutes are always pale yellow and form a border around the carapace.

  45. Exfoliation ordinarily occurred on the scutes of the carapace that were the least worn; the exfoliating portion included the areola and the three or four oldest (first formed) layers of the scute.

  46. Some box turtles were observed to have several scutes of the carapace in the process of exfoliation but no exfoliation was observed on the plastron.

  47. Markings on the central and lateral scutes vary from a regularly arranged series of well defined spots and a middorsal stripe to a general scattering of small flecks.

  48. Examination of parasagittal sections of scutes revealed that they were composed of layers, the number of layers varying with the age of the scute.

  49. The costal scutes join the marginal scutes on the marginal plates.

  50. The sulci bounding the scutes are moderately impressed.

  51. In Dercetis scutatus the scutes are large and the dorsal fin is very long.

  52. These are elongate fishes, the scales small or wanting, but with two or more series of bony scutes along the flanks.

  53. In this group, the body is enveloped in a bony box, made of six-sided scutes connected by sutures, leaving only the jaws, fins and tail free.

  54. The scutes along the back lost in the specimen.

  55. These florens the same Walsingha{m} in another place callethe scutes or frenche crownes, pa.

  56. Whiche scutes in lyke manner, in the tyme of kinge Henry the sixte were of the same valewe, as apperethe in Fortescues commentaries of the lawes of Englande.

  57. Dermal scutes are best represented in Acipenser and some Siluroid Fishes.

  58. In most Fishes the primitive dermal scutes have become subdermal membrane bones, and the infra-clavicle is usually not distinct, but the two clavicles form the most important part of the membranous elements of the girdle.

  59. The membrane bones, as they present themselves in their most primitive state in Acipenser and the Siluroids, are dermal scutes embracing the anterior edge of the cartilaginous girdle.

  60. In Acipenser there are three scutes on each side.

  61. Fishes; and may have been evolved as bony scutes in the subdermal tissue of the papillae of the sauropsidan scales.

  62. The impressions appear to have been left by horny scutes or scales, not overlapping like the scales on the body of most modern reptiles, but more like the scutes on the head of a lizard.

  63. It appears that outside this bony system of scutes were horny epidermic scales, corresponding exactly with the tesserae which they cover.

  64. The various forms of Armadillos are largely distinguished by the number of movable thin bands of scutes lying between the large anterior and posterior shields.

  65. It has the same terminal tube of osseous scutes upon the tail.

  66. In the next figure the body-line is omitted, and three dotted scutes alone represent the animal.

  67. The four scutes of the next designs assume a symmetrical position, and the central crossed line may represent the alligator's body.

  68. The hind-limbs do the same, except that the pattern is interrupted in the median dorsal line by a double row of tubercles, which represent the prominent dorsal scutes of this region in the living animal.

  69. The scutes (or scales) are represented by spotted triangles and run along the entire length of the back; a row of dashes in the mouth indicates the teeth.

  70. The hind-limbs are narrow, but retain their characteristic forward bend; the dorsal caudal scutes are replaced by numerous parallel transverse lines.

  71. Another point of interest is the replacing of the central row of caudal scutes by a plain ridge; so far as I am aware this is unique.

  72. The artist mistook the upper for the lower surface when he carved the fore-limbs, for it will be seen that the toes are above and the dorsal scutes are placed below.

  73. A), which represents the prominent scutes in this region of the real animal.

  74. Tarsus with transverse scutes in front; wing very long, extending beyond end of tail; plumage chestnut and white in adult.

  75. The scutes or dermal portions of the scales are more or less ossified, especially on the back, and form the characteristic dermal armour.

  76. The scutes on the neck, six in number, are packed closely together, the four biggest forming a square.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scutes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.