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Example sentences for "shimmer"

Lexicographically close words:
shillingsworth; shillins; shim; shima; shimba; shimmered; shimmering; shimmers; shimmery; shims
  1. By some mighty refraction of the beams of light, these miserable scavengers of the desert had been magnified into formidable, mounted warriors, and the glint of steel that I had seen, was but the shimmer of sunbeams upon their black wings.

  2. As he spoke the bending rays of the rising sun swept along the sterile earth, and a shimmer in the air close to the ground revealed how swiftly the heat waves were advancing.

  3. On the brink there is a rolling crest of white, dotted here and there, in sharp contrast, with shining eddies of green, as might a necklace of emerald shimmer on a throat of snow, and then the leap and fall.

  4. Here was nothing except a line of gray-green downs undulating against space, in a dip of which was the shimmer of fusing sky and sea.

  5. Dorothy, by spending in complete seclusion the two months before rehearsals began, prepared herself to shimmer as clearly as she could in the shimmering galaxy that was to make "The River Girl" as big a hit as "Miss Elsie of Chelsea.

  6. It dropped on the torn green sea a shimmer that was almost dazzling; but ere was something incongruous about that--as though Nature had covered her victim with a spangled scarf.

  7. The moonlight flooded them full, caught glitter and gleam from wing-sockets, shot shimmer and sheen from wing-tips, sent cataracts of iridescent color pulsing between.

  8. He withdrew his encircling arm, released her hand, walked to the end of the aviary, and stood watching the shimmer of the fountain, where two of the ring-doves held their wings aslant to catch the spray.

  9. The rest is all darkness, except the vague shimmer on the floor, suggesting the footlight on the platform of a concert hall.

  10. There is nothing more gratifying to the eye than a bright, haphazard shimmer on some objects while the remainder is lost in a vague, picturesque haze.

  11. But it was not the shimmer of spangled tulle nor the chatter of merry girls that called it forth.

  12. The King's son walked in the garden fair, And the little handmaiden came, Through the midst of a shimmer of roses red, Like a sunbeam through a flame.

  13. Dear lady of love, be kind to me In days when the waters of hope abate, And doubt like a shimmer on sand shall be, In the year yet, Lady, to dream and wait.

  14. Modred stretched out his great arms and smiled, a grim shimmer of joy over his ruffian's face.

  15. A light breeze rent the vapours, and a shimmer of sunlight quivered through the haze.

  16. Dark masses of rock tower skyward five hundred feet in a perpendicular wall, casting a dark shadow over the twilight shimmer of the water.

  17. The weather gets insufferably hot; in places the rocks fairly shimmer with heat, and are so hot that one can scarce hold the hand to them.

  18. Twice he looked back to the shimmer of sunshine that was growing more and more indistinct.

  19. The shimmer of glistening dew was in her hair.

  20. And Nada stood very close to him, so that her brown head lightly touched his shoulder and he could see the silken shimmer of loose tresses which with sweet intent she had let fall over his arm.

  21. At the big wood-pile half a stone's throw away he saw the shimmer of her brown curls in the sun, and a glimpse of her white face as it was turned for an instant toward the cabin.

  22. He could see the dull shimmer of starlight in her hair, but the rest of her was a shadow that gave no sign of life.

  23. Nada sat up, and it was now so light that he could see the soft shimmer of her hair in the starlight.

  24. It is the most beautiful hair in the world," says he, touching with gentle, reverential fingers the silken coils that glint and shimmer in the sunlight.

  25. The only light now came from the red-shaded standing lamp, which cast a flowery shimmer upon them.

  26. There was a shimmer upon and around him like the halo about a saint in gold and brocade.

  27. The golden shimmer of early autumn poured its enchantment over them.

  28. Then the train came out on wide plains, full of the glaucous shimmer of young oats and the golden-green of fresh-sprinkled wheat fields, where the mist on the horizon was purplish.

  29. The blue sky flicked with pinkish-white clouds gave a shimmer of blue and lavender and white to the bright water.

  30. On a narrow and very ancient bridge they stopped and looked at the water, full of a shimmer of blue and green and grey from the sky and from the vivid new leaves of the willow trees along the bank.

  31. The shimmer of light came into the blue eyes again.

  32. The shimmer of spruce and cedar and balsam turned to a somber black.

  33. The birch light was glowing in her hair; it trembled on her white throat; her long lashes were caught in the shimmer of it.

  34. Through his window, as he sat bolstered up in his cot, Kent could see the slow-moving shimmer of the great Athabasca River as it moved on its way toward the Arctic Ocean.

  35. She had fallen asleep, and he could see the dull shimmer of her golden curls as they lay scattered over Pelliter's pillow.

  36. She had drawn away from him now until he could see nothing of her but the shimmer of her thick braid where it lay in a ray of light.

  37. Laurence, standing upright within it, could make out three seated figures, the shimmer of their head-rings and the occasional shine of eyeballs being the only distinct feature about them.

  38. A filmy haze lay upon the lower valley bottom, and the ground gave forth a shimmer of heat.

  39. A suggestion of the delicately carpeted woods, and the shimmer of sunlight on a summer day toward the sun setting.

  40. At noontide a shimmer of gold, through the haze, pours the sun from his pathway.

  41. Upon his folded arm he rests his head; The sleeping kisses of the sun repose Upon his delicate body softly spread, And shimmer from his shoulders to his toes.

  42. He looked up through a shimmer of moisture into the pale young face with its dark, kindly eyes and sensitive mouth.

  43. There were shimmer and spangle and firefly sparklings in the lustrous folds of her gown.

  44. We used to say to each other all sorts of wonderful things which the shimmer of those fires, combined with the moonlight, used to put into our heads, and then go down and tell our friends what we imagined we had seen.

  45. Here there was growing and flourishing every thing in the nature of colewort, rape, lettuce, pease and beans, in such a shimmer of light, and in such luxuriance that it is impossible to describe it.

  46. The golden shimmer of Edna's satin gown spread in rich folds on either side of her.

  47. The moon was coming up, and its mystic shimmer was casting a million lights across the distant, restless water.

  48. She looked down, noticing the black line of his leg moving in and out so close to her against the yellow shimmer of her gown.

  49. By the shimmer of blue under the beeches Roy knew that summer--"really truly summer!

  50. For here the sky lay all around your feet in a shimmer of bluebells: and high overhead were domes of cool green light, where the sun came flickering and filtering through millions of leaves.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shimmer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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