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Example sentences for "squinted"

Lexicographically close words:
squids; squiggly; squill; squinch; squint; squinting; squints; squire; squirearchy; squireen
  1. He squinted again at the sky, cocked his ear like a spaniel and got no faint humming, replaced the slip in his book and the book in his torn-down pocket, and presently meandered back to town.

  2. He studied the photograph with pursed lips, his left eye squinted that his right eye might peer through a small reading glass.

  3. They squinted into the sun to see the plane head straight away toward the Rolling R, its little wheels looking very much like the tucked-up feet of some gigantic bird, until it had dwindled to the rigid, dragon-fly outline.

  4. Sandy squinted to where Jerry had pointed, and made out a dim white shape through the darkness, surely no more than a few hundred yards behind them!

  5. He steadied the flare gun on the edge of the afterdeck and squinted down its length, aiming at the spinnaker!

  6. So Oswald opened the trap-door and squinted down, and there was that Archibald with his beastly hair cut.

  7. The English youth did just that as he jerked his head around and squinted up toward the sun.

  8. He came over to the edge of the rock shelf, shielded his eyes with his hands and squinted up into the sky.

  9. He screwed his head about thoughtfully, squinted at his pipe, tapped it several times on the porch rail, blew through the stem, then finally cleared his throat.

  10. He squinted through his glasses at the nearing couple.

  11. He stopped and squinted along the imaginary line from his ball to the wicket.

  12. He squinted up his-eye, taking a careful aim; and he let his trigger finger slip gently inside the trigger guard--but he never fired.

  13. Judge Priest's eyes squinted in whimsical appreciation of this admission.

  14. It was Steve's voice which spoke, and at the order the heavy deckard which the trapper carried went to his shoulder, and his eye squinted along the sights.

  15. A whispered warning was passed down the ranks, and all squinted through their loopholes, watching the hulking figure of the Indian as he ascended.

  16. Then the stock went to his shoulder, his brown cheek fell closer to it, and his eye squinted along the sights.

  17. Through the haze of the first two puffs he squinted across at the glum face of his friend, and said: "Don't be an ass.

  18. He squinted aggressively at the older engineer, who entered with his usual air of seeming absorption in the performance of his most trivial actions.

  19. Dalgard squinted at the sun sparkling on the waves.

  20. The man, who was well dressed and powerfully built, squinted through his spectacles out of little, inflamed and pig-like eyes.

  21. He cast a disgusted glance at Barres, squinted at Westmore through his greasy monocle in hostile silence; then, taking Esme's arm, made them all a too profound obeisance and sauntered away along the terrace.

  22. He squinted in through the corner of the window, and inspected each one of the gang separately.

  23. Then he dropped the weapon into position, and there was a tense silence aboard as Tomkins squinted along his sights.

  24. Did you find out when you squinted at the sun?

  25. He snapped the locks and squinted down the barrels of half a dozen to test them.

  26. His unsteady, sinister eyes squinted into Dick's, then with a lightning motion his hand flashed toward his belt.

  27. Toma squinted up at it and shook his head.

  28. Sandy tongued his cheek and in the bright light of that perfect morning he squinted at his chum.

  29. I squinted to see if anyone else was peeking.

  30. Rama stopped talking, squinted his eyes, and aimed his index finger at me.

  31. Then he squinted and focused his gaze above our heads.

  32. Then, borrowing a technique from the Castaneda books, I squinted and crossed my eyes until Chinmoy transformed into swirls of shimmering light.

  33. I did not tell her, nor did I acknowledge, that the mystical experiences mostly occurred after I crossed or squinted my eyes, or after I gazed at Chinmoy for two minutes or more.

  34. He seized it back and squinted for a long moment, lifting the page even closer to the light.

  35. He squinted around at the side-lights, and seeing nothing in the shape of a vessel ahead, went aft to relieve Hansen at the wheel.

  36. A man squinted aloft after the last sweat had been given at the sheets.

  37. He squinted so curiously at Nessa that I feared he suspected her sex.

  38. He shrugged his shoulders and squinted at me with a suggestive smile.

  39. He squinted against the sun and tried to see.

  40. He looked up and squinted through the mist.

  41. Armont squinted through the hood of his balaclava into the billowing CS that was enveloping the room.

  42. Regan squinted at old Dan--and squinted at the 1608 on the pit beside him.

  43. He waved his comrades to one side and squinted along the sight.

  44. Now the chance was coming, and the men could be seen moistening their hands ere they seized their pikes or cutlasses, while the gunners blew at their port-fires and squinted along the cannon.

  45. Behind the wheel of the weatherbeaten, sunburned car, Dean Rawson squinted his eyes against the glare.

  46. His eyes squinted against the glare and caught the character of the rock before he was able to distinguish details, and in the black limestone big disks of gray mineral had been set.

  47. He squinted his eyes in the dim light to see more plainly the beastly figure, more horrible for being so nearly human.

  48. She pulled her square-rimmed spectacles down on her nose and squinted up at us.

  49. The hunchback thrust his hand between the calks, raised the shoe and squinted along its surface to see if it were entirely level.

  50. The eyes of the hunchback squinted an instant, and then hardened in his face.

  51. Stephen squinted none the less, but his whittle was yet in his belt.

  52. Therewith came Stephen into the hall, and he did them to wit that the hazels were pitched, and now he squinted no more.

  53. As for Stephen, he stood before Hardcastle with a face seeming solemn, save that he squinted fearfully, looking all down along his long nose.

  54. He beckoned Blunt, and that dour old salt squinted at the sight that had staggered the mate.

  55. Shove orf, me son," added Bill Blunt and squinted along his belaying pin straight at Leyden.

  56. He suggested the reason for his nickname as he sat there and squinted at his associates.

  57. He squinted under the edge of his palm and waited.

  58. Captain Downs instinctively squinted aloft at the scud which was dimming the stars; he sniffed at the volleying wind.

  59. He squinted at the mizzen rigging where the lanterns revealed the damage.

  60. Mayo squinted at the sun, did a moment's quick reckoning from the tide time of the day before, and smiled.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "squinted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.