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Example sentences for "disgusted"

Lexicographically close words:
disguised; disguises; disguising; disguisings; disgust; disgustedly; disgustful; disgusting; disgustingly; disgusts
  1. Pleasure had disgusted me, and the only ambition I had yet courted and pursued had palled upon me still more.

  2. He was disgusted with what he called the drivelling of some unhappy specimens of the Church which had come in his way; he disbelieved the truth of what such men professed.

  3. But Mr. Rossitur, disgusted with his first experiment, resolved this season to be his own head man; and appointed Lucas Springer the second in command, with a posse of labourers to execute his decrees.

  4. His smooth persistence in keeping up appearances after we had thoroughly understood each other disgusted me.

  5. Then, feeling disgusted with the horrid close smell of the cab (somebody had been smoking in it, I suppose), I got out to walk the rest of the way.

  6. He looked disgusted and wronged, and glared at Herbert as if to inquire how he could have the face to outrage his feelings in that way.

  7. He was disgusted with the utter disregard of fair dealing exhibited by Abner Holden, though he was not surprised at it.

  8. You are slightly mistaken, stranger," said the other, who was disgusted at the traveler's unreasonableness.

  9. Within a week he had disgusted her to such an extent that she almost repented of the bargain.

  10. It was the face of a procuress of the lowest and most desperate type, of a deformed she-wolf of the slums, of the worst there is in all abandoned human nature, and Harlson was as interested as I was disgusted and repelled.

  11. Then I pelted the animal with sticks and stones till he got disgusted and moved away.

  12. As he crept stealthily along on my tracks, not fifty yards away, I was disgusted at his sleuth-hound persistence and crafty malignity.

  13. I saw she was utterly disgusted with the whole thing.

  14. She would have been disgusted with such a state of barbarism.

  15. The people became disgusted with defamatory political literature, and the honorable members of both parties abjured it altogether.

  16. It was as if a man in middle life, disgusted with his profession, should abandon it to take up another.

  17. The spoliation of the museums; for the people were disgusted with kings, nobles, and prelates, but not with the arts.

  18. Gueronnay thinks Shakespeare lacks power; and Sir John is disgusted with the French women, because they want grace!

  19. Karvay and Skinner were utterly disgusted with this resolution.

  20. Disgusted as he was, he dropped his kalpac, which was immediately trodden down by the crowd.

  21. Dickie," exclaimed his disgusted wife, "how dare you talk like that?

  22. Reviewing the scene now, the sordidness of it gripped her, disgusted her.

  23. It disgusted him; though probably had he not been in love with the man's wife it would not have struck him so unpleasantly.

  24. This interview with the admiral disgusted me.

  25. The talk concerning Brassy Bangs wanting to run for the office of major was true, and the cadet was much disgusted when he found that the regulations of the Hall forbade this.

  26. They disgusted Captain Baster: when he became their stepfather, it would be his first task to see that they learned a respectful silence in the presence of their elders.

  27. Erebus carried his defense to the Terror with an air of bitter triumph; and there was a touch of disgusted misanthropy in her manner for several days.

  28. The priory was founded by some old courtier or soldier in the time of Henry the First, who got disgusted with the world.

  29. Because, religion is the most precious thing in the world to me; and by your rule, I must be disgusted with the world, and all sweet things have lost their savour.

  30. It was all very well to try to evade discussion: Owen Gereth was looking to her for a struggle, and it wasn't a bit of a struggle to be disgusted and dumb.

  31. She's awfully keen about that, and awfully disgusted that I don't.

  32. The senate had set a price upon his head; but there was every probability that he would have triumphed, had he not disgusted his army by immoderate severities.

  33. Once in his room at the hotel he tried to sleep, but he could not; he tried to read, but everything disgusted him; he tried to write, and wrote nonsense.

  34. Indeed, the idea disgusted him, being as much in love as he was.

  35. In a small parterre we either trace with pleasure the marks of the gardener's attention or are disgusted with his negligence.

  36. At last a counsellor of the French Parliament disgusted with the florist's selfishness, artfully contrived when visiting the garden to drop his robe upon the flower in such a manner as to sweep off some of the seeds.

  37. Before Mrs. Porter's disgusted gaze he drained the glass and then turned to her, a new man.

  38. Bailey was disgusted at this futile attempt to hide the known facts of the case from him.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disgusted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abhorrent; anguished; anxious; averse; bored; cheerless; crammed; depressed; disgusted; engorged; full; glutted; gorged; grim; jaded; joyless; loathing; nauseated; nauseous; overfed; overfull; overstuffed; replete; revolted; sad; sated; satiated; satisfied; saturated; sick; stuffed; supersaturated; surfeited; uneasy; unfulfilled; ungoverned; unhappy; unquiet; unsatisfied; weary