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Example sentences for "shod"

Lexicographically close words:
shocked; shocker; shocking; shockingly; shocks; shoddy; shoe; shoeblack; shoed; shoeing
  1. For the front pair of shoes were joined by a chain riveted stoutly to each, and the hind pair also; and both horses were shod alike.

  2. And they were shod as he had never seen horses shod before.

  3. And Rodriguez was not far out when he guessed that whenever la Garda overtook their horses they would find that Fernandez was far away making holiday, while he who shod them now would be gone upon other business.

  4. He pulled up, studied the contour of the ground behind him, looked ahead, saw the mark of a shod hoof between two rocks.

  5. The bartender would tell you that he went straight to sleep, with the fur coat pulled up over his ears and his legs uncovered, his modishly-shod feet extending beyond the end of the table.

  6. The captain now gave a furious pull at the bell; and, when the slip-shod waiter appeared, he demanded a conference with the keeper of the Coffee-house.

  7. What those merciless, steel-shod hoofs had left of the head and the youthful body indicated a man somewhere in his twenties.

  8. The sergeant, producing a small tape measure dotted down careful measurements of the over-shoed imprints and their length of stride, also the size of the shod hoof-marks.

  9. Then the father had the cock shod once more, and was pleased that Hans the Hedgehog would never return again.

  10. After this Hans the Hedgehog said, "Father, let me have the cock shod once more at the forge, and then I will ride away and never come back as long as I live.

  11. He knew that near where the cousins were sliding, the trunk of a tree formed a sort of bridge over the brook, and enabled the cow-boys to pass dry-shod in summer.

  12. I shouldn't like to have my horses shod by you, unless at a great pinch indeed.

  13. But I had not yet shod my little gry; this I proceeded now to do.

  14. It is said that the household of the shoemaker invariably go worse shod than that of any other craft.

  15. He lifted up his own small foot, which was well shod in American shoes.

  16. I heard a shuffling of softly shod feet in the passage behind the image.

  17. Out from under the white skirt flashed a capable and solidly-shod foot.

  18. What the ancients said of the avenging gods, that they are shod with wool," says Lieber, "is true of great ideas in history.

  19. There was a sudden sound of heavily shod feet running across the puncheon floor within, a wild, incoherent exclamation smote the air, an interval of significant silence ensued.

  20. The farm hand at the plow released the handle, and the slip-shod maid appeared in the door of the cow-shed, spry and nimble enough at meal time.

  21. And Susan tapped the pavement with a well-shod boot and showed her white teeth.

  22. But after some minutes thus passed, their search proves fruitless; no shod hoof-print, save that of the pony, to be seen.

  23. For a long while the hunter-naturalist, with Francesca by his side, sits in his saddle contemplating the shod hoof-prints in a reverie of reflection.

  24. Odd, those tracks of a shod horse; four times back and forward!

  25. Among them is one showing a shod hoof; but he knows that has not been made by his master's horse, the bar being larger and broader, with the claw more deeply indented.

  26. I don't any longer see the tracks of that shod horse.

  27. No matter about this shod horse and his back-track," he continues, once more heading his own animal to the trail.

  28. And I could discover none by the old tolderia that seemed at all fresh, excepting those of the shod horse.

  29. No delay, no recklessness; but one of these iron-shod hoofs as it flung out had caught the child full on the temple, and there was no need to ask what that curved blue mark meant, which had gone crashing into the skull.

  30. The only sounds were the scuffle of sandals in the dusty road and the muffled thud of straw-shod horse hoofs.

  31. We advanced under the gate roof, our presence loudly announced by the scuffle of my sandals and the clang of my escort’s iron-shod clogs on the stone flagging.

  32. At the same moment I heard the sound of rushing iron-shod feet.

  33. Upon our feet iron-shod sandals were bound firmly over the white silk foot mittens, in keeping with our role of monks of noble blood, vowed to a pilgrimage to Zozoji and just in off the road.

  34. In as many seconds a dozen of the guard were lying mutilated under the iron-shod sandals of the ronins.

  35. The iron-shod sandals of samurais and bearers clattered on the stone flags of the broad courtyard within the gate.

  36. I kept straight on, trusting to the gathering gloom to hide the traces of my flight, and to the noise of the pursuit to drown the thud of my iron-shod sandals on the turf.

  37. Bones crunched under the iron-shod sandals of my bearers.

  38. Having partaken of a cold joint, and the slip-shod girl of the house having provided them with a jug of hot water, the two gentlemen commenced the evening’s orgie.

  39. Frank Curtis, as the slip-shod domestic entered the room.

  40. The slip-shod girl answered the summons, and was forthwith despatched for a supply of whiskey at the wine-vaults which the lodgers honoured with their custom.

  41. Day after day, and all day long, unshod, they had travelled over the sharp lava, with the extra weight of a man on their backs, and their hoofs were in better condition than those of the shod horses.

  42. I did not say anything, for just then we were being received by a gracious woman, a beautiful Madonna, clad in flowing white and shod with sandals, who greeted us as though she had known us always.

  43. All of which was bound to happen when feet were shod with faery shoes.

  44. After a while he heard the sound repeated faintly somewhere farther on, and that was followed by the soft opening of a door, and then a swift scurry of softly shod feet retreated in the distance.

  45. The Cimmerian placed a mail-shod foot on his enemy's breast, and lifted his sword.

  46. He remembered the words of the oracle that bade him beware of a half-shod man, and straightway he gave orders to his guards to lay hands upon the youth.

  47. What the oracle answered was this: that King Pelias had but one thing to dread--the coming of a half-shod man.

  48. But, as you all see, I have brought the half-shod man to my palace and my feasting hall, so little do I dread the anger of the gods.

  49. He rose from his chair, placed the jewel on the hearthstone, and fiercely ground the precious stone beneath his iron-shod heel, and flung the crushed and distorted gold setting into the fire.

  50. His spur lightly touched the horse's flank, and the springy turf yielded to the iron-shod hooves; there was a waving of a disappearing hand, and the brown girl was left alone.

  51. The good man fancies, no doubt, that we are fast asleep in the straw here, but let him hold up our feet to be shod and he will see which foot it is we go lame on.

  52. While the footing was soft he urged the wearied horse up the slope; at the first rocky space he abandoned the poor beast lest the floundering of shod hoofs should betray him.

  53. So they'll find a fresh-shod track going east--a track matching the fourth track we left on the road.

  54. They'll read our sign; they'll see where four shod horses came up the road.

  55. At the bow the keel was shod with a strip of brass.

  56. However, the village blacksmith came to our rescue and shod our sledge with sleigh runner iron.

  57. Each runner was shod with a strip of brass, fastened on with flathead screws, which were countersunk, so that the heads should not project below the brass.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shod" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.